About Me

My photo
Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


Moving Onward - and Hopefully UPward.

a public newpaper does not have any control over who reads it. an online paper like the Foop, unless they are willing to practice censorship, which I am not, has a similar lack of control over people's expression of opinion. the reason I don't censor is NOT to give people a license to go after each other, but to prevent the accusation - and very real possibility - that a slanted viewpoint is being presented. the only way to show all viewpoints is to ALLOW all viewpoints, whatever my own feelings about them. however, this does not mean that personal attacks and threats - from anyone - need to be tolerated any further. the fact that we provide an open forum for discussion as a public service does not mean it, or we, have to permit abuse.

I have set up two satellite blogs - a Rant page, and an Off-Topic page, both accessible top right. Off-topic will be public, Rants will be private. Comments made here that belong in one or the other instead will be copied and transferred complete with poster's name, date, time, etc. to whichever applies, and if a Comment is moved to Rants, whoever made it, and any who wish to subscribe, can get access by emailing me with the username of your choice (which i will use to list you as a member of that blog, with reading and comment privileges). People are also invited to post directly in Off-Topic at will, and enjoy that much as they do the Foop proper.

That said, I will continue to pursue the aftermath of the Gifting Glitch and its collateral damage privately, as this seems the most likely way to gain any kind of satisfactory resolution for all parties involved. among other things, i think everyone - members and management - will have to forego "apologies", public and/or private, in the interest of putting this mess to bed as equably as possible for all concerned, and ALL need to be willing to go on from here onsite with good manners, respect for one another, and a clear, stated policy for handling glitch abuse in place for the future. if you wish to be included in this effort, please email me (info top right) with a brief description of your situation and any concrete evidence you may have : i will assemble everything and try to do some good with it. obviously i cannot make any guarantees, but i will do my best and having it quietly and privately handled via a neutral party may help.

i thank all readers, and participants who comport themselves as interested and caring FooPet members rather than tantrummy children, and look forward to being able to return the Foop someday to its original purpose...a place to have fun and exchange information.


  1. I would like to apologize if I caused any harm to anyone on here... It's been a rough road the past few months, and I guess I felt I was able to vent my feelings here about what happen without getting in trouble on Foo... ~islen

    1. no apology is neded - i seriously doubt if you caused anyone harm, and certainly not on purpose. you can still post anything and any time you wish. if it has no special bearing on the current post, just put it on the ChatBlog, right - it will function just like here, but without posts, as an open chat forum. i don't see you as a candidate for the RantBlog, lol, i've never known you to namecall or attack anyone.

    2. Okay thank you :)

  2. Yay Gold Rush -- bravo sweet soul! Rising above the inrush of mud xxx

    I am not sure that I understand the system, but I am sure we will get used to it.


    1. well, i'm not about to back down on publication, but i can no longer permit the Foop to deteriorate into the nonsense it has on occasion, hence the new system.

      essentially, off-topic (when i HAVE a topic, lol, this one doesn't exactly, so people can get used to the new arrangement) posts will be moved over there as necessary, and i'll note that here somehow - that's an open forum and can be used directly if desired.

      anyone looking to pick a fight will have their post(s) moved over to the Rant page, and the transfer will be posted and the party free to request the "keys" to that section if they wish.

    2. That sounds EXCELLENT, it means that there is still no censorship but threads cannot any longer be derailed. Great move!

    3. just call me Solomon, lol. i was awake half the night figuring this out, hopefully it will work and we can get back to the real purpose of the Foop.

    4. good morning Solomon *grin* it seems to be working out very well indeed. Bravo!!!

  3. Gold Rush, are we ever going to get justice for the injustices done to members?

    Is Dr ron ever going to answer his emails or just wait it out hoping this situation will go away like many others?

    And are we all deluding our self's that this blog will ever make a difference, because i am yet to see anything or action on foopets with regards to Traci.

    I know there are many issues for many people, i know that everybody has an opinion, but until you have experienced the full flavor of Traci in all its bloody glory, i find it hard to compare how anything else is important.

    Utterly scunnered with this whole event:(

    1. it will take time and patience to get anything done, even via private - and calm - communications through a neutral party. it took me over 40 days back in mid-2010 to resolve a far less complicated offense, that did NOT involve cheating or profiteering (with no implication as to who is or is not guilty in present time) and get my accounts restored.

      and the object is NOT to "get Traci", any more than it was to get a certain other Foo authority, but to get justice for unfairly injured members and move the (bleep) on. as long as hard feelings are cherished and nurtured rather than outgrown, on either or both sides, Foo will never be the joyful place it used to be, and has every right to be again - for everyone.

    2. well then whats the point if she is to remain, am sorry, but i have been hurt far to badly because of her and her alone, at no time in the Tos have i seen her conduct justified. I cannot be on a site with a person such as her in charge of my private information when she throws it about so freely to whoever she likes, if only all these members knew what she had been saying to other members via support about peoples private foo status's, it is morally and ethically not right.

      what a waste of time

    3. that's a whole other issue to be dealt with separately - if you are correct, then yes, action definitely needs to be taken. email me the documentation, and i will pursue that as well.

  4. gold rush, i am of course, happy that you have offered your services as a neutral party to put forward to Ron my complaints about what I have experienced, and you are of course, free to use any of the screenshots etc I have posted.

    the new system looks like a good move forward.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Oldy player replying.

      Thank you huh, we were away on holiday and I am not in the forums to see what's going on most of the time anyways. I looked for the first post I saw that pointed to here and it has been removed. The second saying goodbye to her is still up. I am happy to hear her information was not posted here. I would think that would have been deleted if that was the case. Thanks for telling me what you know. (has an better idea why after knowing who was involved in the thread)

    3. OldyPlayer, i am transferring your initial post to Chat as i was asked to keep a certain name out of the public eye - as you have reposted i trust it won't cause confusion. you can use name/url (just copy the one from here if you wish) to post under the name of your choice.

      there was a bit of a storm on the comment thread of the post preceding this one - i'm still shaking my head over it. if you wish to see what took place, you may try that, but i don't necessarily recommend it...

      no, no information of that sort ever appeared anywhere in the Foop with regard to ANYONE, nor would it ever be allowed to. some people have posted links available for the googling on various subjects, and even that i generally discourage. why the Foop was specifically targeted and accused i don't really know (or care), as it seems to me that people vent here INSTEAD of doing more destructive things. as it was, her name - and probably her presence - was apparently introduced by what is supposedly a friend of hers.

    4. Huh, yours is being moved to Chat as well, same reason. it's an open blog if you wish to continue your conversation there, top right.

    5. Thank you for you're reply Gold Rush. I totally understand and sorry for probably posting in the wrong place. This blog can be a tad confusing. Now I have located the chat so next time if it is off topic I will be sure to go there :)

    6. not your fault, the whole thing about name mentioning took place in the previous post, so there is no way you could have known it would be an issue here...and in order to tell people about it i would have had to mention the name we're not supposed to mention, and...you see the problem, lol. you are welcomed here - and invited to post on either or both. this particular post has no specific topic, so people can get used to the changed system.

  6. woohooo first post in chat threat, lol

  7. Gold, is the old thread qupoth the ravens gone then?

    1. no, still there and the celebrants are apparently still partying...

  8. GOLD messaged you, its important xoxoxoox

  9. Azkani-KarmaPoliceMay 31, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Azkani, i am moving it to the Chat page, simply because i WAS asked - politely or otherwise - to keep a certain name out of here. i don't know if Chat applies, exactly, but it's not a rant and doesn't belong in a locked blog.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anon, that belongs in Rants, moving it...and i saw it earlier, thought it was amusing (and even flattering, on one level), if a bit poorly written. hope they're enjoying themselves, blogging can be interesting, though it doesn't look like theirs will appeal to a very wide audience..

    2. I just took a gander over there, and was shocked. Not at their wild assumptions, but just the whole thing, I think you can understand what I'm talking about without getting into specifics, lol. I like how they figured out who I am, though. :P I guess I can give them two more tries to get it right, haha!

      Ahh the internet. Good times!

    3. they're really not very good guessers...they still don't get that i'm not ACTUALLY a FooPets Persian - either that, or they're just too lazy to bother checking for ANY of my names, which are not hard to find.

    4. Maybe they do know, and they are waiting for the perfect opportunity to exact revenge. *cue doom music* The hammah smashy! HAMMAH!

      I need some sleep, lol. Got a looong day tomorrow, but a good one. Have a good night!

    5. in order for that to be impressive, i have to give a chirp...or at least pay more attention than i presently do, lol. sleep well, love.

    6. Well, I suppose we do care. :P Though I have a feeling we aren't the ones losing sleep over it.

      Hope your weekend is going good, so far! Decided to rain here so there goes my park time this morning. Extra time at the gym I guess. :)

  11. Gold, I like the new Chat option. I think it will help keep things in order.

    1. thanks, had to do SOMETHING to maintain order - and civility - and that was what i came up with. i rather expect that if i HAD caved and started censoring "aggressive" posters, they'd have crucified me for THAT, lol.

    2. Azkani-KarmaPoliceJune 1, 2012 at 10:56 PM

      I very much agree, the chat is nice. It is nice to be able to go offtopic or onto any topic that is appropriate. It's almost like a shiny new forum lol. ;)

    3. You have this place superbly organised, Gold Rush; I am enjoying that chat room also, it has a wonderful feeling of flexibility, and the main blog with its informational purpose can continue to be helpful. With disruptive stuff shifted elsewhere. That really WAS a wise-owl set of solutions :))

  12. oops, sorry for the above deletion- I hit the wrong key! Please delete if you like.

    Great idea, Gold Rush! I'm so glad you were able to separate all the content out into different places that are more appropriate! But I do want to ask- when I click on the rant blog it says that it is private. Do I need an invite to get into the rant-room or do I need to post a rant here to get sent there? I'm in a great mood today and not feeling particularly rant-ish but I might be able to come up with a rant if need be. ;) But in all seriousness, if you prefer to keep it private I understand. :)

    1. anyone who wants in is welcome to the "keys", lol, just email me and i'll put you on the members' list. it's only private so that people can rave in peace without everyone and his dog looking on and kibitzing.

    2. LOL with Gold Rush! I promise not to be everyone and I really cross my heart and hope to die will not let my dogs read the rants! lol!

  13. Hi,
    So, I a confused: re: gifting.
    When we will be able to reunite with our pet. In my case, cat panther? I am Norwegianforestcat. This is my name on this blog

    1. still trying to get my finances in order - you are first in line for a CF subscription as soon as i/CareShare can afford it. i have your info in my email, i believe...i'll double-check, and as soon as i can reunite you with Panther i'll email you.

    2. Meanwhile, Panther is still being cared for by your friends :)

    3. I'd be happy to contribute some money towards this project and towards Panther getting his(her?) human back! Please let me know what I can do?

    4. mmm...i will have to look into getting a dedicated PayPal account for CareShare, then funds can be sent via email, and they don't charge fees for most amounts (under $5 and over $100 only, as far as i know) - i will see about getting a ppd charge card for that purpose. thank you all!

    5. Gold Rush, I also will be happy to help in any way that I can with the CareShare project.

  14. Would it be wise to even start again? I have one account left after consolidating my other two and shutting them down, but I'm really on the fence as to whether I should go back or not. I miss it there. :(

    1. Norwegian and Panther were enrolled in the original shared-login CareShare project that was (sadly) shut down so quickly - and have been waiting patiently to get back to their one well-loved pet ever since. there are a couple of others on my scholarship waiting list as well, and i hope to get everyone who wants to be onsite up and running soon. we are still trying to restore Foo to its former glory...

  15. Hi Carrie, CLC1905, GoldRush and FelineCanine!
    Carrie, thanks for looking for my Panther. I hope that soon enough I will be able to reunite with my Panther! Anyone who can make this as quick as possible will be much appreciated.

    1. I'm sorry I'm a little late in learning about you and Panther. Has Panther gone missing or can you not get into your account? If it's a matter of paying the Foo fees, if you have Paypal I'd be happy to contribute something that way. Or if anyone has another suggestion please toss it out here. I'm all for people getting to be with their pets, real or virtual! Please let me know specifically what I can do to help and I'll be happy to! :)

    2. CLC1905, a bit of history for you so you can understand how faithful Norwegianbobcat is. She is one of the far-too-many sweet souls who were parted from their pets when Foo went Pay to Play. We rallied around to assure her that Panther would be kept fed and happy, and she left her one dear pet reluctantly as did so many others. Most have not really kept up with what is happening with their pets, but a few do like to get progress reports, and Norwegianbobcat has been very faithful in this respect. Panther gets more attention on some days than on days when foo or real life are being diffiult, but she is always visited and fed at the very least once in any given day even when times get tough.

    3. Oh, golly! Thank you for the info, Carrie! Can we get her subscription renewed? Is it just a question of money? I'm not flush but I'd be totally happy to kick in 30-40 dollars if that would help?! Can Panther be fed by anybody in the meantime or is it just set to friends only? If it's set to anybody I'd be happy to do that too! Let me know what I can do and I'm totally there! :)

    4. most of the original CareShare group friended each other and a list of others i recommended against the possibility the project would get shot down. yes, Panther has been fed but his person truly misses him. CareShare, in order to help as many as we can, generally does just a $25 basic CF package. if you can, CLC, email me and we will work out the details...and god bless you!

    5. Is the Gold Rush email addy that I have the right one to use? Thank you so much for bringing this together! I think it's tremendously kind of you to organize this! Bravo!!

    6. the one i have as personal contact info top right...thank YOU for coming to the rescue while i am trying to replenish the financial kitty! Norwegian and Panther have been waiting so patiently for so long...

    7. errr....i'm getting absentminded about what hat i'm wearing again - for any who don't know, Gold Rush/FooBA4U and CanaansChild/Born2CanaanCatHaven (and a bunch of others, lol) are all me.

    8. Hey NorwegianBobCat, I just wanted to let you know that Gold Rush and I have been talking back and forth via email to set up the scholarship program and how best to get you and Panther reunited. I'm just waiting for her to send me your FooInfo so we can get you re-established and also create a fund for other folks too. Hang tight and I'm sure we'll let you know some good news soon, oky doky?

  16. Have you gotten any further response from Dr. Ron regarding the suspended/banned accounts?

    1. not to me, but Scott has been in private touch with a couple of people as a go-between, we all have our fingers crossed. i'll be writing Ron again shortly.

    2. Thanks. Please keep us updated. A lot of us are still missing people very badly.

  17. Is anyone else not able to get onto Foo today? It 1:30 central time and when I try to access the site by any of my bookmarks or via google search I'm getting:

    "Invalid URL
    The requested URL "/play", is invalid.
    Reference #9.5cde02cc.1339611808.398dbfa"

    A post from them on Twitter from 40 min. ago says: "FooPets.com ‏@foopets
    We are experiencing high traffic and some site slowness, we are aware of it everyone and working on it hang in there!"

    Anybody more computer savvy than me know what 'invalid url' is about? Thanks you guys and hope everyone is well.

    1. looks like i went through mine just before that, and the site was horribly pokey (no pun intended) - i'll go take a look and see what's up if i can. if the message you got was attached to something like "sql" error, it's a server thing rather than site, refreshing will usually clear it after a bit. right back...

    2. mmm...site is coming up normally at the moment (quarter after 3 my time, noon CA), both http and m dot foo...will see what happens when i try to feed.

    3. Site is coming up fine for me now. Go figure! ;)

      CanaansChild, email coming your way regarding donations for Care/scholarship money! :)

  18. Teresi and another member got suspended indefinitely from forum posting.
    I say Teresi deserved it.

  19. To Anonymous^ who posted June 25, 2012 5:24 PM, ^
    Can you tell us what happened?

  20. She was talking about Taylor Swift or someone, and made references to someone's quote about her and posted it as "“Taylor’s favorite storylines involve Virgin/Whore dichotomies.”"
    She also used the words "slut shaming".
    She has been one of the many who try to slide words like hell, damn, and even ass into conversation. Someone even posted a topic about abortion in Chit-Chat the other day. Topics of extreme sexuality. It's not all her, others participate. SlimShady something or other posted the abortion topic. Then there is Drunkard or whatever he calls himself now, who swears constantly and is always backtalking everyone. Also Sollux has returned, and I don't know if any of you saw what happened when she was suspended, but she said every single cuss you could imagine plus invented some interesting new ones. What the heck is going on with Foo? Obviously these kids are testing the boundaries with Rivet gone and a clear line needs to be drawn. I guess I got her name wrong looking at that thread it is "Terezi". But seriously, wth. This is also the same group that is constantly bullying little kids if they don't fall in line with there personal beliefs.

    1. the Taylor Swift reference per se, while perhaps offensive to TS fans, is not verboten and for all i know true - that is a typical storyline theme for teen females and tries to accomplish the goal of the second word reference by pressuring young women away from promiscuity.

      attempting to finesse cusswords is another matter, and while it is possible to "slip" while speaking it's hardly an accident when you are typing and can edit bloopers. abortion and sexuality are a sticky area...older teens may well have a valid - rather than a prurient - interest in discussing them, but under-13's ought not to be exposed. again, the site should be segmented by age, for the sake of all concerned. at the very least, the Forums ought to be, with passworded locked areas for adults and older teens (would also solve the "roleplay" issue, by having a separate section with a private password - they could even make it a paid-subscription function, providing income for the site as well as a way to control who has access).

      sounds like it's time to get back to work...will start drafting a new post addressing site issues and features for input.

    2. How very true! If this isn't a clear wake-up call to Foo to create age appropriate forums then I don't what is.

      I, in no way want to belittle this problem, but reading, “Taylor’s favorite storylines involve Virgin/Whore dichotomies.” really reminded me of the research papers I'd see students try to skate by with in Freshman English Composition 101 classes in college. :D

    3. (snorfle) actually, that's more literate than a lot of the ones i was handed for grading...i'd give them half a grade just for using - and spelling - "dichotomy" correctly.

    4. I have been away from home for a while, am glad to see that the Foop is still busy *smile*

      As regards editing to rectify a typo, this is not always possible -- first off sometimes a flagger has hit before you notice the slip yourself. And sometimes... well, I used to be both amused and annoyed in equal measure when I had posted a careful piece and seen it messed up with a pile of symbols because I had used innocent words which accidentally contained an "oh dear naughty naughty" word. The whole phrase would be messed up and I would sometimes spend ages scratching my head and wondering what on earth the word had been that had caused such an outbreak of Symbol Police. There are times when those of us with bad short-term memories simply cannot re-construct the sentence... Of course I eventually learned to type everything into Notepad before decanting and sending my pearls of brilliant pointlessness off into the aether.

      I am intrigued by the whole fascination with saying bad words, and by which words are bad. Where I live, "ass" is a simple word, not used really in a bad way. If we say "that man is an ass" we usually mean it reasonably fondly and it is equivalent to a cross between "thick as a brick" and "stubborn as a mule". We have learned that our American cousins not only regard it as the part of the anatomy which we would, when swearing and sometimes when not, refer to as the "arse", but that they regard it as even more shocking than we regard our version of that anatomical identifier. I have found that I can safely say "arse" to an American and she will giggle. If I say "ass" -- meaning to her the exact same thing but picturing the beast of burden that it means to me -- she will gasp in shock.

      People, we need to get over some communication difficulties and, in places where it is not totally obvious what the person is trying to achieve, not immediately assume the worst possible behaviour.

      As for the forums, frankly last time I looked (ages ago but post-Rivet) they seemed almost static, even chit-chat, so I think that what needs to be done is probably more than a sorting out of age groups and stamping on bad language and bullying. The place needs some kind of revival.

      (had to delete and re-post on account of my forgettery which swiped the end off a sentence...)

    5. "ass", here, also has a sexual connotation, which has helped make a relatively innocent word with a perfectly innocuous literal meaning so "hot". personally, i have yet to see or hear a cussword that shocked and/or upset me - actually, i can swear in roughly 12 languages, lol - but the PTB have declared them verboten. (and yes, their censor is a true hoot, though it's apparently set the way it is because certain people - like many insecure stage comedians - persist in trying to find ways to get past it for a cheap laugh.)

      yes, i agree that the existing Forum system needs to be taken up and shaken like an old rug...pity they didn't take the chance to do that when it was down, or when they dumped the old threads and rebooted it. they need sections for humor, artwork (literary at least, until they get calmer about image posting), and member-to-member news and contests, off the top of my head. lumping "everything else" under ChitChat has never been very satisfying for anyone...and i still think passworded age-specific areas would be useful. subsetting the existing ones by general topic wouldn't hurt either.

      if we can get a working trading system in place and member sales restored, it would go a long way to revitalizing the Breeding and Trading Forums - though i don't think i ever actually visited either of them myself, i'm sure they can serve a purpose in an open martketplace.

  21. The reply button to continue conversation not working for me. I will say I don't care much about TS one way or the other, but words like slut and whore should not be on a children's site.
    I agree wholeheartedly GR, it is time for a change. How long have we been asking for an age restricted forum? I understand they have to fix the site but while they do kids have been out of control. Even with an age restricted forum these kids will continue to act out if not put in line. I wouldn't let my kids read that crap.

    1. m. you have to make sure you click the "Reply" right against the line under the target entry and not Add Comment below - i do the same thing all the time and pick up the General one by mistake.

      FooPets was never INTENDED to be an under-13 site (at BEST - it was originally designed for adults, period), and attempts to childproof it by retrofitting are doomed to failure. what results is a site pleasing to, and suitable for, NEITHER group. as it is, we now have what amounts to THREE factions - youngsters, teens, and adults. the Forums can be segmented immediately and easily, via the use of passworded areas...the site as a whole needs to follow.

      one size NEVER fits all - at least, not well.

    2. I tried to click reply but it wouldn't do anything. I even tried refreshing the page and clicking again but still nothing. I don't know what the issue was but apparently it is fine for this post.
      I know I have been around since right after it was GoPokey. And most youngsters on the site don't realize it was intended originally for adults. I have seen so many rude posts asking why adults are even there. I have even had people ask me why I am there on a site meant for kids and seen people refer to others as "creepers" who endanger the children of the site. It is sad. It would be nice if the community could get along as a family place to be for all ages but some children will never respect that and many adults are fearful to even associate with children thinking parents will get the wrong impression. Don't get me wrong I am one who enjoys the diversity. What I don't enjoy are children who attempt to circumvent rules that are there for the protection of everyone or who feel entitled to the site that was never intended for them in the first place. That gets on my nerves. The topic of abortion may be one that teens wish to discuss but it has no place in a forum where a 9 year old could read it then go running to mum or dad and ask what that word means. Granted things like this are in the news and eventually your child will be educated on it whether by yourself or the media or other children. But on a pet site it has no place in common conversation. I am also uncomfortable with all the gay rights threads and profile pictures popping up. Sexuality is something that teenagers will be curious about and I have nothing against gay rights or people. But there is a place for everything and Chit-Chat or common ground is not that place. Some parents wish not to have their children know what these things mean yet. We can't keep them innocent forever but it shouldn't be a concern on a site like Foopets. We need forums for each age. And profanity needs to be squashed. It doesn't need to be in conversation at all and is offensive to some.

    3. i have had youngsters since long before they dropped the age limit asking me what i was doing on a "kid's site" and trying to bully me off...apparently they felt inhibited by the presence of adults.

      profanity (supposedly) is strictly and explicitly forbidden, including the clever ways around the bleeper programming, but a rule is only as good as its enforcement. and "hot" issues like abortion, sexuality of any kind, politics, relegion, etc. do not belong in public profiles to my mind, and should be in Forums only in passworded age-grouped areas, where only those who (a) qualify and (b) wish to read and comment on them have access.

      i STILL think there should be a "Foo Junior" site division (with a more attractive name, lol) for under 13's...under 15's, really. and the teeners ought to have at least their own Forum where they can drive each other crazy in peace without carrying the rest of us along.

    4. Not sure but if you mean to separate completely the adults from the kids not just with forums then I am a no. I do enjoy seeing the kids. A lot of them really brighten my day.

    5. it's a difficult situation - and as we already have a "mixed" membership, i don't know if anything CAN be done other than on the Forums. there, we ought to have areas of common interest, for everyone to participate in, plus passworded sections where different age groups can deal with areas of special interest.

    6. http://www.foopets.com/topics/show/2345226?forum_id=34&page=1&post_count=126

      Gay rights, abortion, drugs, intercourse.

      I guess I understand gay rights and drugs. A lot of kids are at the age where experimentation is happening. But a lot of kids are still not at the age to comprehend sex or abortion. So sick of seeing this.

    7. wonder if they all deteriorate into irrelevancies that rapidly? when i gave up reading it sounded more like an advert for Disney. we REALLY need Forum subsetting...

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