Did the PTBs go through with making the FooPetter into a Forum blogspot - or have they simply neglected to publish the last couple of issues? (or perhaps we have been dropped from the mailing list...it wouldn't surprise us all that much.)
The last one we received was 9/7/11, and featured shorti's XT profile avatar as the preferred mode. (anyone else have difficulties with these Texas-tall avvies in their message boards, friends/gifting lists, etc?)
Well whatever they have done, they have taken care to make sure that they give us no information until after we have figured it all our for ourselves :))
ReplyDeleteOh and yes, I agree -- the shorti-size avatar is too irritatingly long for me too. I don;t really see why people can't do what they want within the classic old size.
ReplyDeletewhile their point (i assume) concerned an unworkable width - which won't upload anyway - they could have used a standard size as an example rather than encouraging folks to use something so impractical.
ReplyDeleteYes -- but then shorti is perhaps their blue-eyed gal. Let's be thankful she didn't have an even longer one. Oh, it seems that the blog is the way forward, I am sure they are excited about it -- it is mentioned in an obscure message by snacksthecat in a thread addressed to her. http://www.foopets.com/topics/show/2213189?forum_id=28&post_count=30
ReplyDeleteOh, and she locked a thread because she thought all issues had been answered -- that has me laughing too, you should look at the thread in question. http://www.foopets.com/topics/show/2211490?forum_id=28
Since it will be a locked blog anyway I really don't see how it will be any more useful to us, but then I don't seem to get "excited" by the cosmetic rubbish that "excites" the Team so much. She says they will produce a new pet in October, any bets?
Not that I am sceptical or anything LOL Sorry if I sound too negative, I have just been in hospital and am maybe a little too tired and drugged up with meds to have much of a brain just now. god bless.
oh dear - i hope you are all right - my other half is going in for cancer surgery Tuesday, so i know how you must feel.
ReplyDeletei should probably spend more time than i do auditing the Forums, but it's such a headache even FINDING anything remotely relevant i barely try anymore.
I will be fine, no worries -- fighting the meds but tomorrow I have an appointment and hopefully that will be sorted. Sorry to hear you are having such a worrying time, damn it's been a bad year, will be thinking of you on Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteOh the forums are awful, as you say just finding any nuggets is difficult. The powers that be take good care never to say anything important in any kind of visible sticky or in Announcements or suchlike unless it is carefully locked. It just so happened that I was following those particular threads and so saw the Admin Speak. And what rubbish they do speak. I gave a high-five when I saw your 2 cents' worth there this morning. God bless
yes, i may not be up to my usual snooping, but give me a trail of breadcrumbs and i'm hell on wheels, lol. what really both irritated and amused me was snacks' parthian shot on the thread they closed because "everything had been said" ... that said absolutely nothing.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the hiatus, was back at the hospital for checks and stuff yesterday and simply fell asleep for the rest of the day. will be thinking of you guys today.
ReplyDeleteYes it is intensely irritating that they do that -- once they have "spoken" and missed most of the points entirely, the subject is over. I am irritated today with the fact that the "ghost pet" thread has been deleted now. It was a thread which asked for the bringing back (to AC or for fostering) ghost pets, and bringing back to the AC those which are "pet not found" on deleted or banned accounts. The thread was deleted, and snacks' board gives no clues. Luckily I found a few breadcrumbs on the originator's board. Snacks had this to say:
"we're all still looking into this idea.. it's kinda hard since we get a lot of people coming back to their accounts and resubscribing after being gone for a while..." and then in reply to an invisible follow-up: "but sometimes, the banned/deleted accounts are unique cases, where we really have to evaluate. some users over the past have been wrongfully banned, and deleted accounts can sometimes be easily recovered."
Now, what is wrong with this? Mainly what is wrong, it seems to me, is that when someone deletes an account they are told that the pet(s) are going to go to the AC. This is precisely what does not happen. If the deleter changes their mind later, they can start a new account and rescue the pet if it has not already found a home. I know odd things happen, as they did with the robbidl person, but a clean deletion of the account and sending the pets to AC would at least have kept the pets in a state of hope rather than the 99.9% hopelessness in which they are currently kept. As for the wrongful bannings -- well. Only you and Dee can say what players feel about that. In the case of Dee's banned account, she was lucky in that Annie eventually went to the Shelter after the obligatory starvation period, and she is now home with Dee. In the case of your banned accounts, I have a suspicion that you might prefer there to be no pet on them while the good fight continues.
Oh well I am babbling on again, sorry. All the very best for today.
thus far they haven't had the stones to ban any of ours - the furthest they will go is "indefinite suspension" (which lets them confiscate the CF income for free), not that that's significantly better - one of the side effects for being so public, i suppose. actually, at this point i'd be in favor of the original Sams returning, on any schedule, so that some of the stranded can be brought out. problem is the selective coding to "overlook" accounts in limbo is probably near-impossibel even if they were willing.
ReplyDeleteWell that sux doesn't it -- not that I would want your accounts to be banned but certainly for the customer an indefinite suspension is about the nicest bit of nastiness they could think of.
ReplyDeleteI see that they now have more players making excuses for Rivet's appalling lack of customer care. IF they were really wanting to make this game "fly" again they were certainly going the wrong way about it. Regardless of what kind of coding mess the new boss inherited from the old, a major improvement would have been to enroll someone on "the team" who both understood the massive customer frustrations and actually understood something of what the game was about. We should not, for instance, have had to yell until we were hoarse until they twigged that the AC's Anihilation Bot was a bad idea.
Oh well. Foo staggers onwards!
yes, they can be devilishly clever when it comes to dreaming up aggravations, inconveniences, and petty cruelties, can't they? pity they couldn't put that kind of energy and creativity into making the site MORE enjoyable...
ReplyDeletespeaking of doing things to the site - Care Logs and ledgers are down once again. i am bracing myself for the latest "improvement(s)" : wonder if this will be one or more of the items snacks was chirping about. can't wait (on second thought, oh yes, i CAN - indefinitely) to see what they are dropping on our defenseless heads ... and what existing functions will go toes up in the process. (sigh)
Yes and it must be a big one this time... oh lordy lordy... We are not getting the usual "just a bit of lag will catch up soon", instead SnackstheCat has suggested we keep proof of our Bonding Badges, so this is one monster of an ooopsie heh now what does it herald?
ReplyDeleteReturning pets on deleted accs to AC? Allowing fostering of madkitties? LOL probably not
the introduction of the promised new pet? well maybe... But my guess is
The making of their spiffy new wonderful locked Blog so that they can do away with the newsletter! Yay! Bet that's it, I can hardly wait... *staggers off under a load of sarcasm*