About Me

My photo
Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.



if you or someone you know needs or can offer help with renewing a ClubFoo subscription, please visit AnJellicle's Care Share program, clickable right under Canaan's main link to the right of this post.

speaking of links, Canaan recently had all of their profile links mysteriously disabled...img src code and the /a at the end were left in place, but the a href connecting part was removed. and ain't THAT interesting...and not a peep from the phantom who did the deed...


  1. Glad to see this is on the high seas again. I shall bear this in mind in future, am currently cleaned out due to re-subbing a pal.

    As for the Canaan links, the Admins seem to be a little random just now. Canaan was lucky; one member apparently had her whole profile wiped with no explanation, and another was suspended for 4 weeks but after an outcry they let her back in just 2 days but with bits of her profile missing. The only explanation there was one of those generic "behaviour against the spirit of the site" ones, but it looks to me as if all that is missing from her profile now is a bit about how the petsamaritan starves pets. which is true. Apparently the "spirit of the site" requires that one simply brushes the truth under the carpet rather than actually fix the bot.

  2. Southern Comfort? or someone else i haven't heard about? my little birds tell me that most of the more interesting rumbles are occurring on other sites...which i'm willing to bet SOMEONE here is monitoring - it won't be the first time FooMembers were held responsible ONsite for remarks made OFFsite, and as usual the sheep get cooked along with the goats.

    it's one thing to try to legislate opinion on the Forums...if they are getting petty (or paranoid) enough to start censoring private and personal profiles - especially forcibly - we may finally have the entree we need to drag things out into the daylight via a lawsuit : problem is, we want to FIX the site, not close it down. (sigh)

  3. Yes it was Southern Comfort. Oh I see -- I have perhaps been out of the loop a bit, not sure what other sites people have been frequenting LOL

    It certainly seems that they are getting terribly easily upset, poor little Admins...

    To be honest, although of course I would like them to be running the site more like a game site and less like a penitentiary, I am so cheesed off that I don't care as much as I used to whether it gets closed down. Freedom for pixels I say! LOL god bless

  4. still would love to find a way to buy stand-alone coding for individual pets, that would run independent of site membership...

  5. I would love that too, oh my yes. Something that runs on our own machines, and we only have to pay if we want to use their servers. Well we tried suggesting something like that, but it was sat upon with a "not now, children, we have so much else exciting to do for you here on foo" and brushed away. At least they were not able to think of a good reason to say it would never be done.

  6. You do know that we have everything in our browser caches when we have actually played the game -- animations and sounds in particular. So it wouldn't take much -- only some goodwill on their part -- to do that little bit of coding.

  7. not a peep yet on Share-To-Care...i'm a little surprised, especially since i specifically invited two people whose memberships will be running out soon, who left "help!" messages on Canaan.
