About Me

My photo
Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


the hell with being serious for a while...Happy Holidays!

here are (some of, still coming up with new ones, lol) our 2012 holiday events - the two multisites are clickable from Born2CanaanCatHaven and FooBA4U respectively, the Grinch quiz is exclusive to the Foop. Enjoy!

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  1. Replies
    1. Late to the party as usual, I just had a bunch of fun all to myself with your wonderful links -- THANK YOU and Happy New Year to you and yours! And I agree with AZ, brilliant title :))

    2. the greeting card project kind of fell on its butt, but Advent-ure was popular - all 25 puzzles are still up if you want to try for it, i'm still sorting out the house from the holidaze and haven't started scoring yet.
