About Me

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Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.



everything we are hearing from and about our new guys is very positive, up to and including a public statement that complaining is no longer a crime (hopefully the, um, "appropriate" people saw that post, lol), but a legitimate reaction to past problems of various types and a healthy form of catharsis. rather than make an executive decision on how to handle the Forums issue(s), they put up a member poll (that DOESN'T force a result of their choice - and isn't THAT a nice change!).

they also seem to have a sense of humor...pinch us, quick! (on the other hand, don't - if this is only a dream i don't want to wake up.)

3/20/12 : speaking of humor...what just happened in the previous Comments section was not funny. please remember that this is NOT the Forums - here, people are expected to behave as if they are in the same room as the people they are "speaking" to, and show a certain amount of graciousness. those who wish to continue to spew venom, kindly restrict it to that post/comment thread or the Rant Blog provided under Missing Links ONLY...if i see it happening elsewhere, i will lock and hide the Comments until people can cool off and be civilized.

3/22/12 : care logs and ledgers are not registering...something is being worked on, apparently.

3/23/12 : the new guys have a name now..."Startapult Inc." (nee Yak.to, a sort of Photobucket with Forums). so far what i'm finding for them is a little confusing. anyone finding anything else, or anything different, let us know. click site names to visit links, below.
and FaceBook - the listing, by the way, was in Dutch...

we are beginning to learn some interesting things, but are holding off publishing anything while a bit more fact-checking is done. their alter ego, Yak.to, is here...

(quick little aside...i went downstairs and scanned briefly through the Comments section there - and found one absurdity that keeps resurfacing despite clear responses from us on more than one occasion, so we'll put it here where it won't get lost...
not only do i know that admin and officials are aware of this blog and my other "political" activities, i have publicly and repeatedly INVITED them to audit and participate. there are no secrets here, or on any of my profiles, and never have been : nor am i ashamed of any actions i have taken or words i have spoken. yes, i have recently modified some items on Foop sidebars (as much for space and pertinence as anything else, actually), and personal profiles, in light and anticipation of the new management - not to conceal anything (my diatribes against Rivet were on display more than long enough to be noticed if anyone were interested), but to reassure the new company that i was not tarring them with the same brush without cause.
by the way, lol, glad to see everyone still busily enjoying the right of free speech without censorship in the old Comment section)

3/27/12 : copy/pasted from my email with the kind permission of the sender, whose name is witheld for obvious reasons...

"10:09 PM (16 hours ago)

to me
Hi singingbadger,

We're fans of your blog at http://fooscooper.blogspot.com/, and see you've been doing some fine detective work on Startapult. :)

We're getting very close to closing the FooPets deal with Rivet Games, but for now, we have to keep the new ownership private for reasons we can't go into. It should be only a few more days before we make the announcement... until then, we'd greatly appreciate your sensitivity to the situation, even if you discover the people behind Startapult. It could affect the closing of the deal if news breaks before we're ready.

Kind regards,
The New Foo Crew"

In light of this, i ask all truthseekers to be especially careful what they post publicly, out of courtesy to those who are being so delightfully courteous to us - thanks!

3/28/12 : in response to the disturbing statements concerning emails in the Comments below, we emailed the new foo crew and asked what was going on...we received an immediate response (and what a refreshing change THAT is, lol) and at their request cc'd them the relevant posts. their response follows...

"Thanks. Wonder what they "suspected all along."?

We surely have no plans to freeze or delete anyone's accounts. We have no
grudges against any members, and any issues will be addressed with a clean
slate. We absolutely love FooPets and love ALL the members who have stuck in
there over the last 20 months or so under Rivet.

(feel free to post that last paragraph)"


  1. LOL yes it was very refreshing to read that it is OK to complain. I think the people posting in the thread below this and stating that this forum is "full of hate" perhaps need to wake up and see the sunshine...

  2. Spring has sprung and the voles and other underground critters are crawling out into the sun. It must be very painful.

  3. (ROFL) people think the Foop posts are full of hate? worst i recall seeing on the home team's side is righteous indignation, at least until recently. as far as one-shotters and other representatives of the opposition go, well, if they choose to bring hate here, they ought not to blame us for it. yes, people are upset with shorti. this is neither new nor unusual, we just happen to have a possible opportunity to (at minimum) call her back to her senses. that's not hate, that's self-defense.

    "Blinded by the light...revved up with our Foos, now that we've overcome the night"? and then those poor creaure(s) - the, um, Naming of the Shrew?

    1. Shorti has no senses. She needs to be kicked to the curb, along with the other ambassa-witches.

    2. please, let's give that a rest. aside from the hyperbole - most ambs are quite nice and very helpful - done-bun-can't-be-undone, what happened, happened. things are better now, which is great for the future but can't, won't, and SHOULD not do diddley to affect the past. and neither will revenge, even if it were attainable.

      people who didn't like each other then probably won't be any friendlier now. people who think spelling and grammar are bourgeois luxuries are unlikely to start speaking proper English. insecure people will still feel threatened if you laugh at them, no matter how silly they look at a given moment.

      i looked at what happened in the Comments on the post below and i am mortified. all points of view are welcome, and reasoned debate is expected, but pitched battles really don't belong.

    3. (by the way, i was just privately informed of the history behind the sentiment expressed in the Comment by Anon above and would like to apologise for being short (pun intended) with it. having just been through the war down below i did not want to see it resume up here...but from what i understand the feelings expressed go far further back than the current mudfight.)

  4. ROFLMAO. It is just too funny. I see a cartoon show on late night adult tv. And the images in my mind are hysterical. But the poor animals do not deserve to be characterized in such an Animal Farm like manner. I will just play it out in my mind and chuckle to myself. They make it to easy. And now I can't get that song out of my head either. Thanks Canaan. At least I like it. I liked the Steve Miller Band version though over The Boss's. And Shakespeare. Yes I can see the witches around the cauldron now, cackling their heads off.

  5. (just got a good look at that mess down below) well, i went and invoked Murphy - no sooner did i ask a child to have her parents read the thread and see how nice everyone was than as soon as my back was turned it got hijacked by juvenile delinquents of both persuasions and turned into a mudfight - and in walks daddy. (sigh) i just found out that i can "hide" the Comments section on a given post...i may not delete, but i can dam' well time their butts out, lol.

  6. LOL CanaansChild... Well it's good to know that Murphy's Law still holds good, the sky would fall I think if bread ever fell butter-side-up. Yes, "juvenile delinquents" describes the mess nicely. It is the same tactics that are used in the foo forums of course, and derails things very neatly. I am always amazed at how easily people see "Attack! OMG got to FIGHT it" where none is intended.

    As regards the child, I have to say that she seemed a little unusual to me and, if she is as vulnerable as appears, Mum and Daddy should probably keep her away from the internet until she can understand things a bit better. So don't worry about it, I think it was for the best that he turned up and banned her.

  7. I must admit that I got entirely caught up in the flow of drama without really intending too. Not meaning to put an excuse to it, it was just almost "natural" to feel all those old feelings of anger and hurt as soon I seen them posting again over here. I thought I had gotten over that garbage when I left last year. Obviously not, and quite obviously nothing has changed over this large amount of time. I want to extend a personal apology to Canaan for allowing myself to fall into their trap, it wasn't right and I very much had the choice of following a more civilized path than the one I did. I also understand that this is made even more confusing when you don't have any idea who or which Anon. I am, and for that I apologize too. I simply can't reveal who I am, definitely not anymore.

    1. This is me, just putting a random name to this one from now on to make things a little less confusing. :)

    2. And by me, I mean the Anon I am posting under, lol!

    3. thank you - it's most appreciated! i'm well aware that this thing puts up "Anonymous" unless you go to a fair bit of trouble to make it do otherwise...it's a default, not a political choice or fashion statement. pity some of those below seemed to be unaware that this is the case. even simply "signing" the post at the bottom (for my sanity if nothing else) is fine - i just need to see individuals rather than a sea of amibguity.

  8. (((hugs Anonymous))) I for one completely understand your need to stay anon. I have seen what people did to you in foo, if you are the person I think you are. Why not simply use a pseudonym? It should offer you the chance to put a name when it says "select profile"; I put mine in name/url but you could put any name there and if you stick to it poor Canaan won't get so confuzzled.

    And I have an apology to make to Canaan too -- I couldn't resist and went and posted this very morning. I hope that my post was not inflammatory, it was intended to cast light rather than inflame, but in that atmosphere anything could catch fire. I SHALL BE GOOD from now on, honest.

    1. hahahahah okay I see you found that ability -- yay GymMomma :))

  9. (sighs in relief) this is more like it - thank you, people. i am not even opening the other can of worms yet, need way more coffee, aspirin, and peobably a nap first. i've been fighting a rather nasty flu for the last week or two (what were we saying about Murphy?), and was less equipped than usual to deal with this sort of detonation.

    perhaps i could point them all at the Rant blog under Missing Links? that's pretty much what it's for, and lets the sane people - on either side - talk in peace.

  10. Canaan - I apologize as well for the Anon but I am just paranoid enough to know what can happen. Also Google recently mucked up all our accounts and gmail addresses so they are lost.

    I wish that there had been time for us to clear that up so there could be a true representation of just how many different people really posted.
    I posted 3 times. All replies. And I know many who posted once.
    And right now the ones that were below earlier are slashing and burning any one that is just expressing themselves. Probably thinking they know who they are taking down. They have no idea. And not the a's but the supporters. So I will not be posting any more. Anywhere.

    1. still? what silly people...they must REALLY miss the Forums, lol - too in love with with their own words to see what was said, and so busy with old news they cannot move on. (and yes, i was very aware that the people who have had problems for outnumber the "defenders") well, i invited them to play in our Rant Blog to their hearts' content, or, if they felt they could act like civilized people, to move up here. if they want to flail and thrash down there instead, sobeit. as i stated in my final comment on that sad and strange thread, i have moved on. i hope you will continue to read and participate here in the Foop (there's never any need to truly identify yourself : when i asked people to sign as something, i meant literally ANYTHING - being the evil one that i am, i'd probably choose a handle that poked at the cranky ones...)

      i am going to screenshot the Petition blog and post that in place of the "live" link so i can reopen its comment section.

      (i just took a look at the previous post...the comments are now over 200. what a riot! and they probably think they are winning because people are getting bored and ceasing to respond...{rolls on floor in hysterical paroxysms})

    2. LOL yes Gold Rush, it gave me a good giggle too. I had to go in there an apologise for a genuine typing mistake of several days ago, but really I am not going to bother any more. So silly, to think that a group of people such as us can pose any threat to them!

      And I am SO GLAD that you are going to do that -- I have been wishing I could sign it for a couple of days :))

    3. Clarify- they are taking their frustration out on Foo forums not here. They can't get away with it here.

    4. au contraire, they CAN get away with far more vitriol here than they would be allowed on the actual Forums (at least if the rules as they stand are being enforced evenhandedly) - i don't censor based on whether or not i happen to approve of what someone is saying. forunately the more extreme posters on the previous Comment section are having far too much fun screeching to notice that the rest of the Foop has moved on...

      what i WILL do, if that sort of episode happens again, is copy the relevant (i.e. serious and polite discussions) Comments of the post in question to a new post and lock the Comments on the trespassed one down. i will not censor...but i also will not tolerate the Foop Comments section being turned into a slam party ever again.

    5. (((bless you))) Gold Rush, your level-headedness is much appreciated, as is your dedication to fact-finding and the truth.

      Also your lack of censorship is very much appreciated, because it does not skew the history of an event. I think that what you suggest for future blow-ups is perfect.

    6. i rather hope there aren't any...while the above is an answer, it's far from ideal, and i'd love never to have to invoke it.

  11. Anon#??? I really think at this point that it doesn't matter who said what. But perhaps in future the Anons can each choose an unidentifiable moniker that simply separates them out from each other, like GymMomma did. Don't stop posting up here though, that way the bullies win. Remember, they CANNOT know who you are. Let's do as Canaan asks and move on, okay? Leave the slashers and burners to do their thing. I tried throwing water on a new flame that erupted there overnight partly because I had typed an acronym erroneously back near the beginning... Oh my, LOL... But I shall be good and stay up here in the fresh air from now on. Left alone in the thread, they will eventually peter out.

    As to the subject of THIS thread, I really am crossing fingers and toes that this lot will be more "hands on" in a positive way than the old. The signs are looking hopeful, methinks, but I have not seen anything from the owners this past few days... But I do see this, in a thread discussing the latest glitch http://www.foopets.com/topics/show/2297962?forum_id=28&page=5 where Butterfly reports what happened when she contacted support

    "I have just received a message from them and have been advised to say no more on this topic. I respect their answer and will personally take their advice"

    That sounds too much like the old secretive lot to me... But maybe I am too sensitive :)

    1. the point was not to get shorti "punished" - at least not in my eyes - but to emplace a system that will never allow this to happen in the future. (and for those who wish satisfaction, having her remain an a, with her hands tied and powers curtailed, ought to provide a BUNDLE, lol) they were never likely to publicly "turn" on what amounts to one of their own - foor the same reason that the other ambs, regardless of what they think or know personally, would not publicly censure her.

      a better system will do what we need - and is achievable.

    2. Yes, I know -- and I too have not suggested that she should be "punished", simply that the powers that she wielded under Rivet seemed to be too great and that ambassadorial powers should be kept under review.

      I notice that Rozzy has locked a thread in the suggestions forum, after a message pointing to the december "rules" thread, so either she was wrong to do so or the new owners think those rules will do.

      And by the way, the fact that she was able to lock the thread shows that it is possible for ambassadors to do exactly that.

    3. there was never any real question about that - should this whole mess ever make it into a "higher court", the amount of sheer perjury on the part of the "supporters" is likely to weigh against them...

      as far as the old rules go, until they are changed officially she's technically within her rights, though not in the right. perhaps the oversight in amending them when they contradict stated policy ought to be pointed out to Support.

  12. Wow - it is so full down there the last posts are hidden. Since this is really to you Carrie (et.al) and any one who may care what a typical member is really thinking and doing right now, I thought I should copy it up here in the calm zone. It is in response to your loss of hope in a new dawn at foo post. Plus it is like a snake pit still.

    "I get the same feeling, Carrie. I have gone from giddy with hope to sad and disheartened. Although there was a brief moment of hope this forum nightmare would be resolved, I see it will be business as usual with the new owners. As I write this there are the same bullies with no official authority cornering and continuing their wrath on anyone with a differing opinion or even just a question. And not one word from anyone in authority.

    I was ready to renew all my accounts (they all come due within 15 days of each other) but have changed my mind. It is to risky. Until I know who is steering the ship I will use the money for my real life pets. The apparent representative agents are doing the new owners a great disservice and the fact that there has been no statement from them concerning this situation is very worrying. I feel like maybe we have again been bamboozled to get us to come back or stay under false pretenses. All for $$$.

    I do not buy the argument that they cannot say anything for legal reasons. If someone was misrepresenting their vision it would seem to me to be of great importance to make it clear that it was NOT how they intended to run things. So obviously this behavior will be the way things will continue to be. And the bully packs will continue to ride rough shod over the entire site. I will not pay for this treatment or support it.

    At this time I have stopped telling friends to consider coming back. I am telling them to wait and see. And I am putting all but one of my accounts into stasis and will only consider reactivating them if and when there are some changes made that I can live with. If the new owners are as honorable as they say they are my pets will be safe and waiting for me. If not they would have been gone eventually anyway along with a good chunk of my money.

    Their reputation is hanging by a thread. I hope that my encouragement did not lead others to make a choice that I now feel uncomfortable committing to. It is truly disappointing."

    1. they created a monster by reopening the Forums without making and posting changes that reflect the new stated policies, and may very well be at a loss as to just what to do about it...i can't see holding the new guys responsible for the venomous posting (and other actions) of those who see their power slipping away. it will take them some time to sort this mess out - my recommendation is just to ignore the forums (much as i am now ignoring the mess downstairs) until the maturity level improves.

    2. Has anyone else reported this? I know exactly who this lovely group of people are, and whether it is them or not, that type of behavior should not be allowed to continue. Screenshot and report. And if that doesn't work, I am pretty sure there are other agencies around that would love to take control of this issue and ensure that Foo is now a safe place, at least as safe as they claim to be. It is mind blowing that Foo is allowing these people to literally take away revenue from them. The amount of people they are losing compared to the amount of people destroying far outweighs. What a sad mess.

    3. Whose attacking in the forums? I think I must have missed something...

  13. Whew. Reading the previous thread had my stomach in a knot and had me holding my breath. I had awful visions of this place becoming another forum and was ready to duck and run. I'm glad I came here to this newer post where reason reigns once again. A nice deep breath and I feel lots better. I'm all for uncensored posts but golly tamale, some were getting ugly and I was scared to post even a peep. I am very glad that the petition will not post our personal info for all to see. Not a tiny thing to do with cowardice but my little one loves Foo, as do I, and I would hate to see us get run out of Dodge and away from our pixel-pets simply for posting an opinion here.

    To the 84,000 anonymous's, oly-oly-oxen-free! I understand the fear of retribution and if you only feel comfortable staying anonymous or being 'anonymous 753' and signing that to the bottom of your post then that's still lots better than leaving here. Let's continue to stand together. It'll get better! :)

    1. yes, earlier today i gave them a screenshot of the petition to play with instead of the "live" version with Comments hidden (and despite all the wailing, i saw no indication that any of them actually LOOKED at it - why let a little thing like facts get in the way of a good bashing session, lol?), and the petition itself is back to normal as a "gated" (just email me) site where people can post in peace.

      i don't care WHAT people want to call themselves here, lol - or how/where - just want to be able to tell them apart. the only place actual identities matter is the petition, and that is inaccessible to outsiders once more.

    2. Azkani-KarmaPoliceMarch 22, 2012 at 7:53 PM

      I just wanted to say that I did read the petition, yesterday when I told you I would. I felt that I was too angry over other posts to be able to comment objectively. Anyhow, I see an issue with your petition. This is speaking rationally and with no comments from the previous (thread) I guess, I don't know how you refer to these pages.

      This committee you propose. Who would it be made up of? How could you be certain that the people on the committee wouldn't have the same power issues as the people you now take issue with? How could you be sure they wouldn't have their own vendettas or their own agendas? Who would choose these people? And as human beings, wouldn't they be just as capable of exhibiting the faults that you right now claim to see in some of the Ambassadors and Admin?

      That is what I thought of it yesterday, that is how I feel today. Even if it were a rotating committee, there would always be the opportunity for bias, for power to be misused. I believe a committee of people is really not so different than the current Ambassadors though many don't see it that way. I see the fact that they answer to a higher power in the Admin, and the Admin answer to the higher powers of the company. There are currently checks and balances in place. Further, these people have dealt with the issues for a long time now. They are familiar with what goes on. Many players feel that they do a good job. One question that I don't believe was answered yesterday, if a poll was taken of the Foo community, and it was shown that the majority was satisfied with the job the Ambassadors do, and your petition was denied, would you be satisfied that the majority disagreed with you and that the company listened to it's main customer base? Or would you continue to take issue and believe that they should follow your cause even if you're in the minority?

      (I feel this post was made with no attacks. Only questions that I would prefer to see answered with no animosity. I have left my issues on the previous page as you asked earlier on this page. I would ask you all to please do the same.)

  14. thank you, Askani, i rather thought you would. your levelheadedness is appreciated. as far as the atmosphere up here, i think you will find that reason is met with reason, as it should be. (i don't really know how to refer to them either - it's not a Forum and they aren't really threads, despite the use that was made of the previous one - i generally just call them Comment sections)

    the committee in question would be composed of ambassadors and Admin, i imagine, that would be up to the site. and while even that, as you say, is no guarantee of a total lack of bias, it will at least minimize the possibility, and there really isn't anything beyond that that i can think of to propose. if nothing else, it would prevent the sort of circus i see going on below...and consensus is generally more reliable than unilateral action, on anyone's part.

    the poll you mention escaped me, i'm sorry - i stopped paying a lot of attention to the mudfight down there. i remember you calling for an overview of the Foop at large by disinterested parties...but a poll is not a bad idea. i may generate one and send it to our new people for their review and use, or not, as they choose. if no one is abusing power, i don't see why they should object to oversight, and it would eliminate the claims that individuals are being picked on by other individuals.

    contrary to accusation, i am not interested in "controlling" what ANYONE does, even if i could, the site especially. i AM foolish enough to stick my neck out and make suggestions and recommendations about what i believe might work in a given situation based on my own experience in similar cases. the fact that this has never been discouraged by the site is interesting...even during the height of my pitched battle with Kate, no site-based restrictions were ever imposed here.

    i'm here because i happen to love the pets. i will stay on that basis regardless of what the future holds - lord knows, it can't get much worse, lol, and gives indications of getting a great deal better. nor have i ever been known to attack ANYONE : i HAVE made fun of those who, from time to time, seem to be saying/doing something absurd. after all, this whole enterprise (the Foop) was born out of Foo Poo...

    1. Azkani-KarmaPoliceMarch 22, 2012 at 9:54 PM

      Thank you for replying Gold. I was hoping it would be you that did. After all, I do believe this is your blog? I had a reply typed out, but of course, I hit a button and it disappeared. So I will try again. Your answers leave me with a few more questions. I hope that's okay.

      The Admin are chosen I guess. So that I would think is settled.

      Who would you want these Ambassadors to be? Would you prefer to keep those who are current and just place them in the committee environment or would you prefer new ones? If new, how would you ask the new owners to choose them? Based on what standards?

      I believe the current Fa's wouldn't take issue to the new owners setting their own rules for them provided they were fair. The Fa's, and I have at one time dealt with almost all of them, are a levelheaded and easygoing bunch. This is my opinion of them as I have dealt with them and as I have seen them deal with others. I do see some are more firm while some have a more lax approach. I believe each one does what works best for them, and I believe as a group, they benefit from one another as each brings something unique to the table. I don't say these things out of friendship, out of misguided loyalty, fear, or because I am sucking up. I don't say these things for any reason other than because I genuinely feel this way. I feel the need to qualify this, and I don't feel that I should have to. If it was a normal player, I would never have to justify my feelings. But if I compliment an Admin or an Fa, some see agenda or other intent. There is none here. I am simply voicing an opinion.

      I think that all of them do their job because they love the site and it's players and wish to see it succeed. I believe if the new owners set new rules, as I said, if they treat them and us right, I see them having no issues. Many people still have lingering fear from Kate's reign. I was one. I looked over my shoulder for a long time and refused to place ANY trust in higher authority. The trust I place now is not blind and did not come easily. I have learned to trust Snacks for one. I don't know any of the other Admin to say one way or the other, and my interaction with him is limited, but I have watched and observed. I feel more secure with him and with the current Fa's then I have in a long time on Foo. Because I feel they are fair. Because I have spoken up in opposition and I did so with no fear of retribution. Which was a major improvement. We still have far to go but I believe in these people, it's not a ploy. It's heartfelt. I think they will do what is best for Foo and for it's players.

      Just two more questions as I have gotten off on a tangent here. One, what would this Board of Appeal entail? And two, have you any suggestions for guidelines or was that a broad appeal?

    2. if a workable group is empaneled to review decisions before they are final, the Review Board would almost be redundant, i think. that was posed as more an alternative than an addition. Support already essentially serves that purpose, and the consensus is that the current policies there are quite fair.

      if people would like, i could make some suggestions as to guidelines, but what i am mainly seeking is clarity and evenhandedness...and an update to bring them in line with the new stated policies that contradict the old ones (6 months or so back) that are still in force (i just went and checked), and to have what ambs/As do and don't do posted as well. a list of Who's Who, with maybe thumbnail bios and specific areas of oversight would also be an excellent thing as well, especially in the light of the new management team.

      i have no personal want/don't want's as far as ambs go - but as much ill feeling as there obviously is, one possibility might be a "blind" application process whereby existing and potential ambassadors fill out a questionnaire of some sort designed by the site as part of the (re)qualification process. i am well aware that nothing will please everyone - what i am trying to do is devise some kind of system that everyone can live with and put an end to the personalities and bickering we presently enjoy.

  15. A thought here, Gold Rush. You say that the Board of Appeal would probably consist of Ambassadors and Admins, and I have to say that anyone who feels unfairly treated by any Admin or Ambassador is likely to feel that the whole group would "stick together" -- largely as we have seen happen down below in that disgraceful mess.

    This is not an attack, simply an observation of human nature; people do always show that which supports their own case. The poster of the original message by Shorti chose, of course, the passage that worried her. To counter that, Kaylina somehow found the thread and quoted bits that supported her view of it. The original poster, I believe, was worried that such sentiments were posted on a site intended, as Rivet stated, for young children. It worries me that the thread has now been removed so that nobody at all can check it out. (By the way, I went there after Kaylina's posting and saved the whole thread in case anyone wants it).

    What is needed in any given case that requires arbitration, is a Board that all parties feel they can trust to be unbiased. So it should be made up of representatives from all areas, including non-ambassadors and non-Admins. Especially now, when there is a history of hurt between "a"s and non"a"s, and when we have Admins who may possibly know nothing about the game.

  16. Anon #???, for some reason I cannot reply on your comment so I shall do it here. A big (((hug))) first though; we have been through a lot, those of us who have been with foo through all the changes. And it is not easy to start trusting again when you have suffered abuse.

    I am willing to wait and see what happens, but I am not changing my current method of "hibernating" accounts until I see with whom we are dealing and what they intend to do with the game. If they prove to be fair and open, and continue to be communicative, I shall re-activate some accounts. If they do not, I shall not. Currently there is hope, because all that we have heard adversely has been from those who might perhaps lose something from a fairer, less rigid system.

    As Gold Rush says, they created a monster by re-opening the forums without putting new rules in place, and the ambassadors probably don't really know what to do. Unfortunately they have chosen so far to try and enforce the rules which Rivet put there. I am still hoping that they will listen positively to those who want certain restrictions lifted, because the game has become a shadow of what it used to be. Things like feeding fosters again, fashion shows (possibly without reward, just for fun), user to user sales with FAR less tax, Roleplay with certain checks in place, creating scenes without having to go into the Play page, and many other small (but vital to some players) changes could be considered with fresh eyes. Discussions of such a possibility should not be stomped on until the new owners come out of hiding.

    I do agree that if someone was misrepresenting the new owners' vision it would be important to make it clear that that was NOT how they intended to run things. The more time that goes by without such a statement the more uneasy players such as you and I will become.

    1. the ambs (gleefully or by default, who knows?) are enforcing the only rules they have at the moment, and those are 6 months out of date. that, and rewriting the TOS (i hope to the AllBeing), need to be immediate priorities for the new team as soon as they have the legal right to do so.

      everything comes back to no more "spooky actions at a distance", as far as i can see...if there are no hidden agendas and no paranoia about censorship the lion's share of the problem will cure itself.

      i don't disagree about having members on the panel as well, but we have a chicken-and-egg situation here...who chooses them? who chooses the choosers? who chooses THEM?, und so weiter. if all the ambs and as many Admin as possible review a serious action BEFORE it is taken, and we have a clear statement as to who is or is not entitled to do what, i think any remaining disputes can be taken up with Support, who have demonstrated a reasonable level of cooperation under the present regime.

    2. Azkani-KarmaPoliceMarch 23, 2012 at 9:35 AM

      I just woke up, I'll read your post more thoroughly in a bit, but I believe you've answered all of my questions, I thank you. I had some further questions, to Carrie, but you posted them yourself. Basically the choosing scenario.

      As for Startapult, I looked it up myself and what you see is seemingly what you get. The address when I googled it, even though the google info is a year old matches the address on Foo. But for me the address looks really familiar, I'd swear I've seen it before. Also the description for the company is:

      "Heading description: Wholesale, retail, or consulting for business and consumer sales and rental."

      So perhaps they were involved in some way with Rivet? I Googled how far Walnut Creek is from San Fran and it said 33 minutes. I don't know. Just seems to me this could be another Brother Games type scenario where people see a name they didn't notice before and think it's the new people. Or it could be the new people. But I think they'd probably prefer to tell us all at once than let a few find out by accident when viewing the privacy page. Again, I could be way off here.

      Possibly more about the petition later after I've had a chance to wake up and put my brain to work. ;)

    3. if the papers have been passed i believe they are legally required to post the operating corporation - Brother Games was just something that came up when FooPets was googled during the vacuum in "actual" ownership, their name never appeared here.

      no, i don't believe they were involved with Rivet in any direct way, that address is familiar for other reasons...it's my guess that legal custody of Foo was just transferred to that entity and they will update their online persona accordingly soon.

      we are in possession of more (and VERY interesting) information on this, and once we are able to develop it a bit more will make it public. as it stands, the post has been amended a bit in light of the new discoveries, and we will "break" the whole story when it is complete and verified.

  17. Hey look what Dee found at the bottom of the Privacy page, guys and gals -- "©2012 Startapult, Inc. All rights reserved." so we have a name of sorts?

  18. well, well...it HAS been the better part of two weeks, hasn't it. now the nitties ought to start getting gritty, and the fallout in many directions will be interesting to watch.

    i did a little quick snooping (the results have been added to the post, above), and find myself a bit puzzled. if a name is registered, no one else is allowed to use it, correct? the only "Startapult" i find did not need to register or incorporate, it's been in existence since sometime last year...

  19. Karlia-Wicked-WitchMarch 23, 2012 at 12:10 PM

    According to google Startapult is a copyright agent
    Our designated copyright agent for notice of alleged copyright infringement or other legal notices regarding Content appearing on the Service is:

    Attn: Copyright Agent
    Startapult, Inc. (dba Yak)
    1630 Riviera Avenue
    Walnut Creek, CA 94596 USA

    1. i looked into that - that reference appears to just be a division of their own legal department, not their actual business. Yak.to was a sort of anonymous forum site : looks like fun, but it never really took off. pity. maybe paired with Foo both can start to go places.

  20. ((((Gold Rush dear)))) I sent you an email which you might find very interesting xxx

  21. The site seems to be running well today. I'm not sure how accommodating ideas will be considering new owners, but old ambassadors. I placed a short comment in the ideas forum about role playing and it was quickly locked. I never did any RP, but my daughter was into the horse and wolf RP. I was caught off guard by the response and the locking of my post. http://www.foopets.com/topics/show/2298931?forum_id=28&post_count=2

  22. the Forums need a LOT of overhauling (as the needless locking of a simple question shows), not least of all bringing the outdated rules into line with the new stated policies. i'd suggest taking that to Support, while the whole issue of ambassadors and forum rules is getting sorted out.

    1. these seem to cover it..."Some common suggestions and Rivet’s response:" and, both more pertinent and more hopeful - "I kno this rule is from last yr but we have been told to enforce these rules until the new owners have time to review them and make necessary changes" (i may deplore the spelling, but like the sentiment expressed - and the fact that there will indeed BE changes.)

  23. I agree that the word "changes" sounds hopeful but I do think it is a shame that, in the Suggestions forum, they are upholding so vigorously the Rivet rules. In my view, bad behaviour on the forums should be subject to the rules, and anything to excessive. But, at a time when we all have hope for change, to firmly lock a thread which contains a suggestion, is simply annoying and over the top.

    I have no interest at all in RP but I know that many do, and the new owners would probably find the coffers filling again from returning players who left because of the RP ban. Come on, "a"s, try to be a little less strict with the rule-enforcing.

    The Suggestions forum should be open to all suggestions until the new owners make it clear that they themselves do not want certain ones. Keeping discussion of certain types of oft-repeated suggestion to single threads would be a much better way to go. How about an "RP requests go here" stickied thread? Then at least people can discuss it, along with ideas for controlling it.

    1. Rozzy at least responded politely...and her reply suggests that by consensus if not instruction, they are following the existing rules to have SOME guidelines until the new ones are generated - hopefully soon. locked id not deleted, what is locked can be unlocked.

      i have NEVER heard of Suggestions getting locked, however - if the Beta protest was allowed to run as long as it did (a mistake, on their part - it should have been responded to MUCH sooner), i don't see how ANYTHING else could be a problem, lol. if the site doesn't care for it, it turns it down. (and i have seen some seriously absurd stuff Suggested without response)

    2. Oh I agree. I dislike the whole idea of locking threads in a forum for suggestions. Quite often a thread was a very interesting discussion, and to see it locked without a decent comment is frustrating.

      It seemed that threads got locked in the suggestions forum for two reasons. One was because some members objected to repeated suggestions; they tended to be vocal about it and derail the threads. The other was because our previous owners seemed to feel that it was good enough simply to say in a sticky that certain suggestions would not even be considered. In my view, such a sticky allied to the summary locking of certain threads was only going to frustrate members who felt that they had some new twist on an idea. There was a feeling that the new owners did not really understand the game, and that the only people who had access to the "ear" of the owners had a narrower concept of the gameplay.

      If people don't agree with an idea it will naturally sink down, and if they do -- and state good reasons -- it could be worth actually considering.

      The idea of making a sticky within which people should place all comments on that particular subject is fairly good but, in the case of "breed ideas" their thoughts may seem to be buried in too many pages. A much better idea would be for the owners to decide on a set of breeds that they will consider, and then post a thread saying that ONLY these are on the table, and invite discussion within one thread.

      For specific ideas which come up often, it would be a good idea to have a thread for each; Fashion shows and Pokey breeding are particularly popular ideas and ideas for making those work could be invited -- the owners can still say no if they feel the balance of suggestion is still not enough to tip the scales, but at least it would let people feel that their thoughts were being seriously taken into account. as an aside, I personally don't care for pokey breeding, and fashion shows are cute but do not need reward.

      Yes, the Beta protest was left for far too long with no response from management, and when that comment did come it did not take into account any of the arguments; it was effectively a simple "you're stuck with it".

      I feel that both the old FooMojo and the appalling Rivet treated their customers with contempt. I wonder if the new owners will manage to pull us out of the soup. I am not sure what to make of the newest findings...

    3. well, if the photo wasn't just scarfed off the internet somewhere, and the Three Masked Men are still watching what goes on there, the little trail of breadcrumbs i left ought to lead someplace interesting...

    4. I really don't think that it was scarfed off the Internet -- we re-examined the whole thing carefully and cannot see a flaw :) I do hope that you get something from that little trail, that was so much fun! You are the master, or mistress LOL, of intrigue

    5. Could u people b anymore cryptic or is that part of ur fun?

    6. i am sorry - i am not really trying to be mysterious, but until i have clear confirmation of what i (and some others) seem to be seeing, i do not feel that it would be fair to either members or our new crew to make flat-out statements as if they were fact...especially after the false alarm with Brother Games when the site first went down.

      the "cryptic" statements allow me to keep those who have been gathering info current on my progress (and let others join the search if they are so inclined), without creating premature alarm or excitement concerning the new company. all of us are working off information available openly on the internet, the most pertinent of which is tagged here on the Foop. once it is appropriate to publish a complete "news flash" in clear, we will do so.

  24. theoretically, if it was posted anywhere, anyone halfway competent could repost it at will, even with no idea who or whose it was...i DID find a couple of interesting tidbits off his LinkedIn, though...one of his "company" connections links directly to the Foo ite (throws you into your play mode the way an outside gaming link would), and his present company (a venture capitialization firm...the source of the startup cash?) shows him as coming on board 2/12.

    1. Ah! Thank you for that, Gold Rush!

      And Anonymous, Gold Rush is simply being careful and not posting possibly incorrect information until she is absolutely sure of her facts. We are in safe hands here on the FooScooper :)

    2. it appears that Rivet has managed to survive in attenuated form (the phone app Puzzle Tails seems to still be extant), and until ALL of their fingers are out of the FooPie our present rescuers may have to remain masked.

  25. IMPORTANT! all posting here, please read the 3/27/12 addition to the main blog post above...this is one area in which i WILL delete comments if necessary, not for censorship purposes but to protect something i'm sure we all value over being the first to "solve" the puzzle of our new ownership. thanks!

  26. Thank you, Gold Rush for the info! This is exciting!

  27. According to information received earlier today, news has already broken and is traveling via e-mail. If what we see and hear is true and we have no reason to doubt it, it is just as some of us suspected all along. Pertinent questions are being posed, but out of respect for your blog I shall say no more.

    1. your discretion is appreciated - that makes sense, as we were informed via email as well, as you can see, but are respecting the sender's request to await their "all clear" prior to making a public announcement.

    2. We expect the Foo poop to hit in a big way when that does happen, assuming the 'truth' is told that is. Some already now aware of the owner behind Startapult are already getting their accounts ready for deletion or to be frozen. Since there appears to be no new dawn in the offing, deletion seems to be the preferred option. The general consensus for most who received that email yesterday was excitement into disappointment in one fell swoop =o( The more things change the more they stay the same seems to be very appropriate in this case.

    3. These news scare me out of my mind...
      Though I know nothing about the people behind the new company.

    4. the fact that there is a familiar name or names is not necessarily bad news - Janasov and Rivet are NOT involved, which is the main thing, and the fact that these "old" new folks are talking to regular citizens, as it were, tends to suggest that the hope we see is not unwarranted. it is still a waiting game with an open mind as far as i can see.

      deletion - with its accompanying locking of pets from care even by friends, and possible finality - is a horribly final step under ANY conditions. now you have me curious about these "other" emails...if they concern account renewal, has anyone considered that it may be an "automatic" sending of the old coding?

    5. I have to agree, gold Rush; these owners are showing that they have learned that communication is important. So, whoever they are, that surely is a hopeful sign.

      I too am intrigued about these "other" emails LOL... also I hope that, if people do delete, they take care to get ALL of their pets off the profile first and ensure that friends have contact info.

  28. That is SO wonderful Gold rush! ((((huge hugs all round)))) And yes, I shall tippy-toe around being quiet as a kitty watching a mousehole :))

    Brilliant detective work, sweet friend!

  29. Anybody else having a hard time getting into the 'play' page? I can instacare everybody via my profile page but I can't get into 'play' for love or money. I just get that undulating "FooPets" logo and nothing else which, if I watch the logo move long enough, makes me wish I had a whack-a-mole hammer to swat my monitor with. I've done the usual clear cookies, clean up stuff and still no dice. I dropped them a note on Twitter so we'll see what happens. Anyone have any other suggestions of things I might try? Thanks a bunch! :)

    1. just tried - it did take ages, but eventually with a refresh it loaded the pet...toys etc were still trying to load, but i didn't wait for them as that wasn't the problem you described. what browser are you in?

    2. I use Google Chrome and today everything is working fine. Ah, well, just one of those things, I guess. Thank you for your reply! :)

  30. Wow. I am so lost. LOL. Should I feel excited or apprehensive? Scared, depressed? Sigh. It ain't easy bein' green.

  31. i am informed that there have BEEN no emails from the site management...i emailed and asked them what was going on (and cc'd the relevant Comments here) and the response i just received is being appended to the main post above.

    people may be emailing each other, no way of knowing what they have learned or believe. i still see no cause to expect anything but good things and fair treatment at the hands of those who took the time and trouble to rescue the site from oblivion.

  32. Well I have no idea what is going on, nor what emails people are referring to. I have not received any emails from staff or ambassadors, nor have I seen any speculations from players. My only participation has been what I sent to you a few days ago, Gold Rush. I hope that people are not panicking needlessly.

    Whatever the new company is, and no matter who the new owners may be, I certainly get the impression that a new dawn of some sort is being planned, and I would hate to see long-term loyal supporters panic and leave in this 11th hour.

    Hang in there, guys and gals!

    1. "We absolutely love FooPets and love ALL the members who have stuck in there over the last 20 months or so under Rivet." *grin* bless their fuzzy hearts -- and an instantaneous reply from a real person 8} -- yes, so good to see after all the foo darkness and pain. For all of us, a clean slate would be good. Let's not panic, okay? (((group huggle))) xxxxx

  33. Those of y'all who know me on here know that I am a "reader", not a "poster"... Well, okay, except for during Beta. LOL!

    Anyway, I felt I have to post this. This afternoon, I received this Tweet from Foo:

    "foopets FooPets
    @tamutks @BoutiqueRose @nicolewwe Follow up on Kevin-365 we have reactivated his account in his memory:) Thanks for the suggestions guys!
    Mar 30, 12:32 PM via web"

    For those of you who do not know who Kevin-365, Kevin was a member from the Pokey days. He passed away at the young age of 38 and his family kept his account opened until Foo became "pay-to-play". A lot of us old timers had been caring for his pets until they took the ability for us to care for non-friends. Not being a "poster" but a "reader", I did not send Kevin a FR, something I really regretted later because he seemed like such a nice guy...

    A few weeks ago, a couple of Foo players and myself made mention on Twitter about his account and asked or voiced that it would be nice if Foo reopened Kevin's account in his memory. I did not expect anything but when I saw the Tweet in my mail, it brought tears to my eyes...

    I am still beside myself. All I can do is thank Foo and continue to be loyal to this wonderful game that I love...

    1. (((((hugs Tamy))))) Well that is just so wonderful and will mean a lot to those who cared about Kevin! Yes, they have done something really good there. I do hope that his family will be able to come back, or if not that the Admin bot can be given his account to care for along with the Admin ones :)♥

    2. hopefully they will be able to notify his near and dear, and even if they do ont have time to care for the pets can accept friend requests from the many willing helpers. God bless the new foo crew!

      i DO hope those who are basing their judgement of the new management team on names, gossip, and actions taken by others in their names get to read about this somewhere...

  34. It was a truly lovely thing to do. And it was timed on the 2nd anniversary of his passing. So unlike any of the past actions or lack of actions. And it was done with true grace and kindness. It is a far cry from any experience I have had in the past and I hope will lead us to a new Fooville community and attitude. I hope the olive branch they are extending will be accepted by one and all in the spirit of this young mans love of his FooPets

  35. I am truly touched by what Foo has done here. I didn't know Kevin, this is in fact the first I've heard of any of this, but I agree this is such a kind and gracious act that Foo has done here. Kudos to them! It shows a caring side, a beating heart, that I never thought existed, let alone that I would ever see. I didn't know Kevin as I say but this is such a beautiful way to honor his memory and I'm sure he would be as touched by this as any of us reading. Thank you Foo, for this, and for showing Foo does have a compassionate and beating heart.

  36. i wonder if we could enquire about Millicent Too's two inaccessible accounts...perhaps they could at least remove the care block accidentally left in place and allow her friends to tend the pets she loved so well.

    1. WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA oh my that would be so fantastic -- I know that she would never have wished her friends not to be able to feed them if she had had time to change that preference, and it is so very sad to see such a great pet-lover's pets starve :(

    2. i will put a blog together, like the one i sent to their Twitter...which 2 accounts were they? i think all of Millie's friends should add a little message - this would be so great, if it works.

    3. Millie had several accounts, some of which were set to favourite friends only and one of which only she could feed. The only person who could feed most of them was Renee, but even she could not feed that last one. I can get the names of the accounts for you in the morning if that is what you are asking?

    4. It doesn't hurt to ask them about Millie's accounts. I know there are more out there that friends and family tried to keep going in memory of those who passed. I am excited, in a positive way, about Foo for the first time in a very, very, long, long time. Hee hee, here I have posted twice in a week. I'm ruining my reputation as a "reader"!

  37. yes, i know, i could reach most of them frm one account or another, but there (i thought) were two that were owner-only, though i may be mistaken - yes, if we could get an overall list, with notes on those that need unlocking and how much, that would help.

    1. I have sent you an email, with a list of all her accounts and how they appear to be set. If you manage to get the new foo people to open up her accounts, please do get them to change the "favourite friends" setting on them to "all friends" so that Dee and I can help tend to them. Currently I can only tend the pets on one of her accounts. We were good "rescue" buddies and she was a brilliant foo parent until her sudden death. It hurts to see her pets starve.

    2. We kept them all happy and fed until Renee's account finally went into hibernation. It hurts somewhat that I cannot even feed Renee's pets now -- I don't know why she set the preferences that way; possibly it was caused by a glitch, who can say.

    3. Canaan can access all but 4, and of those i have Chezzers picking up one that no one else can "reach". i will have to look and see if i ever got an email fropm renee anywhere (i think i may have), i can try to get in touch about that, and giving her a scholarship for her main once i'm refunded.

  38. Tired of being taken for a suckerApril 2, 2012 at 6:30 AM

    I fail to see why y'all so excited about this not so new company for. All I see are flowery words and empty promises just like we saw when this so called new owner ran Foo before. The site is the worst it's been since I joined, nothing works. Has the company announced who it is yet? No, all we hear is just a few more days, and how long have we heard that for? There is no legal reason not to announce themselves now, yet still nothing. Makes me very dubious. Have Foo responded to all that riot over that Unicorn bg? Again no, posters were told to say no more about it. If companies could exist on flowery words and empty promises alone as Foo does I'm sure there would be many more who would set up and run their own company too. But thankfully some more reputable companies believe in giving paying customers the service they are paying for. Since Foo isn't one of those I've just cancelled my CF bank payment. After 3 years I've had enough. Let me know when Foo is actually taken over by a NEW company and not the same one rehashed over and over again, and when, just for once, we are going to get what we pay for. Tired of being taken for a sucker. So I'm out and thank Foo for that I say!

    1. we're seeing different pictures, i guess...(and what on earth is "riot over unicorn bkg"? i would be interested in learning who told posters - and where - to say no more about anything) the main thing keeping most of us here - other than hope - is the pets...and those you will not FIND anywhere else, which is why we stay here and keep trying.

      personally i'd just as soon have someone who knows which end of the code is up in charge, and folks who have a personal interest in seeing the site succeed, but each to their own preferences...far as i know they haven't MADE any promises other than to work hard and do their best, and thus far they have more then made good on that much. i am not having significant or consistent problems on any of my 3 accounts, what do you find not working - i'll go fiddle with it and see what's wrong if i can.

      we have a small crew fighting already overwritten and buggy code on (probably) inadequate servers and operating out of their own pockets, by and large. despite this, they got the site back online in less than 48 hours, so that people could at least reach and care for their pets, which is what the site is truly about - and all the other stuff (bonding badge counts, daily allotments, breeding/delivery dates, et al, ad nauseam) can and is being dealt with once it can be - it's not going anywhere and no one is harmed by waiting a few minutes for a solution that will not be affected by a brief delay in gratification.

      it is entirely possible that the remnants of Rivet - bitter, resentful, and far from anxious to see those they scorned succeed where they failed - are obstructing the finalization of site transfer. it is also possible they are milking the site for every last dollar they can glean before they let the new incorporation take control. i do not know. you do not know. i DO know that i'm willing to not sweat the small stuff (BBs, a handful of FDs, etc) and give our new foo crew the benefit of the doubt - they are already doing and giving lightyears more than any control group has in the past.

    2. The Unicorn Background is the only thing that Rivet ever gave us in compensation for a major oopsie on their part. When Rivet let us have it, they did not of course make a formal announcement on the Foo forums, but they told a few people and the word got around. The background was buyable for something like one gem and you could either re-sell it to get the 50FD compensation or you could hang onto it as a nice item. And they had a rigorous limit; nobody could buy more than one of the item, even if they had sent theirs to someone else.

      A couple of weeks ago, from what I understand (I was asleep so only saw the ensuing fall-out in the forums) that background suddenly became available in as much quantity as desired, and people could, without limit, buy it for next-to-nothing and re-sell it for a tidy sum. Some people assumed that this was the new owners' "compensation" for the past few months' difficulties, and I gather that some people became humungously rich within the hour or so before the game's owners caught it. The background can now only be sold for zero FDs, which ironically makes the only thing that Rivet ever "gave" us now worthless. Some people had been trading "rare" pets for a bunch of these backgrounds and have now lost both pet and cash, so of course the forums went berserk about it.

      I personally am puzzled at the continuing lack of "coming out" on the part of the new owners but am willing to wait and see what happens; they cannot be worse than Rivet, and with any luck they have better coders on board than the game has had in the past. they seem to be willing to communicate and keep us updated, and I do think that they are working to fix the code.

      I have been having fun watching the mousehole and do believe that I have found the correct one cos it SMELLS like mice LOL...

      Beyond that I cannot even guess, so I wait.

    3. i see...so something jarred the overcode on the Unicorn background and it reverted to the "compensation" price (* - by the way, far as i know there WAS an Announcement posted in the Forums at some point for the original offer) without the lock on quantity, apparently unnoticed by whoever was recoding (probably for something altogether different). and people being people, the rush was on. (and without SOME kind of comment somewhere - the New Foo Crew have no trouble communicating - i don't think anyone REALLY thought it was a deliberate gift...)

      so, our new guys had a problem on their hands - like site inflation wasn't already bad enough - and they solved it by cauterizing the hole.

      what they DIDN'T do was go screaming after everyone who profited and crucify them for exploiting a loophole...and those who tried to get something for nothing, or were conned by those who did, are now out for their scalps. sigh.

      i just got a message back from the new crew (i asked about delay and Uni bkg issue), and there are a few papers left to be signed. i don't know enough about the legal situation to have an opinion, but they don't seem to be doing any LESS just because their title isn't yet clear - that gives 'em more creidt in my eyes, not less.

  39. has the new owners actually taken care of all the "Legal stuff" and out and out own foo now? if that is the case they should present themselves. i won't judge till i know these things for sure myself.

    1. good for you - that is as it should be. they were trying to get the final papers signed the last i heard - possibly Rivet is foot-dragging for whatever reasons. hopefully soon all the mystery - and the needless drama it is generating - will be over, and we can start getting things done.

  40. What I don't get is...how can they have the company's name in "legal" parts of the site ( i.e ToS, Privacy etc ) and yet, they are not allowed to make an announcement, due to process not being finalized. IMO if new company takes over, adding their name to ToS and Privacy cannot happen prior to sealing the deal for good. So....what exactly is going on?

    1. Hopefully this isn't just another shell game going on.

  41. Didn't I read somewhere that Rivet did not change the name from FooMojo? I suspect their laziness and lax attitude is the cause of the delays.

    My company is in a similar situation. We can not use the name of the company we started until a third party signs off on the new deal and they are getting money from the old one. So what should have taken weeks is becoming months and earning attorney fees and profit for the squeaky wheel. It does not seem right but it is how business works these days.

    Plus Rivet still has to get the phone app off Pets Tales off doesn't it? I think the only feet dragging is Rivet. They were of questionable ethics from the beginning.

    I have survived this long. I can wait a little longer to get the Foopets I always hoped it would become. If it does not then I had them longer than I would have. They have always been my primary reason for staying.

  42. yes, i think Rivet - for whatever reasons - is the one dragging their feet. FooMojo changed their name to Rivet when the backers brought in Jesse Janasov as CEO and kicked foo's actual creators to the curb...and the site has been deteriorating ever since, as what they wanted/tried to do here was not appropriate for the site or its members. Rivet changed the name from Mojo in some places, left it in others, and in general did whatever was easier or more advantageous for themselves.

    the only "game" Rivet still has is the Puzzle Tales phone app, as far as i know - though since that is theirs i'm not sure how or why it would affect us, as unlike Pet Tales it doesn't use any foo-proprietary coding or images.

  43. Did you see who has taken over foopets? Good ole' Dr.Ron. Trouble. Eugene and of course Scott Sorochek too. All money bags!

  44. lol...Mr. Otto may have discretionary income, but Ron and Scott are hardly "moneybags" - they've been virtually (no pun intended) unemployed since mid-2011 and are presently working on the site for free, for the love of it, in every minute they can spare from their day jobs. i know we have negative history here...but there is a lot of positive as well - let's hope they learned something from the Rivet fiasco and will continue to be communicative and cooperative as they have since regaining the site. and we could hardly ask for anyone more knowledgable, or with more motivation to make FooPets succeed. they have already shown themselves more receptive to member input than at any other time in the history of the site : let's give them a fair chance before we start turning them into boogiemen.
