About Me

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Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.



it would seem that we were premature in expecting only good things and good will from the return of the "original" management...the initial open communication appears to have broken down, and there are disquieting backstage rumbles. one of the people attempting to be reinstated has been shut down at every turn, in some cases with highly spurious justifications - in one instance we are actually looking at death by typo...("tuck" for "truck", which was read as something nastier, and the reported word being taken as gospel rather than the original reference checked), and Scott, who did his best to act as a go-between to resolve the problem amicably, is now reported as no longer associated with the site management...whether by his choice or otherwise is unknown.

it is distressing to see the renaissance of FooPets - which we were hopeful, and incautious, enough to endorse - stalling out due to what amount to ego wars...what are other people's sense of the state of our once-happy little nation? it would be nice indeed to hear from management as well as members, but it looks like those (brief) days are gone.


  1. You have just put into words what I have been thinking. I received an email yesterday letting me know that one of my accts was closing and for only $.... I could keep it open. I thought to myself, why would I continue to pay for something that is not really fun anymore. Money is too hard to come by on a fixed income and I find it hard to justify spending money on a game that doesn't support its members and doesn't seem truly interested in fixing the glitches or making the game fun again. I love my pets, each and every one of them, but it has become a chore instead of a joy. I still have hope, but it is quickly diminishing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have been feeling the same way wolfen, though for way longer than a few months. I let my sub expire last month, summer months make it hard to get on anyways. Left a note saying id be back in Sept. My thoughts now however are not gearing towards returning. I am not sure what is going on with management but from my angle not looking like a good outcome. The site has been over taken by rude lil teenagers who like begging and "bending" the rules until they get busted doing so. Making the admin work even harder trying to keep it a nice place to be. Maybe I am just getting too old, or just tired but I lack the effort to keep the "hope for the best" attitude alive anymore...

  4. I have to say, this is the darkest I ever remember feeling about and towards Foo. People have been suspended/banned/lost everything they fought over years to build up. I saw one member suspended from the forums "indefinitely" for posting an outside link when a ton of other members were doing the same, while another player who used the foulest language possible on a thread where they just went off the hook was suspended briefly and has now returned. All the long standing adults on the site seem to be being picked on by management, if you haven't yet, just wait, you'll see. If you message or use the forums, eventually they will warn you for something. Another player was warned for antagonizing members when all she did was ask questions about the ledger glitch, the list goes on and on. And meanwhile, the kids, for the most part, get away with murder. Unless for some reason management sees them as a troublemaker and wants them out. They are targeting specific people, people who were pillars of the Foo community. Were they afraid of the power they could potentially wield? Well kicking them out or giving them warning after warning will only give them more. Now we have martyrs and people are everywhere quitting in part because of that. I have never truly considered leaving Foo behind until recently, and it has become unbearable. I don't want to lose the Bonding badge that I have been at for over a year or the pets it has taken years to amass, but hell, I just don't know if I can take it anymore. It's a dictatorship now. With Ron hiding in the shadows while he lets his niece do his dirty work which she seems to quite enjoy. What the hell happened to Foopets?

  5. well, there is no hiding from me anymore. I am the one who has been in talks with Ron. Scott, couldnt have been nicer, and prmised to pass on his recommendations that would "have a happy outcome for both me and foo". Well, Dr Ron is as corrupt as his neice. All of a sudden, after being able to prove my innocence in hte gifting glitch, this fake screenshot appears of apparently me messaging a young user on the site, admitting i used the glitch, and being nasty to her. The language used was clearly that of a five year old (or a rather disgruntled community manager). This apparent screenshot, is what weighed most heavily on Ron's mind, in my permanant banning from the site. Despite the evidence of his neice admitting i did not take part in the glitch, he still tells me I did and they have evidence of it. He has now instructed Traci and Scott to have no further communication with me. I have still to deecide how I will proceeed. On a happier note, I am going to sit ont he sidelines and enjoy my new rold on a new website that is going to see foopets go down the plug hole. Cyska siberians. It is just cats at the moment and is literally just a few weeks old, but has great promise. the management are approachable, actively in the forums, and take feedback. Still in beta stages, and will need an invitation for anyone interested in joining due to trolld from foopets coming and ruining it for everyone (manicpanicchick@yahoo.com if anyone who doesnt know me wants to join up)

    There are mainly ppl from foopets on there now, and lots more looking to leave foopets behind in the cloud of flea dust the management have created. Check this site out, you will love it. I love foopets, and I am still so sad at what has happened to me. I was never in trouble, always tried to promote a sense of community spirit and I have been lied to, accused of things I did not do, and the communtiy manager, due to her lack of information, professionalism and judgement, who wrongly accused me of something, just didnt have the backbone to admit her mistake and move on. Instead, she has lied, falsified information and Ron either beleives it, or the dollar signs in his eyeballs are preventing him from seeing clearly. Well congratulations Dr Ron - your niece has successfully ruined your business for ya.

    1. scuse my typos - was feeling rather bitter when i typed the above :/

    2. Hey, manic! Tried sending you an email, but it got sent back with the message of permanent failure to send. :(

    3. I know who you are there. I didn't know you were banned, I'm sorry. :c I've also been wanting to join Cyska for a while now. I want to try is out and see if it's better than Foo, because if it is, I might even consider quitting Foo. If you could give me an invite somehow that would be great...

  6. this is not the first time members seen as being popular and/or influential (sp?)have been targeted...but the way things are going it might be the last, as there may be none left standing. those who are not personally "oppressed" are frequently leaving on their own in disgust at the obviously slanted policies and the loss of the close, warm FooCommunity that was the reason - along with their love for their pixel babies - that they were here to begin with, and endured so much.

    i am still mildly amazed that i have NOT been targeted, though i am seldom on the Forums, and when i do post something rarely bother with followup. that, and the fact that i have an offsite venue to shine a spotlight on any FooLishness, lol - which i was charitable enough NOT to do during the "indefinite" suspensions of Canaan and FooBA back in mid-2010 in retaliation for our somewhat dramatic campaign for an alternative to Beta mode (though they trumped up another reason on paper).

    it has been my contention from the start that trying to retrofit the existing site to accomodate youngsters (NOTHING against them, as a matter of fact i suggested a "mini-foo" satellite site for them long before the trouble started) would lead to disaster...and it seems to be doing so.

    MPC, i am in touch (via FB among other places) with a lot of the "serious" rescue/reform crew of whom i am one of the few survivors, i can pass the word if you like.

  7. What is Dr Ron trying to prove anymore? what is he doing? Is he just trying to outlast all the adults and hope their is still a site left standing to cater to the younger Foos? the site just keeps on spiralling downwards and when it seems it can't spiral down any further without just imploding into nonexistence it still keeps on going downward...spiralling. but don't worry the glitches will be fixed just keep waiting till oblivion. yeah it's all getting fixed alright. Dr. Ron needs to either use the toilet or get off the pot already!

  8. Ok now I am mad. They scrambled all my pets and now I have to reorganize them again. I had them in a specific order, dogs cats and breed and adoptions date. I have several foster accounts so this is going to take a long time. I would just like to know what they have been doing all this time. And what the hell this accomplished other than to make me and everyone else po'd. Plus once again it takes forever to feed the pets. I am now back to my original opinion of "Dr" Ron and his crowd. They are a bunch of lowlife nutcases. This had turned into one big joke and it is not funny. I am staying out of the forums for good now. They should be called the Foo badlands.
    I just saw 2 of my dear friends had folded their tents and left. And I had never thought they would leave. So it must be bad. So bad. The asses are running this show. Hee Haw

  9. Now to add insult to insult I cannot move my pets back to their original placement. So just screw it. Foo you have officially lost my interest. I do not care what your feeble excuses are anymore. You don't' care so the feeling is mutual.

    1. yes, i just banged into it myself - i feed in Mobile as i do NOT like InstaCare, and everyone else's pets come up in age/link sequence in that mode, so i originally thought it might be a local phenomenon, but it shows on the regular profile as well.

      something they did/tried to fix has disabled the drag-and-drop feature for pet sequencing. i am looking into it now. i am assuming it was an accidental side effect, as there is no discernable reason to eliminate the one thing i found useful in the entire beta conversion...

    2. okay - apparently there was a site crash (must have slept through it, lol), and the techs have temporarily disabled drag-and-drop sorting while they finish the fix. for a wonder, ParrotLady posted a clear and polite Announcement almost immediately, link HERE...comment at will, but remember not to shoot the messenger, folks, OK? Parrot is one of the few member advocates on that side of the fence, and from the looks of things they will be restoring the option - no idea whether the pets will revert to the selected order or if we will have to redo them from scratch, though. at least there WAS a prompt acknowledgement of the problem.

  10. Manicpanicchick, I tried to email you but the address came back as not available. Still interested in Cyskia Siberians...

  11. Just fair warning to all concerned Azakni is a mod on Cyska Siberians...

    1. Azkani is on a number of sites i frequent and i've never had a problem...i don't think they carry the issues here across with them, any more than i do. we'll have to wait and see, i suppose, but i wouldn't consider it a dealbreaker...

    2. *chuckle*... I agree with Canaan, one should not be put off a game by the thought of who moderates a forum. If she shows herself to be a bad moderator, I am sure she will be removed, and if she shows herself to be a good one, then she will have learned something important about human interactions. I gather that a group calling themselves Foo Angels are working on bringing some happiness back to foo; maybe they will be able to save the place despite the poor customer skills of the owners and paid staff. I hear that Azkani is a member of this group, so who knows, she may help to save the game LOL...

      I was tempted to look into this Cyska thing, but they do not allow people to look without joining. I think that this is a mistake on their part, as it is easy for me to resist the lure :D But also for me the whole concept of playing online games has been shown to be fatally flawed. We are too much at the mercy of the vagaries of the Internet and of the game's owners, and we are far too likely to get attached to the pixel pets and grieve when we cannot see them.

      Back to foo, I am appalled at the high-handed and secretive treatment that was meted out to people who were suspected of cheating and am glad that Manic has found something that is "better" than foopets. What I found most disgusting about the behaviour of those in charge was that unpleasant parting shot about having fun trying to find a better game!

      I am sad at how the renaissance has stalled. Such a shame that the owners so quickly got over the "honeymoon" period. No longer do we hear from those who are really in charge; it seems that the ambassadors are now providing what info people get, and we all know how limited their knowledge has always been.

      In a side issue about moderators, I am still giggling at the mystifying tantrum that she-who-must-not-be-named threw over here on blogspot... It showed clearly how right people were to question her level-headedness. Apparently her "deleted" account was quietly restored to her, so we can all see that deletion is in fact easy to reverse. Foopets is too full of mis-information, secrecy and constraint, it is no longer the vibrant place that it once was when it was based on the care of sweet puppies and kittens. "Care" no longer really features, nor most of the other complex interactions of the players, and all that seems to be left (on a site where in fact all pets of a certain breed are identical!) is the hunt for some hyped-up unreal "rare" or other, along with the stresses and bad tempers that are associated with such a hunt.

  12. deletions have always been reversable at will - my "singingbadger" account (which was actually my original here, deleted when i accidentally opened a new one by typoing my email and closed out of ignorance that i could have more than one - most sites don't permit it) was reopened for me by Kate back in 2010 : during the imprisonment of Canaan and FooBA, ironically enough. there is no functional difference between a suspension, a banning, or a deletion from a programming point of view and never was.

    the highly competitive atmosphere fostered by the artificial scarcity of things like Lost Stats, Glitch Pets, and so forth - which always existed to some extent among serious collectors, but was spotlighted and kicked into fever pitch among the general population by the introduction of the UltraStats - has always struck me as the main blow to the original purpose of the site as a place to enjoy (and for youngsters, to learn about) pet care and social interaction. the systematic destruction of member-run shelters as functioning entities, heralded, stangely enough, by the impostion of a breeding restriction on them, was the other major downfall of FooPets as an innocent and happy place.

    1. Yes, I have always known that the "deleted" accounts and pets were not in fact deleted -- but those in charge never really admitted it, although it was obvious to anyone who managed to bookmark and play with a suspended or "deleted" friend's pets that everything was still in place. It used to be that you could see the member profile of a deleted account in the mobile version, but of course they noticed and zapped that too. But the official line has always been that you cannot get a deleted account back, and the number of people who bewail "deleted" pets that are simply hidden are legion.

      What used to work was that the hunt for "rare" pets was just one of many complex interactions but, with the removal of just about everything else, it is almost all that is left. I am amazed at how people can fabricate the most ingenious reasons for "rarity"! Despite the scamming, too, the powers that be do nothing really to discourage it.

      Truly the game is very narrow now, and it is difficult to see how the management can turn it around, even if they want to. I am interested to see that some members are trying to inject a positivity into the game, and I wish them every luck with it. I for one am too tired and have too much else going on in life, but as you can see, I am interested enough to follow the fooScooper *smile*

  13. Sigh...I thought you people had given up on knocking and giggling or whatever the hell at that certain person. Really how pathetic is it that you are still bringing it up Carrie? You find a way to bring it into every conversation. Jesus Christ, get over it.

    1. LOL! Amongst all that Carrie said in her wordy two posts above, that one small semi-point is all that you can see? From what I saw, she was using an example of how misleading the "deletion" thing is. It also seemed to me in her messages that there was something of a kindliness to those who are all prickles.

    2. to my recollection, the lion's share of the fuss - and attention - was brought, and brought on, by actions taken here in the Foop by the Esteemed Opposition...which at one point, and pretty much out of the blue, took the form of a direct and as far as i'm concerned unprovoked attack.
      hopefully now that they have their OWN blog to play with, this one will prove less amusing. (and i'm sorry, THAT much unsolicited drama does tend to be memorable - and comical).
      as the subject was simply referenced in passing to make a point about account "deletion", for anyone to react to the mere mention suggests either hypersensitivity to the subject or a desire for a return of the previous level of attention (which - sorry - will NOT be permitted to occur).

      i am trying to script out some Canaan-style event activities - when the balloon went up i was negotiating with Snacks to work with the site on the FooDitarod, i have hopes that something similar and seasonal (maybe a FooLympics?) can bridge the growing gap between active members and management.

  14. Oh magic! I for one am totally delighted that you are going to get one of those events going! I remember seeing you talking to Snacks about that, and was sad that everything imploded before it could happen. Many of us, I tink, enjoy your events :)

  15. i think it may be too late to work up a FooLympics - by the time i figure out how to design one and persuade the site to work with - or at least not hobble/execute - me, they'll probably be over...i do have one on the drawing board for an Expedition To the Everglades, half of which would take place on Foo and half offsite (for technical reasons), may go for that in August sometime.

    1. Love it, Expedition to the Everglades! That sounds really cool, I hope that you can do this CanaansChild, and get the place bouncing again. Maybe the people who don't have foo accounts can at least take part in the off-site parts?

    2. they can indeed - as they are run out of BlogSpot and accessed through the Foop (especially now that "outside" links are forbidden in so many words). the current post has our Halloween event - have fun!

  16. "In a side issue about moderators, I am still giggling at the mystifying tantrum that she-who-must-not-be-named threw over here on blogspot... It showed clearly how right people were to question her level-headedness." That has nothing to do with account deletion. It is just blow and a needless one. You could have mentioned she had her account back without mentioning past events. So please explain "as the subject was simply referenced in passing to make a point about account "deletion",". It's not sensitivity if it's happening. You may try and brush it under the rug and delete this if you wish. But wouldn't it be simpler to just let the past go and move forward? Instead some seem to cling to it. I like it here, but I don't like those kinds of comments about anyone. It's rude.

    1. You should be heeding your own advice, by letting it go......

    2. if you read - and quote - the complete statement, it does indeed refer to reinstatement of deleted accounts...and with all respect to all involved, as the person sitting on Ground Zero, it WAS a tantrum and it WAS mystifiying - and, sorry, in retrospect, funny.

      the Foop is still attempting to operate without censorship insofar as possible, and only direct attacks - on ANYONE - are moved to Rants. i did not read that remark as an attack...a dig, perhaps, but no more, and in pursuit of making a point. if people teasing one another is a major sin, we are ALL in the wrong place. i bore with far worse, without making a fuss about it or permitting anyone to do so on my behalf.

      the original tone and intent of the Foop was lighthearted - we came into being over FooPoop, for heavens' sake - can't we all laugh at ourselves and one another without growing prickles? only guilty people need to be defensive.

    3. Well good gracious me. My apologies, Gold Rush, for bringing the Anonymouses back onto your blog. I hope that this thread will not turn into a rant, and messages will not need to be moved into the private section. I had not realised that some people cannot take a little lighthearted banter; I shall be more careful in future replies in your blog. But I have to chuckle at my words' apparent importance ;)

      The quoted bit was, as several have noticed, meant in a light-hearted -- and slightly fond -- manner and was indeed part of a particular point about deletions. (In case the "fond" surprises you, I usually warm towards people who make me laugh.)

      I used that particular example, which crossed my mind for obvious reasons since I was pondering this blog, because it was regarding a previous ambassador; ambassadors have told us that deletions were final; and in foo the word of an ambassador is usually taken to be as informed as the word of the Admins. Many of us already know that deletion is not really final, and that data is always just hidden (except in the case of the Feb 2010 Shelter corruptions). Unfortunately some people do not know this, and they can be very distressed at the apparent "death" of certain accounts and pets.

      I still believe that a deleted account should at least have ALL pets removed from it automatically, just as it used to be in the days of the Shelter. Back then, a deleted account was divested of all pets, and there were a full 6 days during which, if the account had been accidentally deleted and were re-instated, the pets could be taken back onto the account. Which is an illustration of just how much more interesting the game was back then, and how much more thought was put into it.

      I hope that the owners can still turn this game around, but my hope is waning somewhat.

      Canaan, I think it is a wonderful idea to bring back one of your Foo events! They always lift the spirits and get people having fun together. LOL "fooLympics" -- yes, alas, the olympics would surely be over by the time it got under way. But I shall be Watching this Space!

  17. if people choose to be anonymous, that is their option...i only ask for distinguishing identities when there are so many i can't follow them as individual thoughts, lol. and it's nice - or at least interesting - to know they are still watching. i bear no ill will to our Esteemed Opposition (as they seem to have aligned themselves), despite the fact that they seem to believe it's just fine to attack ME, lol...as to me there is only one side : the good of the site, for pets and members alike. it's a pity that personal issues prevent so many people from cooperating to that end.

    i agree that if someone choses to delete their account it should be completely closed and the pets released (now that they have moved "delete" out from directly under "edit" - remember that? gave me a heart attack the first time i saw it as i am one of those clumsy, mouse-challenged people), and those i have not tried it to check supposedly there is a confirmation required to finalize it...though i might prefer something like 30 days rather than a week's grace for second thoughts - i didn't even know i COULD for almost a year, and it took Hannah several months to undo her sister's malicious deletion. at the very least, they would need to be frozen while in Support.

    (GOLD RUSH - too lazy to go switch emails)

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