About Me

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Tabby Road, New Furrsey, Foo S. A.
i am a seven-year-old virtual Cream Persian FooCat (born on Little Christmas, 1/5/10), the mascot and spokesfurson for FooBA4U, the FooPets members' cooperative service site.


Lyin's and Tigers and Bugs, Oh My...

5/11/12 :  sadly, it appears that patience is NOT being rewarded - a sad turn of affairs for such a promising beginning. screenshotting and sharing your OWN Support information is now once more specifically forbidden as a potential invasion of privacy...though as the only one with access is the person to whom the Support ticket refers, it's hard to see who needs to be protected.

from what i am hearing, accused (and convicted pro tem) members, who are unable to obtain evidence from their own locked accounts, are not having success requesting Support to copy and present the relevant ledger/gift log/etc information on their Support threads. this is a far cry from the spirit of member/management cooperation with which this "new era" began...and while i can understand there being hurt feelings over the glitch exploitation on management's part, it seems to be descending into pettiness - a failing i really did not expect to see. management needs to bear in mind that the person SENDING the glitch gifts is the one at fault, not the recipient, unless they immediately cashed in or regifted them - and even then in some cases there is a gray area, unless it was an absolutely hopeless quantity.

once more, the desperate need for a reliable two-way trading system is spotlighted : this would have prevented the gifting glitch from ever happening, and would cut off all scamming and shady dealing at the knees by requiring mutual approval of all member transactions and providing a clear, undisguisable "paper trail" for all exchanges.

it is profoundly hoped that our faith in, and support of, the New Foo Crew was not premature - or unjustified. we are still early in the game, and mistakes made by both sides can still be corrected with honesty and without rancor...i hope.
 5/6/12 :  the current folks inherited the problem code, they did NOT create it. and they are trying to make the best of a difficult situation by fixing the mess they took on with the site running - for OUR sakes, not theirs - as best they can. to my knowledge, so far nothing they have done in the course of fixing code has caused any members harm unless they exploited what (in all the cases i've heard of) was a fairly obvious "oops", which is a lot more than we can say about Rivet's coding...and i don't remember this sort of outcry then - even here, much less onsite.

they let the unicorn room glitch exploitation slide. people complained. so they penalized members who looked like they exploited the gifting glitch (and unavoidably caught some innocent with the guilty, which we and they are working to correct). people complained. they tried to fix a glitch first and discuss it afterwards. people complained. so now they are posting glitches as soon as they notice them and then trying to fix them. people complain. to paraphrase Barnum, you can't please all of the people all of the time, unfortunately. give then credit for trying...

at least now we CAN complain (as far as i know) - not just here or on Twitter or FaceBook, but onsite. there was a time when that was neither safe nor even possible...though i agree that all info should be available onsite as well as on FB/twitter, all i can think is that that is faster if they are elbow-deep in recoding. still, not everyone is on the Forums, either. even emailing everyone (a horrendous amount of work) wouldn't guarantee everyone hearing, as a lot of people use dedicated emails for Foo rather than their "normal" one. if anyone has a good idea for this, i (and management) would love to hear it, it would help a lot. Karlia's idea about using the daily popups has potential, if it can be done without a huge amount of recoding.

until they are able to get the kinks out of the existing code (which came with the package and are NOT their fault), there will be glitches and oddities. so far, none of them have been calamitous or seriously impeded normal play for any length of time, which is a miracle to be appreciated. if members see a site function doing something strange it would be nice to see it reported, rather than exploited...which would help management get the base code repaired to the point where they CAN improve it, not just tweak in fixes and pray that they don't set off five other problems.

yes, we still have to pay - and i expect the site is running in the red regardless. look at it as an investment in something we all believe in - members and management alike, for a change...and maybe a way to return to free play once things are up and running properly and new code and features can be input without setting off time bombs.


  1. Apparently, someone from over there is watching and was concerned. New rule in the RoC. I checked before I was going to post the SS's the last time, this was not there.

    18. Distributing contents from support tickets in the form of screen shots or copy/paste is not allowed.
    At no time can anyone post screenshots or copy/paste any information included within the ticket. This is private information between each member and the support staff. It is to be kept private for the safety and privacy of all members. Anyone caught breaking this rule could have their social features suspended or suspended from the site as a whole.

    So now I guess the voices of people have been effectively muzzled unless they want to be banned for good.

    1. Wow, that's quite pathetic. What do they have to hide? Hmmm.....too much, it seems. :(

    2. Yeah I am SO sure they are doing this for the safety and privacy of their members....more likely to keep their fannies out of the fire.

  2. yeah, its to be kept private, cause they dnt want anyone knowing they are blackmailing ppl to keep quiet about getting their account back, once they have proven they are innocent and foo has made yet another mistake of judgement. theres unprofessional and then theres down right incompetency.

  3. I was a member of a little over 2 years until almost 2 weeks ago. I was one of the innocent who were indefinitely suspended over the "glitch items". I repeatedly told support that I did not know where the items originally came from due to that when I did trades, I never thought to ask the buyer/seller where they got their items from. I just always assumed they got the items from the mart. Well, I was doing trades with 2 other members. My rare items that you could no longer buy from the mart and in return, those members sent me resale in items such as holiday fairies, ravens, and such. The lady in support accused me of receiving 200 of this and 300 of that and worse yet, supposedly all received within seconds! Now, please ask yourself this honestly..do you really think you could send that many items in a matter of about 5-10 seconds? No I think not. I told her that I got the resale fair and square and I was basically accused of being a liar and cheater. I have taken screenshots of our conversation on my support ticket but no matter how hard I tried and how many times I NICELY asked for my account back, she would not budge one inch. I have contacted the BBB and consumer affairs on this subject and also a lawyer who said I do have a legal case here due to unethical business practices and harrassment. I was hoping to get my account back as well as the others who were unjustly accused and also got suspended before I took legal action. This is still very much a consideration for me at this point unless something is done and done ASAP.

  4. SpellAnonymousWithCLMay 11, 2012 at 11:00 AM

    Wow. I am so disappointed and sickened over this change in the RoC as regards the SS's. That's just low and chicken-esque (to try and put it in a no-profanity kind of way.) I was really hoping that in 2 weeks time when the air had cleared and tempers and egos were more at bay that we'd be able to see the larger and more complete picture. That management wants to hide truth behind threats (especially in this age of transparency and it's value especially in business..) is one of the most wrong choices they could have come up with. The words 'totalitarian regime' come to mind. ugh. Foo, you're breakin' my heart here!

  5. hm. very bad news - and as the only person with access to Support screenshots is the one whose ticket it is, i'm not sure who's supposed to be "protected" by their concealment. and i had such high hopes...it all started off so well.

    all i can can suggest is to ask the site via Support to produce their OWN screenshots of the gift log that shows these vast numbers of items received in such a short length of time - and accepted - as you have no control over who sends you what, GETTING them is not culpable in any way i can see.

    1. If this continues to go on I fear it will be the end of Foo. Foo has been corrupt for years. And innocents have been suffering for the cheap tricks of many of it's representatives and employees. I do not know who to believe any more, and I am beginning not to care.

      If Foo had any sense they would clear the books. Make sure the ledgers are working, let everyone back on with the clear understanding that if they are caught in any glitch they have been warned about that is it. But it sounds like they are reverting to the nasty tempered defensive attitude of old. It is our fault because they screwed up the code. I just closed 2 more accounts. And from now on I will keep on closing. I can't afford to wait any longer. It is due or die time now folks. My time is valuable too. So piss or get off the pot Foo. Either give us a break here and get on with cleaning house and stop wasting everyone's time like you used to because you can't give us what you promised but you want our money.

  6. I have to say that I feel very disappointed in our new/old foo Crew on this matter. The way it looks to players is that Foo have done this in the "bad old" way, not actually addressing the matter clearly and openly but instead stealthily shutting the door on any freedom of information.

    The impression I am left with is that they quietly watched the boards and blogs, saw that people wanted to know the full truth, didn't want anyone to know it, and sneaked in to change the rules without any announcement.

    I agree with Kat, I too do not know who to believe any more, and I am beginning not to care.

    1. I've never encountered a company that is so easy to strip away even the most basic rights of freedom. It is absolutely appalling, and I see no good future as a result of their "dictator" attitude. As I've stated before, I am glad I have not renewed my membership, I shouldn't have to pay to be told to shut up and threatened if I want to have a voice, or even a mere say in the matter. I personally believe that they have crossed a line, one that is going to be extremely difficult, if at all, to rectify.

    2. Oops! I meant opinion, not say in the matter.

    3. I was one that has had their account frozen for a year now and I was seriously considering reactivating my account...but I'm glad that I haven't. If this is how things are going to be then I don't see the point. i always thought that this company may eventually change for the better, but at this point I think that it is just a pipe dream. I no longer see any point in putting any more hope into all this because it's all gone. it's always disappointment.

  7. Well, all I did was sell a pet, as for the "ravens" I still cannot fathom where they came from. I trade pets and items daily, I don't keep track to be honest. I REPEATEDLY asked for them to show me the incriminating evidence, and they avoided it every single time. I asked them to pass me the details for my lawyer, and STILL they have not provided me with the information I asked. EVEN after being able to show screenshots of conversations on facebook PROVING I didn't know about the glitch until almost a week after I sold the pet, now they claim they KNOW I didn't cheat, but they cant understand how I did not realise something was wrong. . . . They just do not want to admit, in some cases they were wrong. so, the way around that is to say they believe you knew the items u were getting were glitched items. and funny how the ledgers aren't working now, hmmmmmmmmmm, could that be to cover up the evidence?? I think so. If I'm not mistaken, California law states something along the lines of, it is illegal to blackmail, or threaten someone with something they value or hold dear over the internet. So, I reckon the whole, don't talk about this saga or you'll lose your account anyway actually can be classed as illegal. It was handled wrongly, they were slanderous in their public post about people cheating (okay, maybe not slanderous in the legal term, as they didn't use names, but it doesn't take a genius to work out the people who had vanished following the post) and they now do not want to admit to being wrong. People would respect them more if they actually admitted the error of their ways.

    1. amen, amen, amen... an admission that mistakes could have been made - and what were the glitches in the first place, if not accidental mistakes in the recoding? - that this is a mess, and everyone involved on both sides will have to work to try to fix it as best they can, would be the best move management could possibly make.

      anyone can be forgiven for being human...and no one gets forgiven for playing god. we went through this once before, with the MartArt scandal - and we all know how badly that ended. let us hope that openness and honesty prevail this time, before it's too late.

    2. Well if anon asked for their evidence and they refuse to provide what they have linking them to this mess, I don't see how they're playing ball fairly. Each member should be able to see what evidence Foopets has against them linking them to this supposed "cheating". If Foopets cannot or will not provide such evidence, to me, it would seem as though they have none and it's just another raid gone wrong.

      I also find it disturbing that they refused to hand evidence to a lawyer, and that they are now recanting and saying they knew this player played no part in the cheating, but can't understand how they didn't know something wasn't wrong? So now we're supposed to know whenever the company makes a glitch when not to trade for items? And they continue to punish when they know you didn't cheat? They are changing the rulebook as they go to suit their own needs.

      It is not our responsibility as players to keep track of their mistakes. They should have been open with us from the very first glitch. Now people are getting screwed for not knowing because Foo kept them in the dark. Nice, Foo. And withholding evidence only makes you look worse.

    3. SpellAnonymousWithCLCMay 12, 2012 at 4:27 PM

      I am not an attorney or consigliore in real life and do not play one on TV ::wink:: but here is my opinion on this from a legal standpoint since there is talk of lawyers here...
      Foo may not be willing to hand evidence over to a lawyer when requested. That doesn't surprise me. A lawyer can ask for something like that until they are blue in the face. It is only a professional courtesy/reputation builder when one attorney (or company) works with another outside of a court room and voluntarily just gives up that kind of info when asked. An attorney's request to a company for potentially damning evidence is often met with silence.

      Only a judge can order that documents like this be submitted to/by both parties and their council. A judge's order is compulsory- not an option- more like a demand- and to defy it is to be in contempt of court. That can be punished by fines and/or jail time. Realistically, I can't see Foo going to court to battle this. Can anyone else? If I were a betting person, I'd put my money on Foo being advised by their attorneys to try and settle this monetarily, outside of court, with the people who were wronged and want to pursue this in a litigious way. Everybody else who doesn't have the means or energy or resources to pursue this via court will just be swept under the rug and no matter how you slice any of this mess, it sucks!

      I don't imagine Foo will even be the least bit willing to talk about this in an open or public way. If attorneys have been brought into play Foo may just stand behind theirs and say nothing. As the saying goes, "You don't have to bark when you have a dog".

      I don't know how the MartArt issue played out or if it even went as far as attorneys being involved- so it's hard for me to make an educated guess of what Foo will do when the poop hits the proverbial fan. If anyone knows how far that went, i.e. to court or settlement, I'd be interested to know. Past actions may be a good indicator of future ones. Sadly.

      If Foo adds another entry to the list of RoC's it may be something akin to "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason, or no reason".

      In the big picture this all just makes my heart hurt, yanno? This 'game' that my child and I started playing to have something fun to do together has become this big ugly mess that I wouldn't wish on any kid or adult. That's so wrong for so many reasons. And no, it's not fair, Anon#42. you are so right. It's not fair by any stretch of the imagination. Heartsick, I'm tellin' ya! I just am. ::deep, deep sigh::

    4. i don't know for certain if anyone ever filed serious litigation in the past or not...i did try to research it once but was unable to gain any useful info, but i may not have known how to look. as far as ArtMart, the upshot of that was players wrongly penalized were offered FD bribes in a relatively (at the time) handsome amount to compensate them for lost time onsite - and presumably insure their not going public on the matter. (I have a copy of an email from Kate to a member documenting this...it is unknown whather or not she was acting independently making this offer - shortly after that she was either fired or resigned, but there were other episodes of bad judgement on her part that could have contributed as much or more)

      as far as the right to terminate or refuse service at will, that already appeared in the Rivet ToS, and is kind of hinted at in the "in our opinion" clause that i understand is still in place...though putting it in the Rules rather than the ToS would be a very bad move on their part, politicaly.

  8. "Sorry this is so long and has to be in 2 sections but they are things I have to say and once they are said i will speak no more. "

    I have to admit I was seriously upset when I realized that I had not protected myself with the usual Anon acronym I have used in the past. But now it really does not matter. I am tired of hiding in the dark. Wondering what offense I will be accused of by someone who wants to get even for some real or imagined offense. I have been persecuted and harassed by members and Foo reps alike and I can take it. I just went into hiding and with the support and love of my great friends continued to enjoy my pets. If FooPets wants my virtual pets then fine. It will just prove once and for all what little character and actual common sense they have.

    This latest back slide into the old "off with their heads, kill them all in case one is guilty" is just proof that those of us who were not quick to drink the Koo-aid were right. Since this was all caused by holes in your code and your lack of transparency for several years why can't you just impose an amnesty program with the stipulation that any further infractions will be punished to the full extent of whatever guidelines you set in place? Why are you wasting precious time with all this when you could be filling in the holes and shutting up the complainers and nay sayers? . It is a waste of your time and ours. And frankly it is to my mind a tactic that either you are using to keep from fulfilling your promises or one used by your enemies to make sure you fail. Either way it is a failure on your part.

    It is so easy for the new-old owners to revert to old patterns but it does absolutely nothing to instill to their members (especially those of us who have stayed the course all these years) any sort of confidence or comfort. It looks like business as usual and it is not something we are happy to see. I for one have spent a lot of money, time and emotion (yes I know all about the edict in the TOS concerning that so don't insult my intelligence and go there) and I am just about spent. In all categories.

  9. Part 2
    I have lost several friends to cancer and heart disease and natural disasters. Suicides and still born babies and financial disasters take a front seat to Fooville's little dramas. So if Foo thinks they are really important they can take a flying leap off a cliff. Losing my Foo babies will be difficult granted. I promised them I would take care of them and I do not turn my back on them easily at all. Even though they are virtual I care for them as they are an extension of me and they bring back many poignant and happy memories of friends present and past. The bad times are forgotten as soon as I look into the innocent faces of my pets and see the total dependence so very like my real pets have for me. But it will be just one more heartbreak to add to the rest. One that could have been avoided if you (meaning the management of Foo) had used some common business sense in the first place and not gotten so caught up in your own egos and head games and intrigues. Or listened to the whispers of not so well intended advisers.

    For heaven sake it is a game. A game that was, I would hope, intended to help us forget the trials and tribulations of a world gone mad. Yes I know it was also supposed to make you money so how did that work out for you? Did you listen to your customer base (that had the money you wanted to get) and go in a direction that would get more of it in your pockets? No, from what I saw all you have accomplished is you took some extremely sweet virtual animals and created a chaotic cruel world that mimics our real life. And totally cheesed off a vast majority of your supporters. To the point they are telling anyone who will listen to stay as far away from the site as possible. What is the point in that? Tell me what? Why should we pay to be tortured when we can turn on the news and get the same result for free. Or not if our cable has been turned off.

    As I said in my previous post I have just closed 2 accounts and I intend to let each of my other accounts close as they come due. If I am able I will keep my original account so that I may take care of my other pets. That is if you are still around. Or if you do not reverse your promise to keep them available. If not then so be it. I can no longer justify the amount of time and money I am spending to keep them alive while you are allowing these petty suspensions and hissy fits to divert you from the promises you made to us to get FooPets up and running as soon as possible.

    I only wish you had listened to Gold Rush sooner. She and many like her tried to warn you. But you brushed her off. I hope you do not make the same mistake again. But if you do I will not be surprised. It will just be proof that old dogs really can't learn new tricks and my beloved Pokey's are indeed gone for good.

  10. Amen Kat! Very well said! I keep hanging on but idk why. We'll see how much longer I stay....

    1. There are so many wonderful and exact points of fact and common sense, it will get entirely ignored for that very reason. Pardon my negativity, but I understand that people like the Foo-Crew on their ego kick and head shoving up various arses, they will never see anything beyond their own noses and petty games. It is "their" world, afterall.....

  11. You know I keep getting the feeling like they know some of us will keep paying because they hold something very dear to alot of people which is the pets. And I notice Ron has been very absent from the site since his grand revealing. It seems now we are stuck with Traci who acts just a bit like Kate in my eyes. A woman who started off friendly, got a taste of power and is now seeing how far she can run with it. And seems to be enjoying the misery she's created. I will be closing 3 of my accounts this week as well. I refuse to pay money so that we can have the site run by another tyrant while Ron sits behind the scenes doing lord knows what. It's to much like old times for my taste.

  12. I have one subscription that runs out on 1st of July.
    And I do not plan to renew.

  13. Sadly it seems that Foopets will not go out with a bang but a whimper. And all for what exactly I cannot say. You were doing so well there. Maybe the pressure got to be to much or someone got to you. Whatever happened it is a real shame you could not keep the new path free of weeds and old habits of isolation and retribution.

    But as many of us die hards (we have been here for years guys) are deciding not to continue to keep our multiple accounts open while you futz around with petty rules and punishments and the ones waiting on the outside losing patience and deciding not to reopen their accounts, I do not see much revenue coming in to keep you going. And that is all on you folks - all on you.

    Good luck I guess although I think you have squandered what you had and then some, You took all the good will we offered you and threw it back in our faces for the last time I believe. We are suckers for our little pixels but we are also fed up with being mistreated and abused. You people have no shame it appears and think we will take anything you dangle in front of us. Think again. Or better yet, Do not bother. Thanks for the memories. Oh wait no thanks - any good memories we have of FooPets were in spite of you and we carry them proudly as we walk out of the door. Those you cannot steal or corrupt.

    1. Wow! Preach! I could have written that myself. I've been hanging on to my membership since January 2009 but haven't been really active with that membership for well over a year. With all the glitches and the removal of everything from the shop, I haven't spent one FD in at least that long.

      But it's the horrible way I've/we've been treated and apparently will continue to be treated, that has finally convinced me to get the hell out of Dodge. You, Foo, are run by mean-spirited, narcissistic, business-ignorant, fools. I wish I could say what I REALLY feel!

      I'll miss my little pixels, but I can't wait to watch you burn, Foo! I've already bought the marshmallows.


  14. (sadness) it hurts more for having been given a little hope...i was just doing a link-search for a friend and saw a frighteningly large number of "pet not found"s. will have to try widgetizing a couple and see what the story is...

    1. I feel your pain. I was so hopeful. I guess it doesn't matter now. I'm one who will hold on to my account and go quietly with the site. I am to attached to my pets to leave now. I don't expect it will last much longer though. So much for a savior. Never though I would miss Rivet.

  15. :( Gold Rush... I'm so sorry. I will be hanging in as long as Foo is around. But it seems like things have gotten very side tracked... Have either the ledger glitch or the breeding glitch been fixed? I know it is not easy to do with tons of code to go through. But an update from Foo would be nice. Something other than "we are working on it". The way I look at it, no matter what Foo does, people will not be satisfied. I am just doing my norm, caring for my FooBabies, decorating when I can, and feeding fosters as long as it is up and running.

  16. (((((Hugs Gold Rush))))) Well it looks as if some of those who were suspended are back, so maybe Foo is beginning to re-think the whole thing. They are being very silent about it, so I wonder whether Dr. Ron is preparing a public announcement and explanation? There is still a chance that he can pull Foo back to a happy place, and surely that is what he wants to do.

    I have to say, to the Anonymous above, I totally do NOT miss Rivet LOL... Yes, Rivet did not do this kind of massive banning, but they cared nothing at all for the game and customers, they used robot replies, and they were a totalitarian regime which never bothered to tell the players anything that we did not find out for ourselves. The way the current TOS looks is as controlling and biased as ever, but so far we have not had robotic replies from Admins and, until this past couple of weeks, we did actually get announcements and responses of a sort. I am hoping that Dr Ron and co will learn from this latest fiasco.

    I do feel that they would do much better to give a full, honest explanation of what happened and why it happened, admitting any mistakes that they made, then take the game offline while they fix it. Yes we would miss playing, but they could keep us all informed of progress via the blog and facebook etc, and allow that extra downtime on all paid accounts after the site comes back up.

    Re-launch the game, Ron, Scott and Traci; re-launch it with bells and whistles, and with all accounts still there for the patient players.

    ((((Kat)))) That is a wonderful explanation of how the new/old owners have made many feel.

    (((Tamy))) Yes, no matter what they do, some people will remain dissatisfied. Also, they have a legacy of fear and distrust to overcome, so people tend to expect the worst. Like you, I am just caring for the babies that I can reach, and will see what happens next.

    Love and ((((group huggles))))

    1. (btw, i believe the ArtMart mess occured during Rivet's regime - it began officially in August 2010 and effectively back in March 2010 when Janasov was put in power by the money guys.)

  17. i emailed the guys asking for something along those lines - not just an announcement, but a statement of purpose (and a public appearance by the top folks giving a sense that they are aware and care about what is happening in the membership) - no response in my mailbox or onsite far as i know as yet, but they may not have seen it until yesterday. i REFUSE to say die.

    1. Gold - If you get a reply you might ask Ron if he endorses the way his management has handled its customers through this time. A lot of threats were thrown out, some to innocent people. I don't believe a company should run on threats, especially if you are asking your customers to pay to be treated that way.

  18. anon above, I completely agree. I have written to Dr Ron, asking him if he endorses threats by his community manager, as threats are what i have received. blackmail and threats. I have returned to find that my second and third accounts, have NO glitched items on them at all, and I am awaiting explanation for this. I ahve also been told, when I challenged the fact I have no bonding badge, and my almost 700 day bonding badge has been revoked, because, although I have shown I didnt participate in the gifting glitch, the community manager has taken it upon herself to not believe i couldn't have not known there was a problem??? So, in fact, I was not exonerated at all, but did get my account back. Its complete and utter nonsense,it really is. AND when i complained about that, and asked if, ruining my reputation, suspending me for over two weeks, making me gift back all gifts received on all accounts in the last 60 days, then having my FD wiped from my account was not punishment enough for not cheating, but for them suspecting me of being aware there must have been a problem, now they take my hard earned bonding badge from all accounts? almost 700 days, I have stood proudly by the site and shown them support, and this I show i am treated? I was told, in no uncertain terms, that if I was unhappy with the service, they could cancel all my accounts and offer me a refund????? The rigidity of this new community manager, her people skills and her inability to admit mistakes is what will bring this company falling down. When I asked for Dr Rons details to contact him I was told he knew of my claims. So, I have personally written to him, asking him if the abuse of power and lack of professionalism and respect for his members are the kind of lasting impressions he really wants people to have.

    1. This type of mistreatment by these people is truly heartbreaking. I am so sorry you have to go through this, and your forced to keep your mouth shut too above all things. Not only do they strip you of your right keep your accounts in peace, but your right to freedom of speech in all respects. What a disgusting group of people....and I hope you get back all that you earned, and will be left alone in peace. *hugs*

  19. migraine - excuse any typos

  20. I was going back a few pages and noticed something that could mean nothing, but could mean quite a lot. Some of you are now going to Ron hoping for Support...a few pages ago, Ron said this about Traci:

    "Traci is new to FooPets, and I've known her for most of my life. She's awesome."

    If he has known her most of his life, how are we to compete with that? And if he has know her that long, how can he not know or suspect the kind of manager she would be to the company?

    1. maybe it's his wife...anyone know her name?

    2. Well according to this site http://www.bookcrossing.com/about and http://bedsidetablebooks.wordpress.com/tag/ron-and-kaori-hornbaker/ it's Kaori

      Of course she could be using a different name, or he could be re-married, or Traci might be a relative; there is a Traci here, for what it's worth http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/h/o/r/Larry-G-Hornbaker/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-Index.html

    3. PS I hasten to add that I know nothing at all about that particular family tree, it may most likely be a different load of Hornbakers entirely, I just found it fun and weird that I could so easily use google to find a hornbaker and a Traci and tie them together... One needs to be careful of what one asserts via a vague google search. It just amused me, I am easily amused... My point really is that, if he has known her for so long, she could be a relative, and he speaks as if she is at least a friend. In which case he is unlikely to be able to see complaints of her conduct objectively. We have already seen on this very blog (((hugs Gold Rush))) how people can respond to perceived "attacks" (or complaints) about their friends' conduct.

    4. Also if you look on Ron's FB page he has been friends with Traci on there since November 2007. And I am pretty sure there was a pic up recently of her and his wife out together. So good luck splitting that up.


      Yeah April 20th there is a pic of Traci and Kaori together. They look like they are good friends. Makes it hard to believe he will ever see past their friendship Carrie, I agree.

    5. Well it looks as if they finally deleted the thread from suggestions. Of course our Anonymous' response messages had been deleted already since she had been re-banned, but the thread idea was a good one. Shame that a few petty people could get it removed without even a smack on the wrist to them.

      So I actually just now got a copy of the page out of my cache -- yes I'm weird that way, cannot bear censorship. It was actually two people sniping away at the OP; one was male and the other female. The one who said "My, my, did I strike a nerve" was indeed female, the one who incorrectly said "OP alluded to having been suspended and loss of a high bonding badge" was male, and he added to his message after reading Anon's responses to say "You didn’t SAY “suspended”, but that was the impression your words left me with". Both of those people, in my view, deserved a reprimand for de-railing the thread and sniping. The OP, in my view, displayed admirable patience.

      I also got a copy of the "spread the love" thread out of my cache, and I still say that the OP said NOTHING that could be construed as negative, at least up to the point at which I last visited that page. Yes, one or two friends were perhaps over-exuberant in their replies, but that was no reason to ban the OP again.

      This is a stupid mess. Come on, Foo, stop responding with such draconian measures. Several of the people whom you are punishing like this are the very people who have been willing to give you money and have stuck with the site for so long. Even IF they are "guilty" of cheating, you do not have to punish so severely. And not allowing them to protest or appeal, not giving them any real chance to gather evidence of innocence, is petty and unpleasant.

      We understood why FooKate went nutso; she had been under pressure for a long time, changing from a fun, lively forum-poster and player-friend after many months of site difficulties and then a massive cheat-wave. I do not understand why Traci seems to be displaying the same degree of craziness.

  21. I was a member that lost their account. I've showed as much proof as I could muster yet I'm continuing to fail. I am being black mailed into "be nice to me or lose all chances of getting your account back". I have been told to do things, under the stipulation I'd get my account back. I've done everything to the T but then there's a new reason why I can't. Every response is "create a new account and play fair". She isn't working with us. She's lying and covering her butt but that's about all she's doing.

    1. do me a favor? email me what you've been asked to do - what you mean by "blackmail", and so forth - copied if possible, paraphrased if not (and they can't fault or penalize you for sending me an email, OR know its contents), so i can get a better picture of what's really going on. my private contact info is up at the top right. i have a back door to the Big Boys, but i need to have a better idea what i'm talking about before i can open my mouth...

    2. It would have to be paraphrased if that anon doesn't want to break rule 18.

      18. Distributing contents from support tickets in the form of screen shots or copy/paste is not allowed.

      Even a copy of what was said is not allowed though I don't see why not since it could so easily be changed that Foo could just claim it's untrue. I'd tend to think the only real damage would come from a screen shot but it just goes to show you how much they don't want to see any info getting out.

  22. well, after pointing out their errors, i have now been banned again, permanantly, and told they will no longer discuss it with me. apparently i was "bragging" on foo, and didnt return all the items i had been gifted in the last 60 days back within the 48 hour time period given. well, only one account had "glitched" items on it, frm the sale of the pet, which i sold back to the mart, and they removed all my FDs. i then informed them, they had made an error telling me i had been gifted 32 spooky ravens, as i checked all my gifts. the person they said gifted me the 32 ravens? they sent one raven, one fairy and a you tube tv - 750 resell for an ultra stat pet. the only other items gifted were frm the sale of other pets on the accounts i was closing down - I had contacted them prior to this , asking if they would transfer all my fds, inventory etc, and they refused. So i began doing it myself, and now, i have been penalised for it. I wrote to the communty manager asking her about the other accounts, what i was to sell from them, as al that was on them, was from the sale of pets, items i had received, (no glitch items) and inventory frm the account i ws closing down. I had been told I had 48 hours to sell the stuff back to the mart, and two of the accounts, i only reactivated the club foo on the 15th. yet i ws banned yesterday for apparently not sticking to the deal, and selling the stuff back. but i sent in a ticket asking what i was to sell and didnt get a response. next thing i got was an email telling me i was banned, for good, no response to the fact I had provided screenshots and proof of my inventory on the other accounts, showing the items were everyday regular items that I had accrued over time. Im just devastated, absolutely devastated at how I have been treated. I have been bullied out the door, oh, and she said if I wanted to get my attorney to contact them, that is fine, they will stand by their rights. Ive never been so insulted in my whole life. I just do n ot know what to do next. Foopets has been a huge part of my life for so long now, and I just dont know how to respond.

    1. (((hugs))) I understand your devastation. Of course I do not know the rights and wrongs of your situation but I do feel that others on the forums should have received a smack for what looked to me like snide comments to you -- if you are the person that I think you are.

      If you are indeed that person, I was very surprised to see you disappear again. I could not see anything that you had said wrong; in fact I saw someone else apparently misunderstand what you did say, and effectively jeer at you. I found that to be both unpleasant and uncalled-for. Unfortunately I do not have a screenshot of your original message in that "discussion".

    2. carrie, yes, you are correct. I too, was surprised at that persons jibes, and it just reaffirmed to me that foo have destroyed my reputation a reputation i worked hard to build. I was trying to say something positive but, i guess it backfired. The only other thing i can think of, is i started a forum in chit chat, called spread the love, where I was trying to thank my friends for being there for me recently, and was encouraging others to be positive about the site and talk about why we love the place. quite a few of my freinds came and said they never doubted my innocence, and i actually clearly said, this forum wasnt about me, it ws about the foo community spreading and encouraging positivity. So, if that is be "bragging" about being innocent, then I guess im guilty

    3. Wow, pardon my bluntness, but what a load of bullshit! Not on your behalf, Anon, not at all. It appears that Foo is feeling awfully righteous, and doing their best to sweep all the bad under the rug. The bad that will simply continue to screw with their "wonderful" reputation. I say F It, and just post the screen shots. What are they going to do, since you have been made aware you are no longer welcome there for being an honest player. Again, pardon my bluntness, and sheer negativity, this is just friggen disgusting, and I will not at all be surprised if this BS company lasts the rest of the year with their shitty attitudes and practices. As I've said before, I am so glad I decided to never give them another dime. I'd rather give my money to a company that actually produces a quality game and the support staff are decent human beings.

  23. Well darn it, I wish they would be even-handed if they are going to insist on positivity in the forums. I find it disgusting that he did not get any kind of warning.

    I saw that other forum thread also and I thought that was a very positive thread. I smiled when I saw it, I did not post on it because I am not officially a "friend", but I gave a thumbs-up because I felt that was a cheerful thing for you to do. I did not get any feeling that you were bragging or protesting at all.

    The antsy way in which foo is behaving towards you is all too reminiscent of Rivet's paranoia.

    Well I wish you the very best and hope that Traci, or whoever is doing this to you, will stop being so heavy-handed.

    1. this was meant to be a reply to the anonymous who posted above in response to me, I don't know why the reply ended up in the wrong place 8}

    2. Carrie the person throwing insults on that thread is actually a she lol. I saw it too and was quite unhappy. She seemed to imply that the above member was "guilty" and when above member responded, she replied with a rude remark...something to the tune of "My, my, did I strike a nerve" or something. It was highly uncalled for and immature behavior.

      Also saw the Spread the Love post in Chit-Chat and I saw the above member make many comments herself praising Foo and even, I think Dr. Ron. So I fail to see how that post was for bragging rights. She could have taken what happened to her and been negative but she instead chose to take a positive route and it would seem that the "manager" is just out to finish certain people.

      Questions unanswered about the items sent back should be immediately clarified not held for response until she had ammunition to ban someone for supposed infractions that could have easily been prevented with communication.

    3. why oh why did my answer to Anonymous May 17, 2012 1:31 PM appear way up there? *points upwards to my May 18, 2012 2:57 AM post* I need some caffeine I think *staggers off to grab a gallon of coffee*

    4. Sorry Carrie, I didn't know you were talking about two separate people. I saw the one post from the guy but thought it was more an opinion than a jibe, I was more focused on the one that seemed to be so personally against the person making the thread, the female. She seemed to be enjoying herself even to the point of correcting a word the OP posted wrongly, probably not even thinking about it. Her correction was not a gentle nudge either. More like a "let me shove this mistake down your throat" kind of jibe. It was really disgusting. Sorry I would have answered up there lol but I figured it would make this conversation hard to follow...for me anyhow. And as for Traci she seems to indeed be going off like Kate. I remember Kate in the beginning as a sweet and funny woman. And for some reason at the end she just went totally bonkers. Seems Traci can't handle the stress perhaps and it's getting to her a bit early. Or maybe she was already this way. Either way it would seem that Ron is repeating a pattern here, I hope his friendship with her doesn't blind him to the things she is doing.

  24. Well, I guess Traci wasn't kidding. still no response to my emails. complaint into BBB - DONE. contact to local newspaper - DONE. email to DrRon - DONE. not sure what else i can do to be honest.

    1. Wait for the site to collapse, I suppose, under the weight of its own rules...

    2. Keep your head up and try not to give up. This is unfair in all possible ways. Hopefully Ron willrespond to your email. And if not, I see the anon above me has a point, Traci is changing the rules to meet her needs. Eventually something will have to give. Either she'll have to go or the site will just fail. We see how they are treating the long time customers already. We are their sure bet customers, not the new people who might make an account and get fed up and quit after a few days or a month, and we are being shoved out the door. Good way to keep the site going guys.

    3. this issue just keeps getting bigger and messier and less logical the further it goes on...and little or none of it makes any sense.

      the gifting glitch, to the best of my knowledge, was caught almost immediately and gifting shut down, providing a VERY clear window of opportunity for identifying who was actually involved - while the "sent to" message in Inventory disappears from the members' point of view i rather expect it could be pulled up by management : and gifting stays logged forever, there is no possible erasure or editing of any information there. both are dated, and ledgers even list time. documentation, in either direction, ought to have been a very simple matter. instead, it has turned into a witch hunt a la ArtMart, with much the same result of players with respectable assets and long-term trading histories being targeted simply because they HAVE assets.

      this is both absurd, and unacceptable. member trust, faith, and willingness to continue to support Foo financially was ALREADY fragile - this could end up being the straw that breaks the camel's aching back if it is not reexamined and resolved equably ASAP.

    4. still no response from either Ron or Traci. It seems, true to her word, Traci will not discuss this matter further. ITs nonsensicle, it really is. i checked all my gifting ledgers, and the 32 ravens i weas grilled over for days arent there? so what, have they lied, or do they have wrong information? They certainly didnt like me demanding an explanation over it, as next thing i was banned. Clearly, she was awaiting a reason to do so. didnt even giv e me the full 48 hours on my other accounts to gift the non existing glitch items back to the mart. and why should i gift items that werent incriminating? my accrued inventory?? that i was gifting from one account to another? items that were not in any way gifted from another member, and were not the mentioned "incriminating" items? and now i am banned forever? they just want me out the way, so they do not have to answer my questions and admit they were wrong. Honestly, I am so hurt by how I have been treated. I will again, try contacting the office every day (though, they never answer the phone). I just dont get why they wouldnt want to resolve this. they think resolution is getting rid of me, so i cant spread the word on their incompetence, but they misjudge me again.

      goldrush - i emailed you by the way

    5. *hugs for Anon*

  25. thank u Gymomma (hugs back) xoxoxo

  26. I can show screenshots where Traci told me if I promised not to tell anyone about it, she would unsuspend my main account on Saturday, which was over 2 weeks ago now. I asked her why she could not unsuspend it right away seeing as she suspended me immediately. I got angry and deleted my second account but once I cooled off, I calmly emailed her back asking for my main account back and that I had deleted my second because she made me so mad. She undeletes my SECOND acct, not my first like I had asked and told me she would not do so anymore in the future. I have so many damn screenies of her lying manipulative ass it's not funny. I have already consulted a lawyer about what happened and he is biting at the bit to take Foopets to court. He firmly believes I would have a good case against them for unethical business practices, manipulation, and harrassment.

    1. Didn't I read somewhere that Ron and his crew hinted at being "untouchable" in the court of law?

      Note: Sarcasm.

    2. depends on exactly how much liability is waived in the ToS - and i think the actual quote may have been from Rivet, as their ToS were both legally well-nigh bulletproof and truly terrifying...but this is a different sort of case (pun not intentional - this time), where specific statements and claims were made and then contradicted and/or reniged on, with documentation, so i don't see how it could be superceded by boilerplate intended to cover general/normal play.

  27. Is everyone at Foo suffering from a paranoid psychotic breakdown from sleep deprivation? How else could you explain this total break with reality and normal behavior? It makes absolutely no sense at all otherwise. It is like dealing with a bi-polar child off their meds. And I know how to do that. I am more afraid for my Foo babies than I have ever been.
    Seriously it is scary.

  28. i still have had no response from either Traci or ROn. Im so disappointed. I honestly thought things would change with Ron back. I had undeniable proof I did not abuse this glitch, that they questioned me about having a certain amount of one item, from a specific member, which I DO NOT. I checked my gifts and got 700 resell from this member, no the thousand they claimed. I screenshot the actual transaction in my gifts when I got back on my account. And as soon as I bring this to their attention, and question this, I get not only suspended, but banned??? How could Ron endorse this silly woman's behaviour any longer??? Im just so sad about it. I have invested so much . And then the May update, shes STILL going on about it. She needs to go. Or the site will fail. I just dont know where to turn now.



    Back ground check Re: Foopets Community Manager

    Traci Loftis














    +1 316.371.1246 Mobile

    • San Mateo, CA

    Screen names
    • traciloftis(AIM)
    • traciloftis(Skype)
    • wichita_realtor(Twitter)

    • http://www.traciloftis.com

    • traciloftis@gmail.com

    Real Estate Auction Partners, Kansas State


  30. Oh and i dont like her much

  31. wow, a repo woman, no wonder shes whipping ppls accounts off them. tell me, i wonder what skills reposessing ppls houses armed her with, to be a community manager.

  32. are we sure this is the same Traci? (by the way, she is under an alias on Foo at member # 25151195) if so, it would seem that she has far too much to do in RL to devote anything like the time or attention required for her position on FooPets...is there anyone in addition to her handling Support issues at this point?

    1. when i contacted support about transferring all my items from my closing down accounts, I was answered by Angie (saying no). As far as I know, ambassadors are back doing support, but the suspensions are being handled by Traci

  33. It looks like annon is correct...
    Traci Loftis | LinkedIn
    San Francisco Bay Area - Community Manager at Startapult
    View Traci Loftis's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Traci Loftis discover inside ...

  34. here is another link


  35. I understand that many of you have issues with Traci. Posting her information here, however, and doing so anonymously is not the right way to approach this issue. Also not very mature. At least show your faces. Because this behavior right now, leaves a lot to wish for and is cowardly.

  36. Karlia you have no idea what people are having to put up with

  37. What happened to the Anon post about Traci divulging private information about users to other users, how come that was removed, i agree with the above Anon you have no clue, traci has been threatening all sorts of people.

  38. Any professional profile posted on the internet is available to the public, the person ( anon ) is obviously hurt, while I believe that the B word is not appropriate I understand that in the heat of the moment she did let go of her anger by adding it to the sentence. Our details are made available to the foo crew, credit card number, street address, date of birth, e mail address.....I look at it this way, since there are countless readers it did promote her business and number of views. I ended up looking at the properties posted on her site lol. I have seen more immature behavior on foo, users passing around confidence told to them to make fun of their victim, gossips, name calling ....Since foo has our details it would be normal if they were to post an intro of who is their crew, no? I am closing several of my foo accounts. The glitches and the issues caused by them are one reason, the other is I don't have time anymore. Would I create an account for a 10 year old? Not at this time. The site is more of a mess than anything else. Ron should remember that friendship and business don't mix well sometime. I am hoping that more users will stay instead of quitting, Neopets has learned the hard way, let's hope that Foo will become more of a pleasant place instead of a place where some have to walk on eggs.

  39. Replies
    1. yep foo is being terrible :(

    2. the SITE is not terrible - it was and can be a wonderful place, and i hope we can ALL work together to restore it. the SITUATION is terrible...and unnecessary, and we hope to be able to resolve it as well.

  40. i hear this traci woman is now telling people that she is irritated with kimmyness and cheri, she told my friend in support that people like this are losers

    1. Losers, immature, naive and blah.....These words have gained such a popularity lately ...rising eyes.

    2. At the poster raising eyes, i have saw the screen shots of the support tickets, you may see this as insignificant but this is bad practice chatting to members about other members via support, is your purpose here just to light hearten everything being said, seems to me you are a foo brown nose looking to protect the integrity of the admin, to little to late

    3. I never wrote it was no true or true....only made a comment about the words used on foo lately....sarcastic was my comment.....not at the poster tho .....jeez

    4. I forgot....I was called those names too by the same people you guys are talking about....hence my sarcasm...

  41. May be but it can also give an opportunity to xxx or zzz to claim that the blog is being used to slander / trash / the foo crew or one particular person working for foo. Which could put Gold Rush between a rock and a hard spot.

  42. i dont see how gold rush could be stuck anywhere with regards to the comparison on how Traci is treating members. If you people knew the truths about Traci's behavior then you would have no problem dealing with a describing word. At the end of the day Bitch is polite in terms of what Traci really is.

  43. it doesnt surprise me she may have said this. She has broken privacy and confidentiality in other peoples tickets also. She shouldnt be discussing other ppls accounts with other members.

  44. My name is baxter, and I have had all my accounts banned for asking about a friend of mine on a thread who got banned. All I was doing was chatting to another friend on a chit chat thread asking about my friend.

    I then received a email saying this

    You have been suspended indefinitely for negative conduct on Foopets, you were seen bragging about a persons innocence and I assume you were discreetly referring to me the community manager. I will tell you like I have told all your other little friends, I run the show here and everybody better get used to it.

    Enjoy finding another game as good as Foopets to play

    Thanks !


    I don’t know what else to say 

    1. Baxter, this is ridiculousness. I think you would be best served getting a parent if i am gauging you correctly. To contact your national newspaper and an attorney. From what i have seen on here and various other outlets, The community administration team on Startapult Inc have no interest in the paying members. They are treating a lot of people very badly and players are leaving daily.

      Good luck

    2. Baxter, I'm sorry to hear that. I too was slammed after I stated - not on foo - that I did not believe that 2 of the people I knew were guilty. Was called immature and naive. Even outside of Foo stating an opinion is risky. Let's add the word bragging in the word popularity....You are not the only one accused of bragging. Then we see more and more users walking on eggs....and they'll wonder why......

    3. This is mental, how can this be allowed to continue?
      Just about every story that I have heard has been backed up with proof that Traci is a nutty dictator type of personality.
      I think that she is covering her tracks and just removing all accounts or visions relating to her mistakes.
      But this is totally unfair. So basically people have been booted off the site for nothing other than not adhering to her dictatorship.

      Now if she had properly investigated the initial glitch she would have saw 99% of the people in receipt of items has sold a pet, ( a medium supplied by foo to trade)

      This is so bad

    4. "Bragging about someone's innocence.." who talks like this?! i've never heard such a thing ever. is this some sort of lawyer jargon. whatever it is i find this to be the most absurd thing i've heard in years. i'm beginning to think the supposed changes from ron to rivet back to ron has all just been one big shell game.

  45. OMG, that is absolutely disgusting baxter. I too, ws banned for showing evidence though, about my innocence, and asking questions. I was met with similar email about "bragging about my innocence" and told, i hope you can find another site you enjoy as much as foopets to play.

    her attitude is disgusting. I do not believe ron and scott would endorse this kind of abuse of power. something HAS to be done.

  46. does anyone know of a way to contact ron? i wrote him an email, but have had no response, im just wondering if its an email he uses.

  47. The BBB is a joke, a complain is as good as a fart in the wind. There are users that wrote to Ron, have any of them received a feed back yet? Stating that she is running the show is suggesting she was given all power by Ron. Scary thought, I don't regret closing my accounts. They are wrong if they think there are no other good games beside foopets. Users are playing other games ,they are passing the word to their friends, more entertaining games, less drama, less worries......What can be done? I wish I knew. A lawyer needs a solid ground, their TOS are iron made. Kids are playing on foo, teens, younger kids even. At risk of being banned or slammed if they make a faux pas, parents beware.

    1. i told her i wanted to discuss it with Ron, and she told me he had seem "my claims" and in fact, she had consulted him on several occasions re: my account to make sure she was doing it right. She said, Ron has given her authority to do whatever she feels is best for the foo community.

      I contacted the BBB, and saw they had two other complaints in last 12 months, that went unanswered by foopets. I have called the office (from the UK) most days, i left messages, never got a call back. Emails to support are now going unanswered. no response from traci or Ron on facebook, or via rons mail.

      I have though, contacted a national newspaper, and a local newspaper in walnut creek, and will be contacting a lawyer.

      their TOS may be iron clad, but, TOS aren't law. Or above them. And as far as I am concerned slander, harassment and threats via the internet are all illegal. And if Ron doesn't step in and do something about it, it will be him who pays the price for not reigning in his staff..

    2. Forget the BBB, they've closed complaints after foo apologized and hurry to repair their oops. Pretty sure the complains were against Rivet, because they are the new owners it's be more valuable if more complains were made now. The BBB isn't pushy....pffff. True, their TOS are not law but as a privately owned site, we all agree to them upon signing. You have a very legit ground tho: harassment and threats. Slander, that too, now may be what I wrote about the B word will make sense, let slander be a one way street, not from your end or any end, a positive plus on your side and others side. Slander, harassment and threats on the internet were the reasons why few laws were born.

    3. it wasnt me who posted about her being a B though. Even if I do agree with it.

      It silly though, because I still love the site. just not her. And i do not want to harm it by going down the legal route. I have just found out something interesting. . .Traci is Ron's niece. Just found something on the internet. So shes family :-/

    4. I sent a mail in emergency to a friend last night, she too is playing on Foo. I warned her, warned her before ,also told her you do not deserve what happened to you. You and I have been befriended on another game, often I offered free pets that had $$ value and you never took advantage of it. So much for being called a greedy cheater on another game like foo, others know you better than that. We all love the game, the pets, this game had something special. And it's getting worse, now it's like a family business......joy, not......

    5. I went back to The Sims 3, which is a much, much better game than Foo will ever dream to be. The pets system there is quite interactive if you got the EP. I feel much more comfortable giving my money to EA, and even over to Blizzard for their pets, than I do to Foo. EA has it's issues, but they aren't disrespectul assholes because "they run the show."

  48. Traci Loftis The Niece Of Ron Hornbaker

    news article

    Gerald and Helen Hornbaker

    Gerald and Helen Hornbaker, Hutchinson, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary with a family dinner and reception hosted by their children and grandchildren today at the Grand Prairie Hotel and Convention Center. Gerald and Helen were married Aug. 8, 1950, by the late Rev. D.C. Pauls, at Zoar Mennonite Church near Inman,

    Their children and spouses are Gordon and Susan Hornbaker, Littleton, Colo., Ron and Kaori Hornbaker, San Mateo, Calif., and the late Garret Hornbaker. They have eight grandchildren, Dave and Angela Kerschen, Jon and Traci Loftis, Jason and Laura Smith and Grant Hornbaker and Lydia and Colson Hornbaker. They have two great-grandchildren, Kaden Kerschner and Adeline Smith.
    Gerald is a retired school principal of 38 years. Helen taught middle school 35 years.

    The last 27 years were at Lyons, Kan. After retirement they moved to Hutchinson.

    Cards may be sent to them at 302 Kisiwa Parkway, Hutchinson, KS 67502.

    1. whats the chances he will actually do anything about her, if she is his niece :(

  49. I feel that foo is slowly spinning to an end. I have 5 months left on my subscription and I thought I would never say this, but I am not renewing it. I love my pets, but what they are doing is wrong. We a paying to have all these benefits and they don't even work. I have lost a few good friends lately on here who were innocent of the cheating but yet got band or suspended. I would leave now but I don't want to waste the money that I have on it right now, and can't seem to just let my pets starve. Once lawsuits start coming in, I am sure we will wake up one day and foo will be gone.

  50. If she is family, we are screwed. Ron should never have hired family to run his site, that's just a ridiculous business move. Because now you have this scenario which is Traci taking advantage of the fact that she is family and running the site as a dictatorship. This is beyond stupidity. What if he needed to fire her? It creates a rift in the family, and so I doubt he will do anything to rectify any of her mistakes. No one wants to insult family, and what are we? Just the "little" players that keep his site running. Anyhow miss Rivet now? Yes there were bad things that went down with them, but this is beyond even anything they were capable of.

    And this:
    "You have been suspended indefinitely for negative conduct on Foopets, you were seen bragging about a persons innocence and I assume you were discreetly referring to me the community manager. I will tell you like I have told all your other little friends, I run the show here and everybody better get used to it."

    Is NOT how you treat your customers. All "your other little friends"?! Are you kidding me? WTH is she doing?

  51. I just googled Traci Loftis Ron Hornbaker. An interesting thing came up. It appears to be ParrotLady's google profile. HR Manager? Is this for Foopets?


    1. i think when you combine the names it just defaults to the only person with a plus-google profile (whatever that is) that is connected to them in any way - in this case, via the Foo site. Parrot has always been a decent person, in my experience...and from what i've seen has stayed completely out of this rather than taking either side.

    2. I wasn't knocking Parrot, was just wondering if she had been promoted or something. I agree with your views. PL has always been a good Fa. Sorry if I came across wrong.

  52. well since I am not worried about being anonymous anymore, many of you will know my username :) yeah Traci is a damn psychotic bitch from hell. She has lied to me so many times, omg I can't even tell you guys! ANYONE who knew how I conducted myself on Foopets KNOWS I never scammed anyone but most of all I NEVER cheated because I never felt that I needed to. I cannot wait for Foopets to go down the shitter and tell ya what, I will be laughing to tears. I now play Facebook's app, Happy Pets and yes, the pets aren't as realistic but they are animated and the app is FREE people!!! To be honest, I have almost forgotten about Foopets and what a mistake it was to ever join. I feel worse for the rest who still miss it and want to come back.

  53. Please, all the anonymous's- I beg you- just pick a few letters or a series of numbers to identify yourselves with. Reading so many comments from 'anonymous' is really hard. This situation with Foo is terrible, so terrible, and I understand many people's desire to stay hidden but please, for your friends and supporters here- help us out with at least something to know you by. If it's your real pet's name, if it's your dad's middle name, if it's your second cousin's birthday, if it's the numbers of your favorite year- please just pick anything so we can tell you all apart! I want to understand this so much and offer support and kindness to everyone! Thanks, everybody! ::hugs to all of us!::

  54. @AnonymousMay 21, 2012 1:13 PM

    Hope that was not directed towards me, because clearly you do not know me at all or know my attitude towards former/new Foo crew.

  55. Karlia, wups, take a deep breath... Nobody has insulted you. The Anon posting in question was to pineapple and was obviously an error in understanding what pineapple said. The post was rather ambiguous but pineapple explained that he/she was talking about foo, not the foop. Let's step back a little and stop being edgy with each other. As far as I can see,everyone here so far is on the same page; as far as I can tell, so far all the posters here are shocked and disturbed to varying degrees at the alleged behaviour of foopets' new "community manager".

    What we do not yet know is whether that "manager"'s appalling totalitarian Diva behaviour is actually being condoned by Dr. Ron, or whether he intends to do something about it on behalf of Foo and any injured players. If the former, then all we have to decide is whether to pack up and leave before Foopets implodes, or whether to carry on to the bitter end. Some of us have already made that decision.

    As for the question about Rivet, no this does not make me miss them. They ran the site badly, with a robot staff and a few unpaid people who were supposed to be bully-boys and keep the membership quiet by whatever means. The only difference here is that we can actually see what is going on. Of course we do not all have proof of the woman's behaviour, but if it is true that she is doing all this, the proof will surely emerge. Those who give up hope of ever getting their accounts back will surely distribute their proofs eventually.

    Firekraker, yes, there is no need to cheat on foo, since it is not really a game. It is a pet-care "toy" really, one which many people have managed to build up into something else via the forums and chat etc. There are plenty of alternatives, and Traci is not living in the real world if she really tells people to "Enjoy finding another game as good as Foopets to play" and believes that they won't.

    The reality is that there are a fair number of other games that are better than Foopets to play as games, and there is one in particular that is not only better as a game, it can actually be used as a "toy" which is far superior to Foopets in every possible way. I agree with GymMomma... The Sims 3 with the pets expansion is awesome. I can share or not share as I wish, I can play whenever I wish without fear of site downtimes or tantrums, and all that I have to pay out is the cost of the installation DVDs. The graphics are wonderful, the pets amazing, and I can use mods to make the game whatever I wish it to be, including making the pets immortal and creating special breeds. I have a perfect game which does not control me, which I can play and modify forever, for the cost of a year or so's subscription to Foopets.

    What Traci and co perhaps do not fully realise is that there is nothing to draw people into foopets other than the actual pets, which are sweet yes but are no longer unique in their realistic behaviours. Also that the only thing that keeps people loyal to the site is an attachment to those pets, to the little stories that we have built around them. People who loved the community feel of foopets have mostly left now, because Rivet pretty much turned it into a ghost town and it looks as if Ron and co are not fixing that. Those who left willingly or were forced out have kept communications with their friends and have moved onwards and upwards to more tailor-made sites. As for those of us who care about our pets and stories; well, we can take those stories with us and re-build them with fresh sweet "re-born" pets in a much better game, one that is not at the mercy or whims of a site owner, messy code and iffy servers.

    1. I wasn't even upset. So I have no idea where that assumption was taken.
      I am not trying to clean Traci's name. I have never spoken to her. Not even once. What I dislike seeing is how grown-ups, who should know better, go down the "I am upset thus I label you as a bitch" road. I get it that people are upset and for a good reason. But as usual whatever I say will be taken and twisted into whatever people want to see.
      I cannot wait for my subscription to run out, to be quite honest. So I can be done with Foo for good. That being said, this will be my last post on this blog.
      Huge thanks to Gold Rush :)

    2. *puzzled grin* I have no idea what you are replying to, Karlia... I am glad you weren't upset, I'm not sure that anyone said that you were... I was not twisting your words. I was responding only to this comment of yours: "@AnonymousMay 21, 2012 1:13 PM Hope that was not directed towards me, because clearly you do not know me at all or know my attitude towards former/new Foo crew."

      AnonymousMay 21, 2012 1:13 PM had said this: "At the poster raising eyes, i have saw the screen shots of the support tickets, you may see this as insignificant but this is bad practice chatting to members about other members via support, is your purpose here just to light hearten everything being said, seems to me you are a foo brown nose looking to protect the integrity of the admin, to little to late" and they were responding to a misunderstood post by pineapple.

      That was all that I was referring to.

      I neither know nor care whether anyone is defending Traci, nor whether they are accusing her. I think that if she has been behaving as stated, it is understandable that people want to bad-mouth her, but I agree with Gold Rush that it is far better to behave with more dignity and maturity than She herself is apparently showing, and not to just call her names. And I think it is much better if we do not get prickly with each other on the Foop, partly because it is good to have a place where we can sensibly discuss what is going on in foo and largely for poor Gold Rush's sake. ((((thank you)))) gold Rush, for giving us such an informative place in which to discuss our concerns.

  56. this situation is making EVERYONE - regardless of position on the matter - crazy. i am in the process of composing a new post addressing it and hope to have it up later today. if anyone has SS evidence that i have not yet seen, please email it to me (contact info above), so i can use it for reference. i will use no names or quotes, i just need to see what is actually taking place. i will also be referring to the input on this thread.

    two BIG requests, other than getting me as much hard evidence to refer to as possible...one : please, i know you are upset, but please remain polite to management and each other - namecalling and arguements greatly dilute the point we are trying to make, and two : please, PLEASE use name/url mode to sign rather than "anonymous". ANY name. ANY url, including the one in the browser bar here, if it will let you. it only takes a second, and shows you as an individual - "anon" could all be one person, for all anyone knows. THANKS!

    let's all try to work together calmly to defuse and resolve this problem. Traci, for whatever reasons (and i concede the possibility that there may BE a reason, though i can't figure out what it might be), has been reduced to behaving childishly - it is up to us to act like adults and bring sanity and reasonableness back in to the process of finding a fair solution.

    (i have no idea what my personal exposure is, by the way - theoretically they could shut down my Foo accounts, i suppose, for hosting "negative posting" here, but that would hardly have a positive effect on the content of the Foop, lol.)

    1. Yes I am Islen on Foo and since I can't speak my mind on Foo without getting banned I'll guess I can do it here, with the hopes of not getting into trouble.
      "I will tell you like I told all your little friends, I run the show here and everybody better get used to it."
      How could you? I don't know if you read this Traci, but if you do I would love to tell you that I will not get used to your little show. I don't mean to upset you or anything but what are doing is wrong! The pain you made me go through let alone others in support is outrageous and ridiculous. I can't believe I got myself into this mess! I will tell you right now when I first met you in support I looked up to you, and most importantly I saw you as a friend. Now I am hurt very badly and I felt betrayed.... You backstabbed me over one little mistake. Why do you have to do this?  Sometimes I seriously wonder why in the world do I still play? Maybe it's the attachments of my pets or my amazing friends, perhaps I don't have a reason at all. Yes I have been one of Traci's "victim". I just don't see how being so harsh and rude to your customers will get you anywhere. You'll most likely loose more than gain because you are scaring them off, exactly like why im leaving.
      I don't have the time to wait until my membership expires in September. I've had enough. I'm sicken and disgusted by some of the actions I have seen. In fact I'm so scared that I can't even send a ticket into support for anything, the fear I'll be attacked by Traci.  I'm even scared to log in everyday. 
      I'm tired of keeping all of this in... My friends wonder why I'm leaving, and I can't tell them the reason why because I would jeopardize my account. I'm tired of acting like nothing is wrong, when indeed there is, but if I speak my mind I'm done.  I shouldn't, well no one should be afraid to speak there opinion without getting In trouble.
      If Traci is family please tell me why you've have yet to give her a reality check on how she is treating your loyal members? I can't tell you enough about all the pain she has caused me these last few weeks, and I can't talk to anyone about it because I fear the lost of my account.
      Why must you hurt so many members... What are you trying to get out of this? Because if it's causing members to go down in misery and pain, I think you have accomplished it already. Yep you've accomplished  that with me, because I was in misery And in pain all over one little mistake I made. 

    2. Oh, Islen,
      I don't imagine that you know me on Foo (I don't want to post my whole Foo name but it starts with "007K...") but I've seen your forum posts on Foo so many times and you are one of the players that I have such enormous respect for! When I saw your name at the top of your post here I actually gasped in an OMGosh kind of way! Your hurt and frustration come through so clearly in your post here and my heart totally goes out to you!!

      I beg of you and everyone else who is still with Foo- please don't leave! Instead of leaving please come here, vent, feel comfortable, and do just the minimum of pet care on Foo but please do stay! I have faith that with Gold Rush's help and all of us together here that maybe we can make some good changes happen. Please, everyone, just hold tight! Bring your thoughts here where we are safe and hang in there! After all we've been through please stay with us so collectively we can make a difference! ::hugs to Islen and all of us!::

    3. Islen, many members are feeling betrayed.

  57. please, PLEASE, PLEASE - NO ONE, delete or leave for good. we are still trying to get this mess resolved fairly...sit it out for a while if you must (and let me know/friend me if your pets will need care), but give us a chance to attempt to work this out. after all we have been through here - and SURVIVED - we will fight for the site we love, and do our best to bring it back as it SHOULD be.

    1. I'm available for free pet sitting on Foo too, as Gold Rush just suggested. If someone feels the need to leave please, I'd be happy to help care for your pets while you take a breather and that would be so much better than deleting completely, if you can do it that way.

    2. It won't be resolved...that is looking pretty clear in their actions, so I am waiting my accounts out.

  58. It is sad to see all of this. I can honestly say that I have never had any problem but then I have always been totally honest and played by the rules. I have several friends that are complaining and I can honestly state that they did cheat and really need to own up to it and stop lying here. It does not help to know truth is being distorted to discredit others.

    1. SoothSayer, I have always played fairly too. I have never abused any of the sites glitches, and would never do so either. I agree, your friends should own up to what they have done. In fact, some people did admit they abused this cheat, and are back on the site, and ppl like myself (i can only speak for myself) who innocently got swept up in this, are paying the price for their crime. I DID not play at any point with dishonesty. All I did was sell a pet, to a well respected member. A rare pet, to someone I trusted. Whom, may I say, claimed to have gotten the glitched items from someone else, and again, she is back on the site. So what's wrong with this picture. Ill tell you, because I questioned them, and didn't just roll over and take what was being dished out, I have been booted. now they wont even answer their my emails. ( i say they, but i mean SHE). I sent PROOF that i knew nothing of this glitch, and that I actually sold my pet a week prior to the date i found out about it, i also sent PROOF that the 32 ravens they claimed I received were either fabricated or mistaken, as i actually only received ONE raven and ONE fairy frm the member they claimed I got them from, and had PROOF that besides the sale of the pet, I had no other "glitched" items on my other accounts. When i questioned why they were banned and demanded an explanation i was booted. Please dont think Foo are being entirely truthful. They made mistakes, and are trying to cover them up with silence orders, booting of innocent members off the site in order to not having to admit to their error.

    2. I can only say what I know to be true. I would never make statements that I know would be a lie no matter how much I was angry. They are here and are lying to save their own skin and making others look like they are the bad person. I will not name names because I do not want to make them look even worse. They know who they are.
      If a person cheats no matter how simple it may be then they deserve the punishment dealt out to them.
      I do not know what or what does not happen with Foo behind the scenes but I believe they are so much better than Rivet ever was.
      We asked for the higher ups to hold members accountable for what they do and then when it happens members go crazy.
      I prefer to stay out of the daily nastiness I have seen but just felt a need to state my thoughts.

    3. i totally agree, those who cheat deserve to be punished. i just cannot see how those who cheated are allowed back on the site, but when those who continue to question and challenge foo (again, only speaking for myself) they get swept away. i have black and white proof, that they have seen, that i did not cheat. they then let me back, after saying they know i did not cheat, but dont believe i couldn't have known the items i were given for the sale of pet were glitched? how are we supposed to question every transaction, its nuts. Then i was banned for apparently "bragging about being innocent". they dont want ppl to know they got it wrong in at least one case.

    4. Yes people do need to own up and take their punishments, but if you ask me, they are being WAY too harsh on people. I have a friend who was involved with the whole gifting fiasco simply because she was angry that the people who were involved with the other glitch in the foomart were not punished and because of that the price of her dream pet, which she had just recently achieved and was looking for, skyrocketed to an amount she could never afford unless she cheated. I am not proud of it, and she is not proud of it. She realized her mistake, and turned herself in, willing to accept punishment for it. She has never done anything like this before and she has always been a helpful member. Plus she's just a kid, come on! Kids make mistakes. It's how they learn. I could tell you EVERYTHING that she has been through. I have been with her the ENTIRE TIME. I ENCOURAGED her to come forward when she made that decision, to take her punishment and learn from her mistake. I have been with her through the tears and anger of the pain she has gotten, all of them caused by Traci. She is the person who was constantly responding to my friend, the person who hurt her. I was there when Traci even lied to my friend's MOTHER when she came on looking for answers for why her daughter's punishment was so harsh! I am telling you right now she was over punished. But it's not my right to tell everything that happened without her permission. In fact, she is posting on here now and if she wanted to she could tell you. If she doesn't mind me sharing I totally would! I am so angry that I would like to personally confront Traci, and I usually try to avoid confrontation(of course i know she would ignore me because she would rather cover up her guilt, which is the reason that my friend can't tell anyone about this who is still on Foo. She is so terrified of Traci that she doesn't even want to talk about this on Meebo in case Traci is monitoring her everywhere!) I'm glad I'm no longer on Foo. I had to take a break from there because I didn't have the money. I'm a poor college student and instead of paying for Foo, I chose to use that money elsewhere so I figured I could take a break since I really wasn't playing that much. I've been on Foo since 2009, but after seeing what happened to so many people, I don't think I will come back until Traci shapes up or leaves.

  59. Gold Rush, I have sent you some screenshots. If you need anything else, let me know. Islen, im right there with you. its ridiculous, an abuse of power, and i just dont know where to turn

  60. i have changed my name from annonymous to angrychikita for future reference. I am the one who has been posting about being grilled over 32 ravens, which i got banned after challenging them about, as i had ONE raven sent from the person they claimed. just to update, still no word from Traci, or Ron :-(

  61. I'm sorry this has gone to far and I can not continue like this as I know it will just get worse.

    1. i'm sorry, but if we cave in and quit it will DEFINITELY get worse - if we continue to deal reasonably we at least have a chance to restore balance. Foo has the potential to not only be a wonderful place to be, but to do a great deal of good for RL animals...as it was originally intended to be and do. we HAVE to stand up and be counted as caring, sensible adults. all of those who survived from the beginning have put too much into the site to let it go without giving it everything we've got to mend the damage and go forward instead of backward.

    2. I think that FooPets is on the track to getting back to what it is supposed to be. I do believe what Gold Rush is saying is a step for all to think on.

    3. I used to believe that. I hung on through all the problems. I refused to let Foo break me. However, when time and money became an issue, I just said fudge it. I am taking a break. I can't waste money on a site I don't use because I find it not as much fun and too much of a hassle. Foo is getting worse and worse every day, and unless the administration itself makes some changes in the way they handle things I don't think that will change no matter how much we wish it. I will totally come back to Foo if they change their attitude because then I would see something worth paying for and supporting. Until then, I cannot justify wasting the little money I have on that site, not when I could get punished for doing the slightest thing. I have never done anything wrong on that site and I had a good reputation. I intend for things to stay that way, even if I end up being forgotten.

      I also understand why Islen is quitting. She has been badgered and hassled by Traci. Wouldn't you become tired of this after a while? The emotional damage from that woman has taken a toll on her, and you can't blame her. I understand you want to bring balance. That was all I ever wanted as well, but there has to be give and take from both sides. It seems that the people with the most power are unwilling to admit mistakes and act quite childish at times, and if they don't change their attitude then things won't change. We, the members, cannot mend the damage without the help of those in power.

    4. Agreed with Gold and Saphira both.

      To SoothSayer:

      "I think that FooPets is on the track to getting back to what it is supposed to be."

      I don't see how this can possibly be true with Traci at the helm. Nothing is getting fixed and new glitches appear everyday. Anyone notice that the Cozy Living Room bg is now gone? Anyone wonder why? Another glitch! It was available for 0fds or 1500fgs. The 0fds was another glitch on their part and was supposed to be 55fds. So they had to take the item down. Of course this would have allowed people to only profit with a little bit of extra fgs, but the point is that Instacare hasn't worked for months, Board All, the scenes that they claim they fixed, like the Cozy Living Room continue to have issues.

      And all the while, Traci is amping up her bad behavior towards players. It has now gone beyond just people they "thought" participated in the glitch and moved on to friends who support them. This is no longer a friendly environment.

      Every time I post, I have to reread what I've written a few times to be sure there is nothing there that could be misconstrued as "anti-Foo". And I never had to do that before. She has us all walking on eggshells. She won't be happy until she has everyone banned, too terrified to post their opinions, and finally Foo will die. People need to be able to express themselves respectfully without fear of a tantrum from an "adult" who is supposed to be in charge. We don't need this type of attitude, especially when so many before were already terrified of this very thing.

    5. I think that no matter what is said or what is done, there will be people that are going to complain. Before Rivet nothing was good , during Rivet nothing was good, after Rivet nothing is good.
      This would not be happening if members did not take advantage of a situation they should not have.
      I know who many of you are and you know me. Many are outright lying others are adding to the stupidity of the entire situation by remarks that are off the wall.
      SilentVoice, You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. I do not look for what I can crucify next but I can see those that do.

    6. I am not looking to crucify anything, merely to return fair treatment to the players. I am not sure who you are, but I know that the people I recognize who have posted her do not lie in reference to their treatment. I am one who has seen the screen shot evidence and I am also one who has been directly affected by Traci.

      No, not everyone will be happy, but until this treatment, I was not a negative voice for Foo. I defended much of what was going on with them. I just feel that my eyes have been opened by this treatment, and I am a frightened player among other frightened players who wishes more than anything for the fair treatment to return. If I saw that, I'd go back to being happy for the most part. This is the only major issue I have right now.

      I was content to wait while a very small team of people fix Foo and content to continue paying. I am NOT content with these tactics.

      As to why this is happening, many of those people sold a pet/s and have been punished for accepting payment in the fashion that the site allows, resell from items. This is happening because Foo failed to do their homework and even now are banning people who have PROOF that they did not participate in the glitch itself. So no, I am not satisfied and I will complain about that. The only ones banned should have been the ones who knowingly participated. Those that traded should have been spared and especially if they could show proof, which some did.

      I would hope that people are able to differentiate between complainers and liars and see that some of these people are innocent and their treatment needs rectified. I agree with what Gold Rush is trying to do, I have not used inappropriate names, I am merely stating what I know to be true. I am not putting any nails in that weren't already there to be used.

      Do I want Traci gone or at least see her style of management toned down? Yes. Do I want to see players unfairly banned returned to their accounts, friends, and pets? Yes. Do I want to "crucify" Foopets and see it fail? No. I love the site even still.

  62. I know some of these people and have seen their proof.

    In the case of one player on here, she was told to sell her items from the past 60 days. All she did when she got her account back was to ask for some clarification on the matter, then she was suspended again. Ridiculous.

    I too am having issues from Traci. I won't go into details because I still have my account. I can only say that most of this attention my way I feel is undeserved and only because I stood up for what I believed in. I do have SS evidence, but I don't want to share it on fear of losing my account as well. The point is though, she is using her power as a hammer, and it's not right at all.

    But it seems that she is using this part of Rule 4 in the RoC:

    "Insulting posts – Posts that insult, challenge, or have anything offensive towards FooPets users, ambassadors, admins, and FooPets are inappropriate and not consistent with the spirit of the site."

    As a blanket to oust people from the site who have opinions regarding their friends. Even to say you believe in that person's innocence anywhere on Foo is being seen as an attack on Foopets. So we're no longer allowed to say the things that need to be said. Such as:

    Traci, you screwed up royally with some players and to continue to punish them only makes YOU look bad. Especially in the bullying way you do it. If you want to be a good manager, you have to be able to admit when you are wrong, not crush the opposition when they happen to be right.

  63. I just can't believe the poop that is going on....who in the hell do they think they are. If they would fixed the glinch when they first found out about it, there would of never been such a problem. Its really not members fault in a way. No I not saying that it was fair for the people who really did cheat, but if they would of fixed the problem right away instead of letting it go for so long people wouldn't have been so tempted to do. I have been on foopets since the gopokey days, and I feel foo is trying to get us old players to quit, for we know how it was way before the screw ups. If they would of let the private sales stay, people wouldn't be trying to cheat and scam as much. In a way we all are getting cheated by foo. To sell a pet or item we have to ask double of what we want. Then after we get the price, we have to decide if we want to sell the items to the mart or keep them to use for a trade. So if you sold a pet for 2000fds resell, and decided to sell the items to the mart for 1000fds, but then you decided you wanted to trade for another pet that 1000fds turns into 500fds. So in a way we are getting cheated. I hope you understand my math there. If they would of kept the privates sales, this would of never happened. Plus where in the world is tax at 50%, I can't see paying maybe 10% tax on a sale, so if they want members to play fair they should play fair too. I feel that foo is trying to get all new members so that they won't know how nice it was before everything changed for the worse.

    For the fact that Traci is related to Dr. Ron, we should of known how it would be. She probably wears the pants in the family. I haven't had to deal with her yet, and hope I won't have to.

    It was totally unfair that innocent members were band or suspended. For them not to listen to members first to get their side of it is totally pig poop. I thought a person was innocent until proven guilty. Then turn around and make threats to members is totally wrong.

    No I didn't cheat, never knew about either glitch until after the fact. But I had a few friends who got suspended or band that were innocent of cheating.

    All I know is that I am not renewing my subscription when it comes due.

    1. Oh, SilentVoice, I know she is my bestie. It was so unfair of her.

    2. Ah I believe I know who you are then Anon, and yes, it was unfair. While the first time was understandable, to suspend someone for asking questions is just wrong. Especially when you don't make yourself clear to begin with.

  64. I'm just shocked how things are going on Foo. It was like this before (obviously not as bad as now), so I'm not exactly surprised things are going badly again. Well after putting up with everything for what would be 3 years in September, I just decided to let Foo go. I can't stand being afraid to log-in each day, and for most of the time being on Foo, I was afraid to post what I thought. I see no point in paying Foopets $5/month to feel this way. Well, I doubt I'll be back on Foo mainly because I did end up sending a ticket into support that basically said what I wanted to for so long...I didn't say anything "rude" however I made sure that she would know why I was so upset (i.e. her many rude remarks). I know people that say such things are usually banned quickly, and even said that too...so it won't be surprising I guess. :) But oh well...I've stuck around so long that I have no hope anymore for that site. It only seems to get worse and worse, and this just has taken things too far. It's very disappointing, Foo used to seem so nice, and still could have potential.

  65. Well, my boyfriend emailed the online gaming commission last night so maybe they can do something or at least give us some advice on how to deal with this. Maybe there will be a loophole that can be found in Foopets' TOS and/or ROC and they be FORCED to comply with the commission's wishes or lose the site. Do I miss Foopets? Contrary to what I posted before, yes in a way I do! I miss how it was in 2010 when I first joined. It was free, you could get Clubfoo if you WANTED to not that you HAD to. I miss the fashion shows, pokey breeding, being able to post pics in the forums. THAT was what made the site so worth staying a member for as long as I had been, not to mention all the wonderful people I made as friends and whom some I looked at like family. YES, my heart breaks when I think about how it was and see how it is now. Traci needs to go, point blank. If she doesn't, the site WILL fail. There will be no more Foopets once word gets around enough about her and the way paying customers are treated.

    Islen, with all due respect and I am NOT picking on you nor being disrespectful because I DO like and respect you very much BUT it's not just you who is suffering. It's also me, Manic, kiminess, music-note, FallinSkies, Ingrid, Zoe-Grace, Cherie- (on all 3 account), Eternitee (or known as Tee to those who know her) and god knows who else! I'll tell ya what..those people listed above- I would trust my LIFE to. I KNOW they didn't do anything illegal or wrong so I have come to the conclusion that maybe Foo just wants the older players out of the way for good to make room for the (dare I say it?) little immature greedy brats who join on a daily basis. I have PLENTY of screenies of mine and Traci's convos on my support ticket so when she suspended me indefinitely, I left with a clear conscience.

    Ask yourselves one question..is the site REALLY worth that much to you all to risk your dignity and self-respect? Foo feeds off of your love/attachment of your furbabies at your expense. They have pretty much stated they can do whatever the hell they wanna do and then some. It's okay to love and/or miss something but sooner or later, you will have to let it go before it eats you up in your real lives.

    I can only imagine that the stress from Foopets affects members' real lives because it did mine until recently. I just outright refuse to allow anyone to treat me or others like dirt under their shoes and think they got away with it.

    1. I was under the impression that once you clicked the part that stated that you accept the rules, you are bound by those rules. This would be a binding contractual agreement, yay or nay?

    2. to a large extent, yes...the question here is whether they have violated their own side of the agreement by not living up to their own stated obligations, and promises made in writing. it's very thorny, and it is devoutly hoped that this can all be resolved without recourse to legal actions which, whatever their outcome, can only lead to more resentment on one or both sides.

  66. "Ask yourselves one question..is the site REALLY worth that much to you all to risk your dignity and self-respect?"


    "Foo feeds off of your love/attachment of your furbabies at your expense. They have pretty much stated they can do whatever the hell they wanna do and then some. It's okay to love and/or miss something but sooner or later, you will have to let it go before it eats you up in your real lives."

    You Are So Right.
