About Me

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Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


In the Aftermath...

well, well...at least they ARE acknowledging their bad, for once - see link to Snack's Announcement, top right.

and so we ARE supposed to file in Support if we have issues (says so right in the Announcement). hm. i guess we shouldn't wonder at FooMojo/Rivet's poor communication with US - apparently they don't tell all of the ambassadors (naming no names, lol) everything either. of course, if they kept up on the Annoucements as WE are supposed to...

while they did try to do SOMETHING about the lost bonding (it was a full 48 hours, so should have dropped across the board), i don't know about anyone else, but MY bonding dropped for the missing days - i suppose if you fed just before midnight CA New Year's Eve, and caught it when it rebooted last night just after midnight, you could have slipped under the wire...as those fall at 3 am my time, i didn't make the bus.
as far as Bonding Badges go - all they do now is lose a day anyway, they don't reset to zero any more...not for over a year, actually...so that was hardly a concern for any but the most picky, unless something REALLY bizarre happened in the recode.
and if the login pages appeared, the accounts had to be there, and unchanged - if there were any concerns about lost accounts or assets (none that i noticed, but since it was mentioned in Rozzy's thread, maybe some were that paranoid...well, can't really blame them, but logic militated against any problems in that respect), they were largely unfounded.

we understand that there are a lot of fireworks going off over all of this - anyone who cares to send us some choice tidbits, we'd appreciate seeing them : either copy/paste them into Comments or shoot us the page link(s). thanks, and Happy Foo Year - take two!

from Rozzy's thread in ChitChat (this one IS commentable) :
Here is the official word from Rivet
(* ed. - again, the "official" statement is a copy/paste to or from the other Announcement by Snacks)
This is the reason the site was down:
Basically, it was caused by the site not recognizing successful login attempts, effectively redirecting everyone back to the login page. FooPets’ security was never compromised and peoples’ accounts were always there, it was just an issue with our site temporarily not recognizing them.
In other words the site had a brain fart and the engineers had to find out where it happened.

mmm. well, it IS something, and more than we ever recall getting before...still, it leaves a few questions begging :
~ how did those who were logged in at the time get logged out? (us, for one - or three, actually, lol - and apparently Rozzy herself as well)
~ if it was the site not recognising them, why did it loop back instead of giving a false negative message regarding the login attempt? from the sound of it, the entire login code set was somehow disabled or offlined. even the locked-out accounts can log in - they are just directed to a different, normally-available page.
~ and what on earth would cause the site to suddenly not recognise any and all member information? it's something that is unprecedented, even for this glitch-ridden environment, and that's saying something, lol.

1 comment:

  1. I was logged in at the time, so it kicked me out, and wouldn't let me back in. I lost two days of bond.

    I am now a paying consumer. (Aren't we all? *That* was forced on us.) That should mean they have a greater duty to us. Rivet is acting like everything is status quo. Theoretically we ought to have greater legal redress. Their TOS may be troublesome, but their ought to be a law against signing away all our rights. Sigh. Someone that cared would have done more, even symbolically than that background, to offer recompense for the 2 day denial of access.
