we saw a notice on Twitter that they think they licked the Mad Kitty and the worst of the care problems - from what we've seen in m.foo and InstaCare (though the "in progress" still keeps spinning), things are indeed lightyears better.
onward and upward! we hope...
3/4/12...Gold Rush just mined these nuggets from twitter - interesting reading.
(to Foo)"@foopets I am no good in business and trade, but I would like to know why it is taking so long to transition Foo to a new company (owners)?"
(from Foo)"@Fooislen One word: lawyers. We (the new owners) are running the site and servers now, but can't announce formally until paperwork is done."
3:27 PM - 4 Mar 12 via web
@foopets @Fooislen "Oh yes lawyers are infamous about taking their time to collect more money, good luck:)"
{Ed note - couldn't run this backward any further...but not crazy about the sound of it, under the present circumstances...}
(from Foo)@LaurenWatson17 "We'll look into it. Send in a support issue on it with the accounts and pets in question."
8:09 PM - 2 Mar 12 via web
(to Foo et al)@foopets @LaurenWatson17 "In my opinion, pets should NOT be removed from other accounts. Sometimes the owners DO come back. I did."
(from Foo)@Wyntarra @LaurenWatson17 "Agreed, we'll probably have a time limit of some sort before pets can be re-adopted."
(to Foo)@foopets "If you consider bringing back RP, will you give adults an 18+ forum?"
(from Foo)@AzIsKarmaBound "Yes, we do plan to launch some age-restricted forums – thanks for the suggestion!"
(to Foo)@foopets "And will you bring back user to user items sales? It is a very missed feature."
(from Foo)@AzIsKarmaBound "We're looking at bringing back user-to-user item sales. Agree that it was a cool feature, but may run into technical issues."
(to Foo)@foopets @AzIsKarmaBound "important suggestion, many of us have more than 1 acct. it's difficult & costly to transfer pets between accts."
(added this tweet)@foopets @AzIsKarmaBound "pet and item sales both ran for longer than they have been removed - code probably still in place under the block."
suposedly the Forums are scheduled to come back online sometime this weekend, and the Ledgers are being worked on...
ReplyDeleteI am hoping for the best, although at this time I can't access the play page or the mart and I can't use instacare at all. I keep getting 500 Internal Server error notices and/or Clumsy Puppy (which actually has now changed to say Foopets is Down). Lots of work still to be done. I am sooo glad I don't work there, it has to be a nightmare for whomever is redoing everything.
ReplyDeleteyes, i'm sure it is - and as they got none of the cash assets, they are doing it out ot love...and out of pocket, which doesn't help. i have been seeing an occasional 500 error, but fewerr and i have been able to refresh past them. depending on your time zone, you may be hitting times when they "have the hood up" working on something, making errors more prevalent. as far as care goes, try m.foopets if you can't get in to normal play, it seems to be fairly smooth at the moment.
ReplyDeletefrom what i hear, the new guys just went personally public on FB, or at least it sounds that way. for any who are interested, here is the link to our thread in VirtualPetList with the original end-of-Rivet-as-we-knew-it confirmation.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like they are wobbling and indecisive on this issue of removing or not removing pets from frozen accounts.....from Twitter:
ReplyDeleteTo Foo @foopets You're seriously considering taking people's pet away off their frozen accounts? What if the owners of the pets decide to come back
From Foo to @ILoveAnimals444 Sorry, we were wrong on that. We'll keep the promise to not take pets away from inactive users, unless old member says ok.
And then shortly after that exchange someone named Nicole presses the issue again in favor of removing pets after a specified time and Foo responds- "we'll try to work out a compromise".
I do not envy them their job, that's for sure! I hope that cool, rational heads will prevail and the new owners will keep up this spirit of open communication! Just to hear personalized, specific responses to questions is such an incredible change!
i do hope they give sometime before deleting frozen accounts. i'm one who has had a frozen account since april last year and i'd strongly consider coming back if the new owners are alot better than rivet was. however i'd want my old account to come back to for i did alot of work and time on that old account and would miss not having my old cat. anyways overall it sounds like foo might finally be looking up in a more bright future....i hope.
ReplyDeleteone hopes they have NO plans to simply delete accounts they consider fallow - i have seen nothing so far that indicates that, to the contrary, they stated that all accounts are to be preserved. the pets on them seem to be another matter, though. even for that, no account that was active as of the pay-to-play conversion should be remotely considered "abandoned".
ReplyDeleteas far as "abandoned" pets go, the big question involved is whether the emails on file actually CONNECT with anyone, or were just made for here. if the emails were reliable, they could just (at least attempt to) contact the owner and ask their intentions. prior to pay-to-play, this was a much easier subject - there were accounts dating back to the pokey/foo changeover that has been untouched for years, with the animals stranded there lovingly tended and wanted (there are still several cats i'd love to be able to take in in this category - at one time we campaigned for accounts untouched for over a year to be opened for adoption).
if they are genuinely concerned about abandoned pets, the restoration of open fostering ought to come way before plans to transfer pets presently in accounts of ANY status.
now, with so many trapped unwillingly outside the door, the subject is hopelessly muddled. it's an enormous can of worms with no ideal solution, and certainly not one to be tackled anytime in the immediate future - there are far more pressing matters to be addressed first.
NEW AND INTERSTING...and a bit nervewracking...(via Twitter)
ReplyDelete(from "Foo")@wishingonstarz2 not sure what the new owners have in mind as far as membership, we will keep you posted! (person asked about membership fees)
(from "Foo")@Lincat2 We took over on 3/1, we have been working through the weekend to fix the bugs and will continue. Sorry you are frustrated:(
member's tweets to/about this
I agree that they should open fostering again before even beginning to consider releasing pets on frozen accounts. I find it extremely annoying that there are people who simply want "rare" pets and are pushing away at the owners to make such pets, on frozen accounts, available. Of course there is the odd case such as poor FBG too who can only see that she wants her "family" chihuahuas, but really if fostering was freed up she would probably be happy. However, guess what, Shorti is massively against open fostering because she apparently saw lots of fights over it. Well the solution to that seems obvious to me, you don't have to punish the whole user-base to deal with a few selfish players.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with "releasing" pets from frozen accounts, apart from the ethics of going back on the April 2011 promise and the fact that many people used non-active email addresses, is that ONLY the rare pets would be "rescued" in this way, and the huge mass of non-rares would go to the AC to be ignored. And that would mean that people who had been caring for friends' frozen accounts, or their own "sleepers" all this time, would suffer a great loss because they would not be able to adopt them. I have a ton of pets that I care for in this way usually -- right now I am unable to because the site is too slow -- so it would be devastating for me if frozens were taken away even after a set time.
Deleted accounts is a different matter. Pets that are stuck behind "pet not found" should be released, which was in fact a promise made to the account deleters until fairly recently.
Well, all I have noticed so far today after all their efforts overnight is that I had a few hours' total downtime and now the site is as slow again as ever.
The whole nonsense with "rare" pets is due to Rivet's iron grip on everything. They took away most of what this game was about, until all that was left for people was to think up forms of rarity (balloon-heads, weird pictures, odd stats etc) in order to charge each other insane amounts of FDs. I hope that the new owners will turn this game into something better again.
Never mind, we shall see how things go :) Bless you for keeping us all updated!