About Me

My photo
Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.




  1. I never did stop crying and swearing... But I do what I can xxx

  2. that pretty much says it all...

    this is from a dirge i wrote (Requiem For Extinction, originally about endangered birds, but it applies in (far too) many other ways...

    "Does this mean that love and sharing
    Only count for one's own kind?
    Would you cure us of our caring -
    Make us selfish, smug, and blind?
    We refuse to learn this lesson :
    Claim our right to strive - and grieve
    If our efforts meet with failure...
    But one thing we must believe :
    That a heaven welcomes small souls
    Crowded out by human greed...
    Treats them gently - soothes their sorrow -
    And fulfills their every need."

    it is horrifying how many "people" have far less right to the term "humanity" than the least of the "dumb animals...

  3. It is a superb piece and says perfectly how I feel; thank you for sharing. I never could accept a religion that regards animals as "soul-less" despite their obvious sentience (whilst even the most appallingly cruel of human beings apparently has a "soul"), and which allows human beings to regard living, breathing, hurting creatures as objects to own and discard. If there is a Heaven for human beings there has to be one for all of the wonderful cretures with which we share the planet.

    Although I confess I am not sure about fleas, bed-bugs and ticks... We took a tick off Boyfriend the other day... Eugh...

  4. lol...one does wonder what their "divine" purpose is. also mosquitos and yellowjackets.
