About Me

My photo
Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


Hush, You Muskies!

we are starting to plan for the second annual running of the Canaan FooDitarod in early February (a festivity that will culminate with the Third Annual Jellicle Ball, Canaan's first and most popular event), and are enlisting both teams to compete and people who would like (well, be willing to - it's really easy, i swear) to serve as host sites for the stops in the run.

TO REGISTER A TEAM: select from 5 to 9 of your pets (they don't absolutely HAVE to be dogs, but we usually let the dogs do the pulling while the cats drive the sled), and post your name, member number, and the names of your sled team here. Don't forget to choose a name for your team, also! You will need a Lead Dog, Wheel Dog(s), Puller(s), Heel Dog(s), and at least one driver (Musher).

TO HOST A STOP: all you will need to do is post an image code (which we will supply ready to use) linked to another FooPet profile (the next stop on the run) somewhere in your or one of your pets' profiles. a day or two before the race, we will confirm you and Gift your image code. if for some reason you change your mind or for some reason can't do it - let us know RIGHT AWAY so we can put in an alternate. we had some issues last year with a missing stop that caused a great deal of confusion (and hilarity, but we can get our chucks some other way, lol)

HOW IT WORKS: On the day of the FooDitarod, Canaan will activate the Starting Icon somewhere in their profile - you will need to find it and click on it to get to the next stop...where you will find where THEIR icon is hidden, click THAT one, and so on through the race course. in the tradition of the original Iditarod, the images you are looking for are all of medical supplies, which you are "collecting" as you go to deliver to where they are needed. the final icon will take you to the Finish line. You will need to post on the message board at each stop to show you have been there, and let the rest of us follow the progress of the race!

Teams will receive a personalized FooDitarod certificate (see Born2Canaan's profile for examples from last year), and the top three teams will be awarded some special treats.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like great fun! Would like to get a team up and willing to use AutumnRoseRescue as a 'stop over'
