About Me

My photo
Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


WUXTRY, WUXTRY! The Doctor Is In the HOUSE!

O ye of little faith...we are looking at a return to free membership. Yes. Really. It won't be tomorrow, and the details have to be worked out, but it's official - Doctor Ron wants his baby back - along with all the people who love it.

Additionally, for those without an "inside line", pet limits on subscribed accounts have been raised to 60, images can now be posted in the Forums, and Instacare is now running nicely. Most recently,  the backdrop and layout have been buffed up (and are now back to Foo Blue), and a new Chat system has just been implemented.



  1. I was wrong about their being no real progress....it appears that things may actually be looking up. Wow!!

  2. isn't it amazing? Here I was excited about getting rid of the barbie-pink backgraound...I'll see if Ron would be willing to make a statement here.

  3. I also am so glad to have the change in color scheme, and love Dr. Ron's idea about the possibility of free and/or trial membership. Hopefully with the change in attitude many of the good ole players will return and the homey/friendly atmosphere return...how I wish upon a star!

  4. We're all pulling for it...I was actually in tears at one point, so glad to see a return to what Foo was always meant to be. So far the thread on Foo is very positive, with a lot of constructive suggestions.

  5. Everyone must be planning to go back to playing for free, right? What will the company do without the membership money?

    1. no offense but what ifs are assumptions. when Foo was free before Rivet screwed things up. things were working just fine with the system they had then with both paying and free members on site at same time. perhaps they could bring back some ads like they did then. i believe it can work.

    2. Would you still pay for a membership if you could play for free? (Are you a member currently?)

    3. Personally, yes, I plan to keep my existing membership (and will probably reinstate at least one more as a paid subscription) as well as reopening an account under the free play system. the paid accounts will have more benefits and perks than the free ones - as they should - and will not become less attractive for those who can afford them...this just reopens the door for those who don;t have the available funds for a paid account.

      Down the road there are a number of income options that can be looked into - selected ads, product endorsements (food and flea products back under national brands), even TL items like T-shirts, plushies, and Foo-brand pet care items.

      The idea is to have a range of membership levels from free to whatever, with increasing benefits at each level, and a level that suits every player. This will take a while to work out, but will be well worth the effort.

    4. Why would you want to have two paid subscriptions at the same time?

    5. To help support the site, of course - Dr. Ron is working his tail off, and I am pleased with what is happening, so I am happy to reward both Foo and myslef by reopening another account for cash. I may well end up with 4 or more paid accounts in addition to one reopened under the free program once it is launched.

      On another note, it seems Traci is retiring as an active Admin.

  6. ...had some glitching on m (and www, at least for me) logings today - they've been sticking on the subscription page. must be working on something that went boom, lol.

    (and THIS is giving me fits abour google signings - Foo is in good company (ROFL)


  7. That is just amazing! I hope that people with lots of pets hibernating will be able to care for them.

  8. Oh my goodness, I haven't been on FooPets since it became pay-to-play... I've occasionally peeked into fooscooper posts to see what's going on, but I honestly thought that the site would just fizzle out and shut down.

    This is really incredible news! Never thought I'd be able to see my cute pets again.


    1. There is a great deal of wrangling going on on the relevant forum thread (and I just had a post about getting rid of the FD bounty for foosheltered pets go poof - unless I just pushed the wrong button during an edit), but it looks like we will end up with 20 pets/no Insta/no FD/point bang - i.e. what we had pre-Beta, which will work out pretty well - and those whose frozen acounts had more will be able to keep their existing pets, just not add additionals.

      We are also promoting more levels of paid memberships, notably a $5/6 months - $10/year level with full (60) pet count, just no Insta/currrency perks.

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