About Me

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Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


Watch This Space

...it's been quite a while with no significant input from the site - whether actual developments or even a concrete update on plans. We're still firmly in Dr. Ron's corner, but it's getting harder to justify the lack of word.

In the meanwhile, we are in the process of drafting two things : a retrospective of our experiences on Foo, from 2009 to present...and a series of recommendations on ways the site could constructively move forward.

It's taking longer than we expected - the first because there have been so VERY many changes it's actually hard to remember exactly when certain things took place, and the second because we are doing our level best to accomodate ALL points of view onsite, whether we agree with them or not. Give us a few more days, and...


  1. sadly things at foo are the same.... lack of communication. the more it changes the more it stays the same. Questions in forums and elsewhere on foo are deflected and sent to support(Like being sent to one's room) I've even noticed them getting mad and locking the forums if they don't like the questions being asked....yeah, that'll shut us up!! Sorry foo we like sitting in the dark and we will keep pressing a "Like" button so we aren't emotionally bullied into a corner again. Excuse me foo, for my existence.

    1. what upsets - and disturbs - me is that people appear to be giving up and just taking it. Once I've had a chance to air out and bulletproof the post-in-progress, it will be going directly into FooForums (any suggies as to which one?) and hopefully opening some worm cans.

  2. there has been an eerie silence for many weeks in fooville so the worms need to crawl around as much as possible. my suggestions are chit-chat, clubfoo ideas and suggestions which allows everyone to comment, then there's always clubfoo members only, but could upset many as it did in the past. already getting excited and looking forward to the post.

    1. Is CF ideas etc restricted to subscribers? I don't want to get lost in ChitChat, but also want to have the entire membership able to ring in on this...and I don't want the excuse of spamming (posting same thing in more than one thread) to let them shut me down/up.

    2. i forgot about it being frowned upon to post in multiple forums. everyone is allowed to post in clubfoo ideas and suggestions, just checked to make sure and saw both pay and non-pay posting.

  3. What is going on?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. my life has gone a tad crackerdog....among other things I'm being forced to move out of my home of 15 years into a smaller apartment as I am apparently "overhoused"...I will do the followup post soon, I swear, lol.

    1. will say a prayer that your move goes smoothly and that calm and peace will be in your life (((hug))).

  5. Just stopping by to check on you, Gold Rush. I hope you are ok and that all is well in your world.

  6. What's up with Foo?! same old stuff. Dr. Ron is still Missing in Action and still a divide between club foo and free members. I guess Foopets really is a lost cause!

    1. Sure feels like it, doesn't it? And they deleted the thread where people were begging Dr Ron to check in. It sure makes a person wonder.....

  7. Ron is gone. It's been obvious for awhile. If he's around, it's certainly not because he's doing any improving to the site. He may check in with PL, but I suspect he's given up on it. If he hadn't, there wouldn't be all this dead air. And the mods have gotten too big for their britches imo. The only one I still respect is Remsie. And that includes PL I have no respect for how that woman is handling disputes or allowing her mods to handle disputes. I can't remember a time on Foo where the site was such a bloody mess for this long a time. There are no clear rules even. I've seen a mod chatting on a thread and then another comes along and locks it for being inappropriate. Same page anyone? Who exactly is watching the place? Definitely not Ron, and PL just does not have the experience to run a site on her own. Sinking ship.

  8. there is a lack of coordinated oversight, but I can definitely remember far worse times...we seem to be in a holding pattern awaiting (overdue) new developments. I swear I will finish up the Things We'd Like To See/Be foop post soon, and once it's flown here post it onsite to see what happens.

  9. I just wanted to stop by and say I'm thinking about you, Gold Rush. I hope you are ok. :)

  10. well we've been watching this space and foopets and nothing from Dr. Con.
    foopets is just a fascist place now! no one can disagree with anything except the official foo party line. they took a great game and turned into one big pile of uncleaned kitty litter boxes!!

  11. the problems I see are twofold...one, no one seems to WANT to complain (or change things) any more - and two, try as I can, I can't see any way to put the egg back in the shell short of creating a parallel site with the original coding and letting people migrate their accounts to it (if such a thing is possible).

    we can't just kick the underage people of, no one will tolerate going back to paying to give pets up when they now MAKE money doing it...and I'm not sure we have enough peple around interested in a pet-emphasis site any more.

    once I have the spare cash I'm going to be re-upping CF for a while and will try to publish a retrospective somewhere in the Forums. wish me luck...

  12. I seriously doubt Ron is paying much attention any more...he did his best to put things back the way they were and got his head bitten off for his pains...

  13. Foo has become a love it or leave it site. There are 100' of other games that are offering pets to play with and scenes to decorate. Lot of competition in a glutted market. Most my friends don't play on their computer anymore but on their phones. I think two don't even own a PC any longer. The last major glitch was the straw that broke the camel's back for many long time members. Many left to not come back. The forums are very slow , few adults are still posting in chit chat, the rest are teens or under 14 years of age. Forums in general are a dying breed, a site I know used to have over 1000' of active posters post every day, now they are barely reaching 7k active members and less than 300 posts per day. Complaining on Foo will not do any good. The complaining members are being seen as whistle blowers, more than likely because nothing can be done. It's not even sure if the ambassadors have a response to any question asked.

  14. still intend to give it a shot - hopefully there are enough people like me doing the periscope bit to spot a bandwagon and jump on it.

    was poking around the Forums and saw a Post of Ron's from about 6 months ago, think his new idea can be successfully paired with Foo and emailed him about it.

    hope to be able to re-up CF next month and start campaigning for a better Foo experiance.

  15. If you look at his page dedicated to his new idea you will see that it hasn't been updated since last September. It's possible that people are giving less nowadays. To be seen on FB pages have to pay a fee. One association I follow was heartbroken because of the new rule. It could be why his FB page never took off.I don't think that Ron is making a fortune with Foo. It was my understanding that he is still paying back loans. It also makes sense that any other project should have funds for it without juggling with funds earned on Foo for example. I do believe ParrotLady is the only hired employee, it's very much possible that Ron doesn't have the extra funds for Foo. I have been paying 5 bucks per month for the basic clubfoo. The 10 dollar one is a choice, not a must. The game was doomed the day it said bye bye to FooMojo. May be one solution is to find another option, an alternative to clubfoo? Before pay to play we had to work if we wanted to sell a pet, had to feed our pets etc...The downfall happened with pay to play and the let's make it easy for the kids. The site has to be revamped, the concept should be revamped too. There are members not afraid to voice their opinion, threads are either ignored or locked. Wishing all the best to your plan, it's not easy to have new ideas noticed.

    1. I did see that, and prowled through Wagstarter fairly thoroughly (that's where I emailed him, matter of fact). Ron is definitely not making much off either site - most pet sites run on a VERY narrow margin and Foo is no exception. the difference is most sites are honest about their financial problems and appeal to their membership for help...we might well take a page from that book, offer things worth buying, and speak up when finances are tight.

      I agree that the "kindergartening" of the site was highly destructive, and the conversion from paying to give up a pet to being PAID to was the worst thing that ever happened to Foo...if you'll recall, Ron tried to reverse that and was crucified for his pains.

      we need not only an alternative to CF but a whole new tender system if we are going to save the FooConomy. if this could be tied in to his new endeavor, so much the better.

  16. Hello, Old Friend SM, Canaan's Child, FooBA4U, AnJellicle Foo, Tallulah Bankhead, Mystery, etc.

    Haven't seen your pawprints around the Multiverse for several years now, manypaths. I hope you are well, and fighting The Good Fight, dear friend.

    You are missed by so many. The Animal Realm still needs its favourite Sentinel Advocate. Your friends still need your Awesomeness.

    Be well, be happy, and wherever you are, just be true to You, in all of your muchness!

    Much love! If you're interested, you can find your Celestial friend on FB under my RL name. I'm still connected with many from the Days of Foo, including Melati Cat.
